  • Treating stone in the gallbladder with folk remedies and methods

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    Those who suffer from this disease should eat less fatty meat and eggs, more water and sugar. Of vegetables, beans, sour cabbage are especially harmful. You can not drink alcohol.

    When you have pain, take aspirin and put a very warm enema of chamomile( a tablespoon of dried flowers to insist, drain), then put the patient in a warm bath for about 20 minutes, then put him to bed. On the liver and hypochondrium to put warm poultices and for two hours to drink spoons the following mixture: olive oil( 200 g), menthol( 0.5 g), cognac( 20.0 g).Two egg yolks must be grinded first. If this medicine is not at hand, then drink a glass of olive oil for two to three hours. About symptoms with stones in the gallbladder, see here.

    Drink in the morning and evening a cup of decoction of herbs taken in equal quantities: horsetail and wormwood. For a cup of water - a full teaspoon of the mixture.

    Within two to three months, drink radish juice a glass a day. If you drink this juice is unpleasant, you can mix it in half with red beet juice.

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    Russian bath is a good help.

    On 1 l of water - 1 g of mummy. Drink 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals for 200 g of solution.10 days to drink, 5 days break. For the course of treatment 12 g of mummy.

    1. Beetroot syrup. Take a few beet heads, peel, wash, cut and cook. Brew for a long time, until the broth thickens, will become like syrup. Take 1/5 cup 3 times daily before meals. It is believed that from such a syrup, the stones in the gall bladder dissolve gradually and relatively painlessly.

    2. Rowan is red. From the stones in the liver and ducts, one must eat for 1.5 months a forest, but not a garden ashberry. There are with everything: with bread, tea, sugar, honey, etc. during the day, eating 2 cups of fresh mountain ash.

    3. Birch leaf. Spring leaf of birch, the size of a penny, collect and dry.2 tablespoons of leaves per cup of boiling water. Boil on low heat to half the volume, when it cools down, drain. Take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day for an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months. Good for small stones. There will be pain, contractions, colic, nausea. It is necessary to suffer. All the stones will come out.

    4. Birch leaf( 2nd variant).

    A tablespoon( top) of dried birch leaves on a glass of boiling water. To boil 20 minutes, to insist, having wrapped, 1 hour, to filter. Take in the morning and evening for a glass of infusion for half an hour before meals. They drink for a long time with cholelithiasis.

    5. Juice fresh plant goose gosin mixed with the juice of a green rye plant. Take 3 tablespoons a day before meals as a remedy for biliary and hepatic stones.

    6. Juice of sauerkraut. Daily take sauerkraut juice for 0.5-1 cup 3 times daily before meals. The course of treatment is 1,5-2 months.

    7. Hairy hairy - 10 g, jaoster( fruits) - 10 g, chicory( root leaves) - 10 g, veronica - 10 g, plantain( seed) - 20 g.

    Pour 2 tbsp. Spoon mixture of 500 ml of boiling water, infuse for 15 minutes. Take warm with sugar 150 ml 3 times daily before meals.

    8. Corn stigmas - 30 g, sunflower( flowers) - 20 g. three-color violet( grass) - 10 g, strawberry( leaves) - 10 g.

    Brew 2 tbsp.spoon mixture of 600 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 20 minutes, drink 30 minutes before eating.

    9. Hawkshaw( grass) - 20 g, St. John's wort( grass) - 2 regacheok( grass) - 20 g, cumin( crushed seed) - 10 g, buckthorn( crushed bark) - 10 g.

    Brew 1 tbsp.spoon mixture of 500 ml of boiling water, insist half an hour with honey( 2 tablespoons of honey for 500 ml of water).This mixture is used for constipation, often accompanying biliary dyskinesia.

    10. Strawberries. It is necessary to take 3-5 glasses of berries a day during the whole season, i.e.3 weeks. This will help with a painful illness for a long time.

    11. Pass through a meat grinder 1 glass of hemp seed. Mix with 3 cups of raw unpasteurized milk, boil to 1 cup. Hot strain and drink on an empty stomach a glass a day for 5 days. After 10 days, repeat the course. There is nothing acute. There are possible attacks of liver pain, you need to suffer. After a year, repeat the course. It is believed that it helps well. It is used for stones in the liver and kidneys.

