
Technique of Thai massage - technique and technique of Thai massage

  • Technique of Thai massage - technique and technique of Thai massage

    An amazing and pleasant feeling gives us the skillful, healing touch of human hands. All kinds of ancient and modern massage is a contact way of transferring internal energy from one person to another, which carries health and tranquility.

    Information that the right massage can save us from a great many problems, nervous tension and bodily ailments have come down to us from ancient times. The word "massage" is of Greek origin and means "crumple", "stroking".

    As a method of successful treatment massage was widely practiced in the 3rd millennium BC first in China, and then in India, Japan, Greece, Rome, in the Arab world. From the depths of centuries to the present day, descriptions of various therapeutic massage techniques, acupuncture and acupressure, written on papyri.

    In the Middle Ages, especially in Europe, people somehow managed without a massage, or simply we do not have such information, because the chronicles were written by monks, and the massage was equated with bodily pleasures and, as is known, was banned by the Inquisition. .. And onlyin the Renaissance, when a person's body becomes almost a cult, interest in the massage flares up with renewed vigor.

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    There are many legends about the ancient oriental healers who owned the secret art of healing from diseases with the help of special touches, which were called mudras. Their amazing feature is to release and concentrate the energy necessary for the normal functional activity of a particular system or organ of the human body, and also to restore its energy balance. It is on the basis of this teaching of the Ancient East that modern Thai massage is being built, perfected over the centuries.

    Wat By

    Today Wat Po is a national center for the preservation and improvement of traditional Thai medicine. The state religion in Thailand is considered Buddhism, so the Thais are committed to the Buddha's covenants about non-violence, kindness and compassion. Voluntary bringing of good from Thais is called metta.

    "Wat" means "monastery", "temple".It is monks who are the guardians of the secrets of Thai massage, which has a healing and beneficial effect on the body.60 epigraphs carved on the walls of the temple, describe the energy channels Sen and contain basic information Pali. The sculptural group, located at the entrance to the temple, depicts various techniques and techniques of Thai massage.

    This massage is based on Buddhist philosophy and has long been considered a religious rite. Until recently, only trained monks could do it.

    Thai massage

    This massage, called Thai, is actually called Nuad Boran. This is an ancient and complex science, along with Chinese and Tibetan medicine, based on the energy impact on humans. It was developed on the basis of systematized knowledge in the field of human energy by Indian physician Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha for a long time, more than 2500 years ago.

    The technique of Thai massage is based on the knowledge of all energetically active points of the human body. That is why pressing on these points restores the strength of the body and activates the internal flow of energy, the human body is adjusted to self-improvement, as a result of which even practically incurable by traditional medicine diseases disappear.

    To enhance the effect of massage, various essential oils are used - jasmine, sandalwood, cedar and many others.

    Energy in the human body is one of the predominant, so Thai massage, considering this, can be erotic.

    Technique of performing Thai massage is very diverse. Almost every masseur has his own technique. But they are all designed for the fact that the massage should begin with the feet and end with the head. The patient himself first lies face up, then on his side, and then turns over on his stomach. The duration of the massage is approximately 2 hours, this is enough for a full body treatment. In Thai massage there are no strict fixed rules. Light pressure precedes more complex and stretching, which allows the patient to completely relax.

    Thai massage rules

    • To improve Thai massage is best in tandem with a person with whom you have a spiritual contact.
    • Thus it is necessary to stretch as much as possible each muscle, thus improving joint mobility.
    • Use to influence all energy points you can use your fingers, palms, elbows, feet, knees. The transition from one exercise to another is carried out smoothly and gradually.
    • The masseur must correctly calculate the movements and distribute his weight when pressing.
    • Like other oriental rituals, the technique of Thai massage is a delicate thing, similar to a dance in which touches seem to flow one way into another.