  • Caries treatment with folk remedies

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    Caries is a chronic inflammatory destruction of bone or tooth tissue. The main cause of caries is a prolonged effect on the tooth enamel of organic acids formed in the oral cavity.

    Symptoms: reaction to cold and hot food and drinks in the form of pain. Toothache for no apparent reason.

    Toothache - a signal for an immediate visit to the dentist!

    What is the happening? Aching toothache occurs when the tooth is destroyed almost to the pulp itself. If the tooth is not treated, pulpitis develops( acute inflammation of the pulp), which is characterized by a strong, pulling, unbearable pain. In the case of pulpitis, pain can "shoot" in the ear, the back of the head, the temple. Particularly worse pain at night.

    What should I do? To relieve pain, you can rinse your mouth with vodka, take an analgin tablet. And as soon as possible contact a doctor.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends for pain relief:

    • rub the gum around the diseased tooth with a clove of garlic;

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    • rinse mouth with turnip broth;

    • take a tincture of valerian root for 20 drops 3 times a day.

    Warning! Sore teeth can cause many serious diseases!

    Caries prevention - daily brushing of teeth in the morning and in the evening, as well as removal of food residues with a toothpick and mouthwash after each meal. This is usually sufficient to avoid the formation of a hard plaque. The toothbrush must be changed at least once every 4 months. A visit to the dentist once a year should also be made the usual procedure. Only a dentist can help you with the appropriate toothpaste.

    Prevents caries from eating a healthy and varied food containing all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. Sweets are related to food that provokes the appearance of caries, so it is desirable if not to completely abandon the sweets, then reduce their use to a minimum.

    This disease is widespread among children and adults. It is a softening and subsequent destruction of the enamel and internal hard tissues of the teeth with the formation of cavities of different depths. Usually, the first signs of caries are diagnosed after the first molars are erupted.

    The exact cause of caries has not been revealed to date. The group of risk factors includes the following: genetic predisposition, inclusion in the diet of excess sugar, biscuits, lack of hard fruits and vegetables. In addition, tooth decay often begins with chronic deficiency of fluoride, calcium and phosphorus. It is important and proper care for the teeth: when performing the necessary hygiene measures, the development of the disease occurs at a slowed pace.

    Early caries, affecting the infant's milk teeth, develops when the mother during pregnancy was malnourished or stressed.

    Typically, tooth decay begins with the formation of a bright white or light yellow speck on the surface of the tooth crown( similar changes indicate a progressive defect in the enamel).After a while, the enamel begins to soften, the surface caries develop, which is accompanied by the appearance of unpleasant sensations when chewing sweet and acidic foods.

    If treatment has not been started in a timely manner, the carious cavity begins to increase, spreading from the enamel to the dentin. An average caries develops, requiring an immediate visit to the dentist and sealing the affected tooth. As the caries progresses, the deep layers of dentin seize, the patient feels severe pain when cold or hot food gets into the tooth, as well as water. In severe cases, inflammation of the soft tissues of the tooth develops - pulpitis, which is treated with surgical methods.

    Treatment of caries consists in removal of the affected tissues with the help of a drill and in the subsequent filling of the tooth. In advanced cases, the root canals are cleared, the dental nerve is removed under local anesthesia. To prevent caries use fluorine-containing toothpastes, with weighed heredity recommended the use of fluorolac and other protective compounds.