
How to align teeth without braces - methods of aligning teeth

  • How to align teeth without braces - methods of aligning teeth

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    A wide and free smile not only colors the person, but also gives him confidence. The problem with teeth "eats" this confidence. It is from an early age that great importance is attached to the proper development of the teeth, also for the reason that problems with them are much easier to solve during their active growth.

    The irregularities of the teeth with their growth and formation( the so-called bite) are corrected with the help of brackets( bracket - bracket) - complex orthodontic fixed structures. A bite is called the closing of the teeth of both jaws, which can be even( dense) or uneven, in which the teeth touch each other.

    Since 10 years, braces have been used in the treatment of teeth in children, while there is an active growth of teeth, which will ensure the effective use of these structures. The older the age of a person, the longer the bite correction takes place.

    Wearing braces somewhat restricts the consumption of food viscous and very hard, so as not to disturb the orthodontic design that is made individually for each patient. If to add to this inconvenience the psychological factor, wearing braces is not the most pleasant fact for adults, and especially for children. Firstly, it is difficult for children to undergo discomfort during the period of getting used to brackets, and secondly, in the initial period of their life they to some extent, feeling alienation of their peers, receive a double moral load when adapting in society.

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    Most likely, people with broken bite will prefer methods of correcting it, which will not be visible to others, even if their braces are made of precious metals and adorned with sapphires, and this occurs in well-off patients.

    If the problem of malocclusion has not been prevented in a timely manner, then, as some orthodontists say, aligning the teeth can only be done with braces. Is it so?

    Other methods of correction of occlusion

    Methods of correction of occlusion

    To correct the curved growth of teeth, their displacement due to the removal of neighboring teeth or due to anomalies in the development of jaws can be not only with the help of bracket systems. Other affordable and rational technologies for dental correction are also used.


    Restoration of teeth with veneers

    Installation of veneers and lumineers is the simplest and not expensive method, which does not require much effort and time. Veneers are made from ceramics or from composite materials. Ceramic veneers are installed on the sharpened teeth from the front.

    Lumineers from porcelain( veneers of new generation) - the most modern and more attractive unique devices for a "Hollywood" smile do not require stitching of tooth enamel, as their thickness is much less than veneers - 0.2 mm, fastened to the front side of teeth with the help of special medicaladhesive. Both these and other microprosthes are plates in the form of petals that cover teeth that have any errors: slight curvature of teeth, crevices in the dentition, shortening of the length of teeth due to their erasure. But, as you have already understood, these orthodontic elements are just a disguise of the problem.

    Please note! To avoid negative consequences of curved teeth - erasing tooth enamel, inflammation of the gums, poor chewing food - using veneers will not succeed. You can not think about aligning your teeth here. This is only a cosmetic measure.

    caps Transparent

    caps The use of cap and plates is less effective, but a more gentle way of correcting the position of the teeth compared to braces. These removable transparent capsules are very common in solving problems with teeth in children, since in childhood, teeth are more pliable during their active growth. Kapy though do not move children's teeth, but inhibit their displacement and keep in the right position. The undoubted advantage of these removable devices is their cost, which is several times lower than the cost of bracket systems. Kapy are able to expand or narrow the dental arches, fix a small crowding of teeth, a slight turn.

    Silicone removable heads or so-called elainers, made individually for casting, are used to correct the bite of "adult" teeth.

    Please note! The capillaries perform a phased alignment of the teeth. This means that the patient will have to periodically replace some of the kaps with new ones that differ from the previous ones, which inevitably affects the cost of the course of treatment. In addition, the list of indications for the application of the method of treatment of teeth with the help of Alainers is somewhat limited. The use of cap requires careful compliance with the doctor's instructions.


    Orthodontic bumpers

    How to align teeth without braces in young children, is interested in many attentive parents. To children up to adolescence, lip bumpers and stretching plates are attributed to the alignment of teeth. In young children under 5 years of age, the formation of a defective bite is affected by improper breathing of the child or the habit of sucking a finger. Get rid of these habits help special devices - orthodontic lip bumpers, which normalize swallowing, breathing the child, lengthen the short dental arch, weaken the muscle pressure from the side of the chin, cheeks and lips. Bumpers are metal arcs, creating a free space for teeth growth along the dentition.

    Tensile plastics in turn have proved to be a good effective tool for correcting the occlusion of teeth at an early stage of their growth. Plates also narrow or dilate the deformed upper jaw, fix teeth in the given position to get rid of their curvature.


    Trainer - alternative to brackets

    Popular in recent times is the method of getting rid of the curvature of teeth with the help of trainers. This unique method of changing the bite absolutely without pain and relapses is used for children from the age of 5 years. Trainers influence the cause of the defect, and not on the consequence, so the result of treatment is fixed forever. They teach the muscles to work properly. Unlike other devices, including braces that exert mechanical pressure on the teeth, trainers, on the contrary, relieve pressure on the jaws and teeth, stimulating the development of the jaw parts, which contributes to the proper formation of the dentition, and help to get rid of harmful childhood habits.

    Trainers are a unique form of silicone elastic devices that relieve muscle tension.

    Please note! The special convenience of these removable devices is that it is recommended to use them at night during sleep and 1 hour during the day.

    The program for the correction of dental flaws consists of two stages: the first six months there are soft and flexible trainers, the second half a year - more stringent.

    Teeth trainers

    A significant percentage of success depends on compliance with the rules that dentists, orthodontists establish individually for each patient, who insist on regular check-up visits to their polyclinics, in spite of the choice of home methods of teeth alignment. Otherwise, soon you can forget about the near success of success. It is important to use the appointed individual balanced diet, observe hygiene, taking into account all the nuances of caring for installed devices and systems. With all the rest will cope with the natural resources of our body.

    You can make a mistake by claiming that a beautiful smile is a gift of nature. In this there is a great merit of the many years of efforts of parents and the dentist's many-day efforts. Their timely care, supported by the patient, will inevitably lead to the desired result.

    To find out how to align teeth without braces, you need to think about choosing the most accessible and most rational tooth correction technology, on which, perhaps, it is not worth saving your money or your patience. A beautiful smile is always needed, because it is never out of date and does not go out of style.


    Listen to the recommendations of a specialist in choosing the method of bite correction: