  • Results of the 6th month

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    Motor reactions. When pulling by the hands of the baby sits down and rises to his feet, with support trying to overstep. Moves around the arena, moving his hands and crawling a little. Turned from belly to back and practiced a lot in this skill. Creeps, pulling up on his hands. Gets an object with one hand, while holding the body on the other hand or elbow. Sits without support.

    Skills, Eat well with a spoon, taking off food with your lips. He drinks from a wide cup, which is kept by an adult, a small amount of liquid food - 40-50 g. At the same time he touches the cup with his lips,

    Actions with objects. Confidently takes out items. Freely takes the rattle from various positions;lying on her stomach, for a long time engaged with her. Shifts from one hand to another. Gradually, he seizes the grasp of the object: first he looks for it with his eyes, then quite accurately moves his hand to where the object is, preparing his hand for grasping. He pulls the toys into his mouth and probes with his gums. He is very interested in the toy itself, especially small ones, which can be grabbed, bitten, waved, knocked, moved back and forth. He takes the toy with both hands, holds it tight.

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    Spotting reactions. The child takes special care in crumbs and other small objects. This is due to the development of acute, detailed vision. The smallest size of the object reveals the boundary of visual distinction.

    Auditory responses. It reacts differently to one's own and another's name, although it can be guided by the voice of an adult.

    Speech reactions. Begins to pronounce individual syllabic syllables - combinations of sounds that do not carry semantic load. The child, in addition to intonation, pays attention to the meaning of words. From 6 to 7 months there is an intensive process of accumulation of sounds in babble, and for a month about 40 sounds accumulate on the child. Then the accumulation of sounds of babbling is very slow.

    Emotions. During this period the child begins to love the adult bringing him up, becomes attached to him. Experiencing the expressed alarm at the sight of a stranger.

    Since 6 months he does not agree to just exchange caresses with an adult. He now needs the adult to cooperate with him in the business, organize, encourage, praise. Communication becomes situational and business. Children are looking for the presence of an adult, demanding his benevolent attention. The kid needs an adult to be involved in what he does and actively participate in it. Developing "exchanging" way of communication.

    Intelligence. Explores, considers, actively studies everything to which hands and feet can reach, as well as everything that is within sight. The child is able to correlate new impressions about the subject with the image of this object already existing in him. This ability is called "recognition".

    Later, in a 6-7-month-old baby, signs of intelligence are revealed when they grasp objects. If a child pushes an obstacle aside to grab an object, he solves his first simple task and therefore shows a practical, sensorimotor intelligence. When a child commits one action explicitly in order for another action to be possible, then between the two types of behavior, the relationship of the means and the goal arises. The behavior for overcoming difficulties appears as a form of solving the problem, and therefore the intellect.

    At 6 months, the infant can find similarities between phenomena from different areas of perception, such as vision and hearing, vision and touch. If a six-month-old baby is given a pacifier for the first time, smooth and lumpy, but so that he does not see it, and then show him both nipples at the same time, he will longer look at the one he sucked before. It can be assumed that the child, while he sucks the nipple, develops a fizzling scheme, and then he uses this scheme in a visual search.

    In a similar experiment, infants first listened to jerky or lingering sounds, and then they were shown images of short intermittent lines and solid lines. After the babies listened to jerky sounds, they looked longer at the interrupted lines, and after prolonged sounds they looked longer at the continuous line. It can be concluded that infants are able to determine the intermittence of both auditory and visual images.

    • the weight of the boy is 7300-8100 g

    • the weight of the girl is 6800-7600 g

    • the height of the boy is 66-68 cm

    • the height of the girl is 65-67 cm

    • The child becomes an active, socially oriented creature.

    • Taking objects under the control of vision becomes the main thing in his behavior.

    • The focus of attention moves from the motor act( patting) to the interaction with the object( drops, knocks, throws).

    • The coordination of several behavioral systems is available to the child. He has wonderful responses.

    • Communication becomes situational and business. The child is looking for cooperation with an adult.

    and on their intentions of activity with an adult, the division of the speaker's and listener's positions is observed.

    • Some children 4-6 months begin to sleep less during the day. Parents, seeing this, reduce the number of daytime dreams, not taking into account that the frequency of daytime sleep is extremely important for the child, even with its reduction. Daytime sleep - three times a day, for 1,5-2 hours. The duration of a night's sleep is 10 hours.