  • How to survive the heat - Glamius

    Recently, the summer season has become for many people not just a hot and iridescent time of the year, but a kind of test period that can not be tolerated by every person. After all, if the thermometer's column shows 37-40 degrees above zero, then it's worth considering how to survive the heat without harming your own body.

    As is known, if during the high temperature of the air do not take any action to cool your body, then the person can be exposed to the following dangers:

    • sunburn, which can subsequently provoke an oncology;
    • thermal shock;
    • dehydration.

    It is also worth noting that a strong heat can easily cause complications in people who suffer from kidney disease, cardiovascular system and other organs. That is why, if there is unbearable heat in the street, then before leaving the house, you should definitely take care of the availability of special clothes and means against sunburn.

    Seven important rules of behavior in hot weather.

    . What to put on the heat.
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    • Clothing. In order to understand how to survive the heat, it is enough only to look at those southern countries, where such unbearable weather keeps almost all year round. Of course, wearing turbans and long dressing gowns is not necessary, but some things can still be borrowed. For example, many experts recommend in the hot days to use only cotton or linen clothes of light colors. Such things perfectly pass the air and absorb sweat.
    Hat in heat
    • Hat. It is not necessary to go out in the hot weather without a panama, cap, hat, etc. After all, the active sun can only apply a heat stroke in half an hour, after which the person will come to normal condition for a very long time. It is also worth noting that it is extremely important to wear a headdress made of breathable material and a light shade.
    • Footwear. During the heat, it is recommended to wear only light and open shoes, which will not interfere with the free access of air to the feet. In addition, women are undesirable to use for walking high heels, and men closed shoes or sneakers.
    We use more water
    • A large amount of water. In order to avoid dehydration, it is necessary to drink at least four liters of purified water on a hot day. It is also worth noting that various cold juices from grapefruit, orange, light grapes, etc., are well saved from thirst. But for pomegranate drinks it is necessary to be spicy, because the grains of this fruit sufficiently increase the density of blood. In addition, during the heat it is allowed to drink hot tea, mineral water without gas or slightly salted water. Many people mistakenly believe that sweet soda or ice beer will help to solve the problem with thirst. However, this is fundamentally wrong, because these drinks cause not only an even greater desire to drink it, but also contribute to the common cold and can even provoke tachycardia and hypertensive crisis.
    • Food. In order to survive the heat, you should replace the usual abundant food with light dairy and vegetable broths. In addition, it is necessary to eat several times a day and only in small portions.
    Cooling the apartment with air conditioning
    • Air conditioners. This technique is a very effective rescue tool against the unbearable heat.
    • Physical load. In a period of intense heat, do not load yourself with heavy physical labor or exercises. At such a time, it's better to calmly deal with your own affairs, which do not require much effort.

    Thus, compliance with all the above rules of conduct will allow you to comfortably survive the summer heat without any sad consequences.