
Insomnia during pregnancy - insomnia during pregnancy

  • Insomnia during pregnancy - insomnia during pregnancy

    The 9 happiest months in a woman's life are often overshadowed by such small, but very unpleasant ailments, such as toxicosis, severe heartburn or insomnia. If you can still fight with heartburn and toxicosis somehow with the help of adjusting the diet, then what to do with insomnia is completely incomprehensible.

    When there is insomnia

    Many pregnant women have insomnia already in the first trimester. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. The organism, as it were, is mobilized, comes to a state of combat readiness. All of its systems begin to operate at full capacity. Although nothing is visible from the outside, but now the work is already underway at full speed.

    Why there is insomnia during pregnancy

    Actually, there may be several reasons.

    Discomfort in the area of ​​the stomach

    The growing uterus more and more fills free space in the abdominal cavity every day. For other organs, including for your stomach, there is very little space left. If you had a close dinner before sleeping, then the overcrowded stomach in this "cramped environment" will not be very easy to fully cope with their duties. And as a consequence - there are serious and painful sensations in the left hypochondrium.

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    Uncomfortable posture

    Often a woman with a long gestation period and, accordingly, a rather big belly, it can be very difficult to find a suitable pose for sleeping. After all, many are accustomed to sleeping on their backs, and this posture during pregnancy is highly undesirable, as the pregnant uterus presses on the spine and diaphragm. Why is breathing difficult, and there are pains in the back. So, whether you like it or not, you have to get used to sleeping on your side.

    Frequent urge to urinate

    This item can be explained by the same compression of the internal organs. The bladder of a pregnant woman is squeezed by the uterus and can no longer accommodate a large amount of urine. To eliminate this problem, you must follow two simple rules:

    • Try not to drink about three hours before bedtime.
    • At the next visit to the toilet, try to lean slightly forward so that the bladder is completely emptied.

    Foot convulsions

    Often, many women during pregnancy wake up at night from the fact that the muscles of the shin brought a severe cramp. Convulsions during pregnancy are caused by a shortage of trace elements such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. What a dream after such a sudden and very unpleasant awakening!

    Overstrain. Not only physical, but also mental.

    Is it time to slow down the pace? In the current state, you are no longer so easily given those loads that you put on your shoulders before pregnancy. Frequently alternate periods of work and rest periods. Believe me, many colleagues will understand you. Also, many mothers are concerned about the thoughts of the near future: How will the birth take place? Is everything alright with the baby? And there are many, many things that are related to her new mother status. Because of all these experiences, the future mother can even be tormented by nightmares.

    Toddler toddler

    Yes, the daily routine of some "puzozhiteley" may not coincide with the daily routine of their moms. In the afternoon, when the mother walks and moves, the kids are rocking, and they sleep most of the time. But at night, when my mother settled comfortably in bed and dozed off, many children started real "dances".

    The unbearable itching of the skin in the abdomen

    With the increase in the abdomen, the skin on it begins to stretch, which sometimes causes very unpleasant itching.

    How to deal with insomnia during pregnancy?

    Preparation for sleep should begin in the morning. It sounds a bit strange, is not it? But this is only at first glance.

    • Learn to relax. After a busy day, it is very important to be able to relax. Otherwise, due to overwork, you will have to toss and turn in bed for a long time. If by evening you feel that you are very overworked, move aside all household chores and a little pozadelnichaite, read the book, take a warm bath, listen to the music for relaxation.
    • If daytime sleep has become a habit, then for a day or two try to abandon it. Maybe the reason for insomnia is that you get enough sleep during the day?
    • If, in your opinion, you do not have enough activity during the day, then try, for example, to go in for swimming or make long walks( naturally not in the city, but somewhere closer to nature).Maybe you want to do something more extreme and make a dance class?
    • Eliminate the habit of lying in bed during the day. You can watch TV or read a book sitting in a chair.
    • If the cause of your insomnia are nightmares, then try to drive away bad thoughts. Tune in for a positive!
    • Let's paraphrase a well-known saying - give a rich dinner to the enemy. It is not necessary to give up everything from dinner. But let it consist only of light and useful products. Instead of evening tea, you can drink a decoction of chamomile, which has a relaxing effect.
    • To make the itching in the abdominal region stop bothering you, buy a special cream from stretch marks that will soften and moisturize the skin.
    • Many people are helped by a relaxing light massage before going to bed. From foot cramps can help massage the feet and ankle.
    • If the baby in the stomach is not a joke for a while, try to calm him down with caressing strokes of the belly, sing him a lullaby song. The kid will feel your love and affection and, for sure, will soon be quiet.
    • For a comfortable sleep, buy a special pillow for pregnant women. By the way, it is always useful for you and during breastfeeding.
    • If there are no contraindications, then making love will help relieve you of insomnia.
    • Ventilate the bedroom before going to bed, wear light clothing made of natural materials.

    Is insomnia harmful during pregnancy?

    Think about what awaits you after the birth of the baby? You are expected to frequent nightly rises in order to feed or change a child. In nature, nothing happens for no reason. Perhaps, already now nature prepares you for all the difficulties of motherhood. Do not despair, do not be nervous and treat insomnia as a kind of training. Be patient, there is still a little bit!