
How to treat herpes on the lips - treatment of herpes on the lips

  • How to treat herpes on the lips - treatment of herpes on the lips

    Suddenly, the emerging bubbles on the lip, called "common cold" in the common parlance, are very few people can give pleasure( especially if you have to communicate with people in the near future).And the first thought that comes to mind is to use cosmetic means to disguise the problem. However, everything is not so simple."Colds" can be compared with an iceberg, the top of which is on your lips, and the rest( "underwater") part can cover the entire body. That is why, before you apply on the affected area of ​​a foundation or powder, you should read more carefully information on how to treat herpes on the lips.

    Herpes( in this case - "herpes simple") is a viral skin lesion, manifested as a group of vesicles on a slightly hyperemic edematic base( on the lips, in the genital area and buttocks).Accompanying his appearance is a burning sensation and itching. After a while, the bubbles either shrink( to form a crust), or they themselves open( turning into erosion).In most cases, herpes are chronic, recurrent( that is, periodically and constantly resuming at different time intervals).Before the appearance of the bubbles, the body temperature may rise, there may be a headache and malaise. Independently the bubbles disappear after about 7 days.

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    From one person to another, herpes is transmitted by contact, so do not kiss anyone if you have a "cold" on your lips. Do not forget to also allocate a separate towel and dishes( to wash and wash which is recommended at a very high temperature).Similarly, it should be done if the herpes was manifested in someone living with you in the same apartment. Do not turn a "cold" into a family illness.

    Finding herpes on your lips, try not to touch it with your hands( usually it has to be constantly monitored so as not to make unreasonable movements and not put an infection, for example, in the eyes), especially when the bubbles begin to burst.

    Medical recommendations

    Medical recommendations for the treatment of herpes

    There are several ways to treat herpes. Official medicine recommends, at the first signs of the disease, lubricate the blisters 3-4 times each day with antiviral ointments( anti-herpes, zovirax, etc.), and also take some medications inside( eg, acyclovir).To eliminate the cause of herpes on the lips and prevent relapses, a herpetic polivaccine is recommended. A good effect is given by inducers of interferon( ridostin) and conventional restorative agents. When using medicines, there may be various side effects, ranging from nausea and vomiting( with ingestion), to acute pain and peeling( with external application).

    The manifested herpes on the lips during pregnancy with these drugs can be treated only according to the doctor's prescription and under his supervision. But also delaying with treatment is not necessary, because herpes can affect( and negatively) the development of the fetus. If the lesion is primary( ie, the virus entered the female body after conception), then, in some cases, it may be possible to fear premature birth without proper treatment. In general, the effects of herpes on the lips depend on the gestation period - the smaller it is, the harder it can be. But the genital herpes is especially dangerous, at which the probability of infection of the baby is high or premature termination of pregnancy.

    Traditional methods of treatment of herpes

    If you are not a supporter of medicines, then you can use folk recipes( which saved our ancestors).So, how to cure herpes on the lips with the help of herbs? You have to choose between grits, compresses, decoctions and infusions. Here are a few recipes:

    • grease the celandine juice with bubble-affected parts of the skin 2-3 times a day or wipe with water infusion of this plant every 2 hours;
    • dissolve copper sulphate in boiled water( in the amount placed at the tip of the match) until a blue color is obtained;moisten in a solution a cotton swab and attach to the blisters;
    • rub the affected areas with freshly squeezed violet trio;
    • apply compresses from carefully mixed garlic gruel with an apple.

    This folk remedies for herpes on the lips do not end:

    • broth - 2 tablespoons of grass melissa pour in a saucepan 1.5 cups of boiling water;immediately put on the stove and boil for about 5 minutes;then insist one hour - drink half the glass three times a day at the same time;
    • infusion No. 1 - bark, leaves or elderberry flowers( 1 dessert spoon) pour a full glass of boiling water;then close the lid and insist 20 minutes warmly;drink tea as a sip on a glass about a quarter of an hour before meals 3-4 times a day until the symptoms disappear;
    • infusion No. 2 - melissa herb and alcohol( or vodka) in a ratio of 1: 5 - infusion carefully cauterize all affected areas;
    • infusion No. 3 - powder from dried birch buds and alcohol( vodka) in a ratio of 1: 5 - insist in a tightly closed container( for example, in a glass jar) in a dark place for at least a week;then strain( you can through 2-4 layers of gauze);moisten a swab of cotton wool and attach it( or smear it) to the sore spots.


    Prevention of herpes

    Once in the human body, herpes can not manifest itself immediately. It will take several weeks( and sometimes years), until there are "favorable" conditions for him, which reduced the immunity of his "master."That is why herpes can "pop out" on the lips after a severe or prolonged illness, under stress or overwork, during hypothermia( during the cold season) or during overheating( on particularly hot days).The lack of vitamins and microelements also leads to a decrease in the body's resistance to the attack of the virus. Especially "lucky" representatives of the human race can simply be carriers of the virus, so never in their lives and not faced with bubbles.

    Since removing herpes on the lip quickly still will not work( even if you start treatment at the first signs of burning), then it's worth paying attention to the prevention of the disease. To do this, it is necessary to increase the immunity, which, in principle, is quite simple:

    • in winter and spring necessarily drink the course of vitamins;
    • in the summer and autumn include in your diet fruits and vegetables;
    • do not forget about vitamin C( take either the pharmacy option, or its natural "storage", for example, citrus);
    • take care of your gastrointestinal tract( any of its disorders reduce immunity);
    • exercise;more walk( but not along the roads) and breathe fresh air, get enough sleep.

    And do not forget that herpes is not only a cosmetic problem( several times a year spoiling your appearance), but the body's signal about serious problems that have arisen in it. As soon as possible, take a hospital sheet and get busy with your treatment and restoration of immunity. Only in this way you can prevent relapse in the coming months and help your body. If this is not done, another type of herpes can attack the weakened organism( for example, herpes zoster, accompanied by sharp pain and other unpleasant symptoms masquerading as angina pectoris, attacks of urolithiasis and even appendicitis).By the way, we should not also neglect the next vacation, refusing it in favor of the work, or conducting it, just by changing the type of activity. A rested organism has more chances to withstand viruses and infections than the organism "tormented" by working days.