
Children's face cream for adults: can I smear a face with baby cream, videos and reviews

  • Children's face cream for adults: can I smear a face with baby cream, videos and reviews

    Baby face cream for adults: Is it possible for an adult to use children's products for skin?

    Children's cream contains natural ingredients, the active ingredients of which are designed for sensitive baby skin, caring for it and not harming. Due to the effectiveness of the baby cream and soft impact on the skin, many women began to use it. This cream will help moisturize the skin, relieve inflammation and soften. The content in the cream of glycerin, extract of chamomile and vitamins makes baby cream suitable for sensitive skin, it can also be used as a protection against wind and cold.

    Children's cream, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, is used as a folk remedy for the treatment of skin rashes, for a stronger soothing effect in the cream, you can add eucalyptus or calendula oil.

    Baby cream combined with mummy is effectively used to eliminate stretch marks. This combination will help make the skin more elastic and moisturized. To do this, the mummy is mixed with a small amount of water and added to the baby cream, the resulting mixture is rubbed into the problem areas of the skin. This composition is stored in the refrigerator.

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    Baby cream prevents the occurrence of burns caused by ultraviolet rays, so it can be used in a solarium and as a sunscreen.

    But cosmetologists share fears that a baby face cream for an adult is not as good as it seems at first glance. The reason is the difference between child and adult skin. In children's skin, the active metabolism of cells, the dermis is renewed much faster than in the adult, the regeneration processes of the baby's skin are particularly rapid, and the decay products and toxins are immediately eliminated. All this leads to the fact that the skin of children is perfectly smooth, soft and velvety. But the protective hydrolipid skin film in children has not yet formed, so their skin is more sensitive and tender. It is to protect such skin in the composition of children's creams is lanolin, which creates a protective film on the surface of the skin. Unlike children's skin, for adults this film creates more harm than good, because it slows down metabolic processes in the skin, prevents the elimination of toxins and bonds the dead cells of the epidermis. This should be remembered when deciding to use children's remedies for adult skin, although immediately after the beginning of their use the skin really begins to look better, it becomes smooth and silky, but after a prolonged application the skin condition deteriorates. The skin begins to lack oxygen and becomes dehydrated.

    Now on the Internet there are real verbal battles on the topic "can I smear a face with a baby cream," many note significant improvements in the appearance of the skin, but this can only be a temporary effect. Cosmetologists say that those who have used children's means for adult skin for a long time later experience such problems as rejection of other cosmetic products, hypersensitivity, the occurrence of allergic reactions, the appearance of rashes, negative skin reactions to heat and cold.

    As a summing up, it can be concluded that cosmetic baby creams can be quite effective for adult skin, if used moderately and with caution, without neglecting the use of cosmetics intended for a suitable age group.

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    Children's cream contains natural ingredients, the active components of which are designed for sensitive baby skin, caring for it and not harming. Due to the effectiveness of the baby cream and soft impact on the skin, many women began to use it. This cream will help moisturize the skin, relieve inflammation and soften. The content in the cream of glycerin, extract of chamomile and vitamins makes baby cream suitable for sensitive skin, it can also be used as a protection against wind and cold.

    Children's cream, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, is used as a folk remedy for the treatment of skin rashes, for a stronger soothing effect in the cream, you can add eucalyptus or calendula oil.

    Baby cream combined with mummy is effectively used to eliminate stretch marks. This combination will help make the skin more elastic and moisturized. To do this, the mummy is mixed with a small amount of water and added to the baby cream, the resulting mixture is rubbed into the problem areas of the skin. This composition is stored in the refrigerator.

    Baby cream prevents the occurrence of burns caused by ultraviolet rays, so it can be used in a solarium and as a sunscreen.

    But cosmetologists share fears that a baby face cream for an adult is not as good as it seems at first glance. The reason is the difference between child and adult skin. In children's skin, the active metabolism of cells, the dermis is renewed much faster than in the adult, the regeneration processes of the baby's skin are particularly rapid, and the decay products and toxins are immediately eliminated. All this leads to the fact that the skin of children is perfectly smooth, soft and velvety. But the protective hydrolipid skin film in children has not yet formed, so their skin is more sensitive and tender. It is to protect such skin in the composition of children's creams is lanolin, which creates a protective film on the surface of the skin. Unlike children's skin, for adults this film creates more harm than good, because it slows down metabolic processes in the skin, prevents the elimination of toxins and bonds the dead cells of the epidermis. This should be remembered when deciding to use children's remedies for adult skin, although immediately after the beginning of their use the skin really begins to look better, it becomes smooth and silky, but after a prolonged application the skin condition deteriorates. The skin begins to lack oxygen and becomes dehydrated.

    Now on the Internet there are real verbal battles on the topic "Can I smear a face with baby cream," many note significant improvements in the appearance of the skin, but this can only be a temporary effect. Cosmetologists say that those who have used children's means for adult skin for a long time later experience problems such as rejection of other cosmetic products, hypersensitivity, the appearance of allergic reactions, the appearance of rashes, negative skin reactions to heat and cold.

    As a summing up, it can be concluded that cosmetic creams can be quite effective for adult skin, if used moderately and with caution, without neglecting the use of cosmetics intended for a suitable age group.

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