  • Compatibility of crops

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    There are plants that perfectly coexist side by side, protecting each other with their odor from pests, being mutual biostimulants, but there are warring, who in every possible way suppress each other. For example, beans are very accommodating, practically all plants are friends, but fennel is a fierce enemy. When planting plants in a small area, this fact must be taken into account, so that no "hatred" appears on the beds. You can not plant next to each other, or after each other, cultures that belong to the same species, those that carry the same nutrients in the same proportion, have the same height of the aerial part and the same depth of occurrence of the roots. In addition, the roots of plants secrete mycotoxins to protect their territory from invasion by intruders, so the compatibility of plant root systems must also be taken into account.

    Compatible planting.

    Eggplant - beans. Broccoli - beets, sage.

    Peas - eggplant, marigold, corn, cucumber, radish, carrots.

    Pear - see Apple Tree.

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    Strawberries - marigolds, borage, lettuce, beans, garlic, spinach.

    Cabbage head - anise, potatoes, onion, peppermint, rosemary, chamomile, beet, celery, dill. Cabbage colored - celery.

    Calendula - almost all vegetable crops and flowers.

    Kohlrabi - onion, lettuce, beetroot, cucumber, spices.

    Corn - peas, potatoes, cucumber, pumpkin, beans. Onion and garlic - strawberries, carrots, chamomile, beetroot, celery, tomato, savory.

    Raspberry - plum, apple, calendula.

    Carrots - peas, onions, radishes, radishes, rosemary, lettuce, tomato, sage.

    Nasturtium - most vegetables, phlox. Cucumber - peas, corn, sunflower, radish, beans, tomato, cabbage. Parsley - asparagus, tomato. Sunflower - cucumber. Radish - peas, nasturtium, cucumber, salad.

    Radish - beets, spinach, carrots, parsley, tomato, pumpkin, cucumber. Turnip - peas. Salad - strawberries, carrots, cucumber, radish. Beetroot - kohlrabi, onion, radish, cabbage, beans, beans, lettuce. Celery - cabbage, onion, tomato, beans, cauliflower, leek. Tomato - calendula, lemon, onion, nasturtium, parsley, celery, asparagus. Pumpkin is corn. Dill, spinach - radish, turnips, cabbage.

    Beans - cabbage, potatoes, carrots, cucumber, savory and most garden crops( except beets).Phloxes are nasturtium.

    Garlic - gladioli, strawberry, roses, currant, tulips.

    Apple tree - fir, calendula, hemp, raspberry, tansy, tomato, dill. It is good to plant raspberries near apple and plum trees, and red ashberry - at the corners of the potato field, leave a spruce among the apple orchard, restricting its roots, fast-growing tomato varieties - under apple trees on the south side or scatter the stepchildren of tomato among the currant bushes.

    Incompatible planting

    Eggplant - other solanaceous cultures. Cherries are raspberries.

    Peas - gladioli, potatoes, onions, garlic. Strawberries are cabbage. Cabbage - wild strawberry, tomato, beans. Onion, garlic - peas, beans.

    Carrots - dill, parsley, celery and other umbrella crops.

    Cucumber-potatoes, zucchini, aromatic herbs. Pepper is beet. Sunflower - potatoes. Beetroot - beans, spinach, pepper.

    Tomato - other solanaceous cultures, including potatoes, cabbage. Pumpkin - potatoes.

    Beans - gladioli, onions, garlic, beets.

    No plant tolerates the vicinity of fennel and hyssop, so they should be planted in a separate corner of the garden.

    Strawberries can not be planted near potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage because of a nematode.

    Do not plant seabuckthorn near raspberries, black currants and strawberries - they have roots in one layer, do not place solanaceous cultures among the sea-buckthorn.

    Cherry replaces raspberry, and pome fruits( pear, apple) will replace stone( apricot, cherry plum, cherry, plum).

    Honeysuckle gets along perfectly with black currant, and gooseberry - with red. But sisters - black and red currants - do not like each other. Raspberry will sprout through the bushes of black currant and gooseberry and become very oppressive, so do not let it wander far from the landing site.

    You can not leave an ordinary bird cherry on the plot because of the glass beetle, and the hawthorn is due to the apple pests, and also do not leave the pine - this is the wintering place for many pests, in particular, carrot leaf block and spore columnar rust fungus. Remove the buckthorn from the site and chop the sedge - the hotbeds of goblet rust.