    12. Melissa lemon( grass) - 5 g, buckthorn( bark) - 10 g, mint( grass) - 10 g, rosehip( small-baked fruit) - 30 g, celandine( grass) - 25 g, immortelle( flowers)- 10 g.

    Brew 1 teaspoon 300 ml of boiling water. To insist 15 minutes, to drink at one time with honey. This mixture should be taken with severe pain in the liver and gall bladder.

    13. Dandelion( root finely divided) - 10 g, nettle( root) - 10 g, calendula( flowers) - 40 g, sweet clover - 3 g, cornflower( flowers) - 20 g.

    Brew 1 tbsp.spoon of this collection of 1 liter of boiling water, put 4-5 pieces of sugar, stir and cover with a napkin, evaporate the hour. Drink 200 ml 4-5 times a day before meals.

    14. Provencal( olive) oil. Take olive oil for half an hour before eating. Start with a half teaspoon and gradually go to 0.5 tea glass, all the time gradually increasing the dose. Treatment usually lasts 2-3 weeks. According to popular observations, with this treatment, the secretion of gastric juice decreases, and it seems to protect against ulcers and abscesses in the stomach. This agent expels stones from the gallbladder and pushes them out without surgery.15. Radish, honey. Stones in bile ducts and kidneys. Radish rub, squeeze juice, mix well with halves of honey. Take 1 / 3-1 / 2 cup, or even a glass a day. To reach the glass gradually. Prevents the formation of stones in the bile ducts of and kidneys, and also prevents the development of atherosclerosis, liver diseases and dropsy.

    16. Cowberry ordinary. Leaves have a stone-breaking effect for cholelithiasis: a tablespoon of leaves brew a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, drain. Infusion take 2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day.

    17. Highland bird. As choleretic herb spongy is useful in the titles of the liver, jaundice and cholelithiasis.

    18. Pass through a meat grinder 1 glass of hemp seed. Mix in with 3 cups of raw, unpasteurized milk, boil up to 1 cup, hot strain and drink on an empty stomach 1 glass per day for 5 days. After 10 days, repeat. There is nothing acute.

    But fits of liver pain are possible, but it is necessary to sustain. After a year, repeat the course of treatment.

    Stones and sand in the gallbladder and kidneys are a natural result of the failure of the body to remove accumulated calcium, formed by the use of concentrated starches and sugar.

    Juice of one lemon in a mixture with 0.5 cups of hot water several times a day and 0.5 cups of a mixture of carrot, borage and cucumber okob( 3-4 times a day) will help the disappearance of stones and sand in the kidneys for several days or weeks(depending on the size and number of stones).

    Here is just one of many examples: a man of about 40 years, for 20 years, suffered numerous acute pains. Doctors installed stones in the gallbladder, which was confirmed by X-rays. Only his disgust and fear of the operation left his gallbladder where he should be.

    After learning about the success of juice therapy and reading one of the early editions of Dr. Walker's book, he turned to the author. And he told him that rapid treatment with juices can cause more pain than those that he experienced before, that they will last from several minutes to one hour and then with the passage of dissolved calcium completely cease. He started drinking 10-12 glasses of hot water, adding juice of one lemon to each glass of water and about 1.5 liters of a mixture of carrot, beet and cucumber juices throughout the day. The next day he had severe attacks of terrible pain, for 10-15 minutes each. At the end of the week, a crisis ensued, during which he rolled on the floor from extreme pain, suddenly the pain subsided, and soon after the stones came out, they caused a reaction in the form of mud in the urine. This evening he became a completely different person, feeling 20 years younger and marveling at the simplicity of the miracle of nature.

    A mixture of carrot, beet and cucumber juices gives us an excellent remedy for the healing cleansing of the gallbladder, liver, and prostate and other sex glands.

    At the same time, it is necessary to refrain at least for a while from using concentrated sugars and starches, as well as meat, to enable the body to come to a normal state.