
Why does a person yawn - why people yawn

  • Why does a person yawn - why people yawn

    Yawning - a thing is really contagious, if you ever remember about it, your mouth almost automatically starts to open.

    What is yawning

    From the standpoint of medicine yawning is an absolutely banal process. This is how specialists characterize it: "a respiratory movement that has an involuntary character, which consists of their vigorous exhalation and a very deep inhalation."Why do you need this involuntary movement?

    People start yawning at a time when too much carbon dioxide is accumulating in their bodies. During a deep inspiration, the body receives a large portion of oxygen, which means energy and strength. Therefore, the statement that we yawn, only when we want to sleep, is not entirely true.

    Did you know that yawning appears in humans long before it is born? According to scientists, the fetus is already yawning at the 12th week of its life.

    Very like yawns and animals. If you have a cat or a dog, you have noticed it several times. What is interesting, they do it not when they are going to sleep, but when they come to the excitement. For example, before a walk.

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    There are animals that yawn in order to show the enemy how sharp his teeth are. The greatest impression is produced by the hippo with its yawn. It can open the mouth to 150 degrees. Incredible!

    Interesting experiment

    Yawn virus

    We all know that yawning is simply extremely contagious. It is worth one person in the room, yawn, as everyone in turn starts to follow his example. In this regard, even studies have been conducted, and it turned out that approximately 50% of those surrounding are infected with this "yawn virus".

    For the experiment, a group of people were put in front of the TV, which showed how the actors yawned every now and then. The result of the experiment? Every second subject became a victim of this yawning infection. In the course of the same experiment, the registration drew attention to the fact that they begin to yawn exactly those participants who have a very active part of the brain responsible for such an emotion as empathy.

    That is, if your neighbor starts yawning after yawning you, you know, he is a fairly responsive and sensitive person. Of course, yawning does not spread simply by air.

    Yawning starts often from lack of sleep or sitting on an incredibly boring lesson. In general, when a person's reactions are a little inhibited.

    As it turned out, a person is very hurt when doing boring and monotonous work. Psychologists from America are not even too lazy to find out how many yawns happen at the seminar on mathematics. It turns out that an ordinary student can yawn at least 25 times in one hour of a lecture. It is a yawn and does not allow to fall asleep. On the contrary, it invigorates the body, which is about to go into hibernation.

    It's interesting that in Japan some enterprises provide special pauses during work, during which all employees yawn. First they do it specially - imitate, and then start yawning really. What happens after such a pause? The work is advancing twice as much as before! Do not you think it's genius?

    Another reason why people yawn, you can call nervousness. That is, when people are waiting for some important interview or meeting, for example, yawning they simply simply remove all accumulated stress and mobilize the body's reserves.

    In addition, the cause of yawning can be migraine, cerebral circulatory disorders, vegetative-vascular dystonia and many other troubles that are accompanied by drowsiness and weakness throughout the day. Did you feel this in yourself? Then it is advisable to consult a neurologist and find out the cause.

    In any case, yawning is a useful and vital thing. So you can yawn on health and do not be ashamed!

    Some interesting facts

    Yawning chimpanzee

    The average person yawns somewhere 6 seconds and about once in 68 seconds. The frequency of yawnings, both in men and women, is approximately the same. But as it turned out, the strong sex is much less likely to cover the mouth with this hand.

    Very prone to mass yawning who would you think? Chimpanzee. When one animal begins to yawn, after a couple of seconds the "party" is picked up by others. What is interesting: the cubs do not react to it in any way. And why, scientists still can not find out.

    The best way to get rid of yawning is active movement. That is, you need to get up from the chair, if this is not possible at the moment, then just straighten your shoulders and take a few deep breaths. When someone looks at you, you probably will not yawn.

    Some superstitions are even connected with this process. For example, our ancestors believed that, together with yawning, a person could fly into a person. Therefore it was considered very important, when you open your mouth, be sure to be baptized.

    Another sign: once yawn often, it means that someone has jinxed you. Imagine, someone else believes in this!