  • Causes of Diseases

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    The most common dental diseases are caries, plaque, pulpitis, periodontitis and stomatitis. In addition, there are ailments of a physiological nature that develop without the involvement of pathogenic microflora, for example, anomalies in the shape or arrangement of the teeth, leading to malocclusion, cosmetic defects, and, in severe cases, to a change in the shape of the facial part of the skull.

    The most common cause of dental diseases at an early and late age are various abnormalities of fetal embryonic development caused by poor nutrition of the expectant mother during pregnancy( especially in the first 3 months).In addition, the early removal of milk teeth for one reason or another, the dying of the dental rudiments under the influence of a localized or general inflammatory process, has a negative effect on the condition of the teeth. Anomalies in the formation of the dentition not only cause the appearance of a cosmetic defect, but also lead to the development of somatic diseases, disruption of the digestive tract( poorly ground food is difficult to treat with gastric juice), changes in bite, the appearance of painful sensations in the jaw joints,

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    A special place in the list of dental diseases is occupied by traumatic injuries. Unfortunately, this kind of trouble can happen to any person - accidentally got a pebble or a fragment of bone in the street, falling on the street in the ice often lead to a fracture of the tooth, full breakage of its crown or, in mild cases, to dislocation of the root. Even slight trauma usually turns out to be very painful and requires an immediate call to a specialist.

    Teeth injuries can also be associated with professional activities. For example, when working in unfavorable climatic conditions, as well as under constant stress, non-normalized schedule, etc., wedge-shaped defects of the enamel, increased abrasion of chewing surfaces, erosion, multiple caries are observed in most patients.

    Sometimes problems with the condition of teeth occur against the background of a general medical condition. For example, with hyperthyroidism( excessive production of the thyroid hormone), the surface of the enamel is covered with numerous erosions, the integrity of the solid cover is disturbed.

    The accompanying factors - an unfavorable ecological situation, a genetic predisposition to the development of dental and gum disease, intensive therapy with potent pharmacological preparations, etc. are also of great importance.