
First aid for sunburn - how to help with sunburn

  • First aid for sunburn - how to help with sunburn

    Summer is in full swing, so you need to worry about not harming your skin. It is in this hot season that there is a high probability of a sunburn. In this article, we propose to learn more about preventive measures, about what means exist for sunburn, what is the first help with sunburn, if a burn is still obtained.

    Why burns occur

    Burns of varying degrees

    First of all, it is necessary to determine what a sunburn is. This is the damage to the skin from exposure to invisible rays of the sun. There is a definite dependence, the longer the rays are, the higher their intensity of action on the skin of a person. The most harmful UVB rays. They can cause inflammation and redness. Under the influence of UV rays, special cells of the skin - melanocytes - begin to intensively produce melanin, it is he who saves the skin from burns. A tan is just a result of increased production of melanin.

    Harmful sunlight

    Lying on the beach under the sun, most of us simply forget or do not want to remember that you need to observe certain security measures. After all, to restore the skin as a result of burning in the sun is difficult enough, and from this no one is immune.

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    Please note! After only 30 minutes in the hot sun, you can get a sunstroke, and therefore, even during this time in the sun without sunscreen is not worth it.

    Skin lesions that are not covered by clothing are susceptible to burning. More specifically, this face, chest, shoulders.

    Protection from burns

    To date, experts distinguish between burns of varying degrees. Combining all kinds of things that the body temperature becomes higher, blisters appear on the skin, there is a headache, nausea. Do not neglect in this case a visit to the doctor.

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    may hurt. In order to reduce the risk of pain and discomfort, it is worth using some drugs.

    Please note! The compositions of certain agents include photosensitizers that increase the sensitivity of the skin to UV rays. Therefore, if you are taking similar medications, do not forget to read the annotation to them.
    Sunscreen products

    As a preventive measure and protection it is necessary to use special "before" and "after" tanning cream, you can buy them in a pharmacy or a cosmetology department. Be sure to consider your choice of skin type of skin.

    Please note! Defend the skin from sunlight with a certain tissue that has the ability not to let sunlight pass. For example, synthetic passes 15 percent of the rays, and cotton - 6 percent. If you wet your clothes, the throughput will become even more 20 percent. It is worth giving preference to silk and cotton.
    Drink more water

    When in the sun, it is worth to drink as much water as possible, you can also drink pomegranate juice or green tea that can be cooked at home. By the way, pomegranate has the property of removing inflammation. Include in your diet more vegetables and fruits, nuts and legumes.

    First aid

    1. First aid for sunburn will be to stop the exposure of the ultraviolet to the skin. Therefore, the first thing to do is to hide in the room.
    2. If the burn is severe, blisters and ulcers are observed, then it is worth to consult a specialist who must examine the patient and prescribe him an anti-inflammatory drug, in some cases hospitalization is required.
    3. Immediately upon returning home, a person with sunburn should take a cool shower, and apply cold compresses to those parts of the body that are affected. Remember that you need to normalize the water balance in the body, so follow the above advice - we drink more water.
    4. To relieve fever, reduce pain and itching, it is worth to drink Aspirin tablet. Every 4 hours, drink 400 mg of Ibuprofen, it's worth doing a few days until the redness subsides.
    5. Also use borate petrolatum, a marigold solution with water in the proportion of 1 to 10. Apply compresses.
    6. To relieve itching, pain and moisturize the skin, apply a soothing cream after sunbathing, and use cold aloe juice. The composition of the soothing cream should be a calamine, which will moisturize the skin and eliminate the peeling.
    7. Use all known creams and sprays, which will include panthenol. If there are cracks and blisters, then the optimal option is Solcoseryl cream, and to heal a burn use Olazol and Dermazin.
    8. Burnt skin, like the injured organism, will need vitamins, and therefore it is necessary to apply vitamin E to all damaged areas, due to which more active recovery will begin. During the treatment of burns, which are a consequence of the long influence of sun rays, you need to take vitamins C, D.
    Aloe juice

    Folk remedies

    Admirers of folk remedies can use the methods presented below.

    If eyelids have suffered due to sunlight, it is recommended to apply compresses from bags of green tea. Compress from tea is also done to relieve pain and burning with sunburn. It should be done 2-3 times a day. One procedure lasts 20-30 minutes.

    In order to reduce the likelihood of rubbing the skin after a burn with a bed, it is worth using talc, just fill it with a sheet. In the event that the skin of the lower extremities were damaged, it is necessary to arrange an elevation on the bed.

    To reduce pain and itching, you need to use potato starch, sprinkle damaged tissues, it should also be used as a lotion, just diluted with water. Apply the potato raw in the burn - 15 minutes will be enough. It is best to grate the potatoes and put them in the gauze to a burn.

    Sour Cream

    Mix the potatoes with sour cream. To do this, pre-brew it and clean it. Grind, it is best to do this with a blender. Put the composition on the burned areas for 30 minutes, before cooling, then rinse with water. This product is also great for use as a face mask. Apply the mixture in a warm form, leave for 15 minutes and wipe the skin with a cotton swab.

    Dairy products are especially effective: kefir, sour yoghurt, sour cream. To put them costs or stands 2 times a day thanks to what the skin will soften, the itch and a burning sensation will be removed. Apply a compress of cottage cheese and buttermilk. This mixture will help relieve pain. Put the mixture on a towel. Once the compress is dry, change it to a different one. Instead of cottage cheese, use sour cream or kefir.

    Please note! In case of severe skin damage, when blisters are observed, this method may be contraindicated.
    Calendula decoction

    Herbal compresses are excellent for the removal of pain, itching and burning, and can also speed up the healing process. For these purposes, lavender, chamomile and calendula infusions will be effective. Prepare them in accordance with the instructions. The broth should be stored in the refrigerator, using as a lotion to burns.

    If the skin is red, then you can apply wet-drying bandages soaked in broths of celandine, turns, chamomiles, etc. In the broth, moisten the folded gauze and put it on the burned places for 15 minutes. Apply lotions for burns for 1.5 hours. Allow the skin to rest for 3 hours and then apply a moisturizer.

    Apply freshly squeezed juice from the aloe plant to areas that have suffered from sun exposure, or dilute it in equal proportion with water, for this purpose it is necessary to moisten the gauze in the solution and attach it to the burn. Do this 1-2 times a day for 10 minutes. By the way, you can buy ready-made gel from aloe in any pharmacy kiosk.

    Cabbage leaf

    Apply to the burn can cabbage leaves, apply chilled water with essential oil of chamomile.

    But remember that in no case can:

    • lubricate burned areas with oil, alcohol lotions, ointments, which include benzocaine and lidocaine. These remedies do not restore or heal the skin;
    • take paracetamol;
    • rip off peeling;
    • rub the burn site.

    All this will only exacerbate the situation, and also entail bleeding, infection, discoloration of the skin. Be very careful and watch your health!