
Which nuts are most useful for women and for those who are on a diet

  • Which nuts are most useful for women and for those who are on a diet

    To begin with, a small introduction to the biology course. What is a nut? It is the fruit of a shrub or tree with an edible nucleus. Therefore, peanuts, for example, can not be considered a nut.

    Perhaps we've all heard a lot about the benefits of nuts. For quite a long time there has been a dispute among dieticians about which nuts are the most useful for weight loss and whether they can, in principle, exist, adhering to a diet. In our selection we will tell about the most popular varieties of this useful product and calculate caloric value.

    The leader of our list: walnut

    Why the leader? Because of the available nuts that grow in the vastness of our vast homeland( we exclude macadamia, it is rather a delicacy), it has the greatest amount of useful substances. For example: iron, cobalt, monounsaturated fats, carotene, tannins, as well as vitamin C, which is 50 times more than in the black currant.

    One minus - 656 kcal per 100 grams. However, due to the fact that fats are still monounsaturated, the use of walnuts during a diet is quite permissible, albeit in very limited quantities.

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    These nuts reduce the level of cholesterol, tone the cardiovascular system, return vivacity and contain magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6 and other useful microelements.

    Caloric content - 610 kcal per 100 grams.


    Normalizes digestion, used in cooking and cosmetology. Has in the composition: vitamins E, B2, B3, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron, calcium, magnesium.

    Nutritional value - 640 kcal per 100 grams.


    The most oily of our exhibits. It contains up to 80% fat, similar in composition to olive oil. Also in these useful forest nucleoli are many vitamins of group B, E and iron.

    The leader in caloric content: 700 kcal per 100 grams.

    Pine nuts

    Increase immunity, normalize cholesterol, help with cramps and insomnia.

    In the composition have: vitamins A, B, D, E, as well as vitamin P, iodine, phosphorus and 20% protein, similar in structure to egg.

    Calories: 620 kcal per 100 grams.

    Summing up all of the above, to the question "can I eat nuts with a diet" we give an unambiguous answer: you can, but very carefully. Because they are so tasty, that it will be difficult to limit one or two, and the calorie content is still high.

    Separately, of course, it is worth talking about the benefits of nuts for the female and male body.

    Many beautiful ladies are concerned about the question: are nuts good for women? After all, they contain so much protein and fat. Of course, useful, because the value of the substances contained in them outweighs their caloric value. A walnut is especially useful for women's health. He, according to scientists, reduces the risk of breast cancer, development of infertility and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

    For men, cedar nut has a special advantage: it calms the nervous system( and men are more prone to stresses), increases potency and has a restorative effect on the whole organism.

    Also I would like to consider the benefit and harm of nuts for children. To begin with, nutritionists recommend nutritional advice after three years. Of course, it is not forbidden to give a two-year-old child a nut, but you need to watch that he does not choke on them, as the nuts have a fairly dense structure.

    They can also provoke very severe allergic conditions, which will be easier to transfer to an older age. In addition, nuts are heavily digested and can cause intestinal disorders.

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