  • Bee Honey

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    The bee is one of the most wonderful gifts of nature. Since the Stone Age, honey has become a constant human companion as one of the most nutritious, healthy and tasty foods. Having tamed bees and learned how to breed them, people gradually became acquainted with all the products of their life activity - honey, propolis, pollen, perga, bee venom, royal jelly, wax. It is very difficult to name all aspects of human life in which they are applied, but one of the most important was always the preservation, maintenance and restoration of health.

    The treatment of beekeeping products was called apitherapy from the Greek word apis - "bee".All that this small insect produces - honey, pollen, pearl, royal jelly, propolis, bee venom, as well as zabrus, jelly and even chitin - has healing properties and is used in the treatment of various diseases. The advantages of apitherapy are not only in its naturalness and ecological compatibility, but also in the absence( with rare exceptions) of negative side effects and complications.

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    After all, bees:

    "Adhering to thousands of flowers,

    They tirelessly in the garden kingdom

    On the honey collect plants drink blood,

    To make honey - a wonderful medicine."

    M. Shimeev.

    Honey used for the treatment of patients, as well as for dietary purposes, needs only high-quality and only mature, certainly meeting all sanitary and hygienic requirements, which are presented to good quality honey as a valuable food product and as a medicine.

    Honey should be obtained in autumn from sealed honeycombs, pumped out in strictly hygienic conditions. It is important that it should be from different melliferous plants grown on soils rich in microelements - mountain meadows, pastures, forests and forest felling( plants selectively absorb the chemical substances and elements they need from different soils).This is what ensures the high content of trace elements in honey and their diversity. It is important that the honey is stored correctly before the treatment, with strict adherence to the above requirements.

    Centrifuged honey should be placed in small glass jars of no more than 1 liter, tightly closed with metal covers, for sale in stores and for export, or plastic covers when packaging the honey by the customers themselves. Banks with sealed honey should be stored at a temperature not higher than + 13 ° in a cellar or refrigerator, should not be exposed to light that has a harmful effect on the bactericidal activity of honey.

    It is appropriate to note that the honey obtained from sunflower, with willow, shrubby flowers( birch-billed ears of 3 and 5 stamens, etc.), from marsh vegetation, all cruciferous( sverbicha, wajda, kale, field, sturgeon, all mustard -white, black, sizaya, etc., red, rape) are considered low-grade because of the lack of many vital elements in them. They are not suitable even for the wintering of bees.

    Honey should be pleasant to taste, color and smell and correspond to the buyer's confidence in its medicinal properties, as the psychotherapeutic factor in any treatment is of no small importance.

    Paying tribute to the beneficial effect of honey, its preventive and curative properties, it should be borne in mind that honey is basically a means of nonspecific therapy, normalizing the physiological functions of the body, stimulating its protective and other properties, so it should be recommended in the complex treatment of various diseases in the absence of contraindications. This property is also possessed by other biologically active products of beekeeping( BAPP).

    Rationale for the use of honey as an effective medicinal product:

    special importance of fructose, which is rich in honey: increased absorption of carbohydrates and their beneficial effect on the exchange of fats and proteins;

    presence of a complex of substances that ensure normal metabolism in the heart and good contractile activity of the myocardium;

    presence in honey of various trace elements in a ratio similar to that in human blood;

    the presence of vitamin C, catalase enzymes, peroxidase, glucose oxidase and phenolic compounds with pronounced antioxidant properties.

    According to scientists from the University of Illinois. In their opinion, it is thanks to the above substances that honey has its therapeutic effect on the body. They also found in honey a large amount of antioxidants, which possess antitumor activity and prevent the development of heart and liver diseases, damage to erythrocytes. These compounds were obtained from seven different honey samples.

    At the same time, scientists found that dark honey has the strongest protective effect.

    Free radicals of oxygen are a natural product of metabolism in the body, however they cause cell damage and disruption of the DNA structure. Antioxidants bind these dangerous molecules, preventing their harmful effects, and primarily on the liver( hepato-protectors).

    In the Chinese and Japanese pharmacopoeias, honey is used not only as an internal remedy, but also for external use. The scope of honey is very wide and includes: infectious diseases, respiratory organs diseases, blood circulation, digestion, intestinal parasite expulsion, metabolic stimulation, mental disorders, children's, eye, ear, nose, gynecological, skin, dental diseases, nutritionand preservation of health.

    The ancient Chinese pharmacopeia "Khonzo-Kiyo" claims that honey is an excellent medicine, heals from many ailments, detoxifies, is in harmony with many other medicines and is regarded as a means for rejuvenating and prolonging life;notes the effectiveness of honey in intestinal infectious diseases. Chinese medicine believes that with the constant use of honey inside the face becomes rosy, people have a blooming appearance.

    Honey is not only food and health, but also beauty. Like wax, propolis, royal jelly, it has found wide acceptance not only in medicine, but also in cosmetics. Our perfumery industry produces nectar cream Nektar, biocream Lubava for dry and normal skin of the face( contain royal jelly, rich in vitamins, hormones and biologically active substances), jelly for hands and face, in which honey and other products producedbee. Beeswax is widely used in medical cosmetics. It serves as the basis for many cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

    In the pharmaceutical industry, wax has long been used for the preparation of cosmetic creams, ointments and other preparations. It also enters into the composition of nutritious, astringent, cleansing, bleaching creams and face masks.

    Especially useful for the face skin honey. It is considered the most useful, the best and harmless cosmetic product, although some people may have an allergic reaction to it.

    Honey is a part of masks used in cosmetics to prevent wrinkles and to cleanse the skin of the face. Honey masks are made from pure honey or with the addition of other substances: egg yolk, glycerin, lemon juice, etc.

    All masks are superimposed on pre-washed or cleansed with special substances skin. Honey masks are recommended 1-2 times a week for 1-1.5 months, after 2-3 months.course it is desirable to repeat.

    Mix one part of the gruel with fresh herbs thoroughly( leaves of dandelion, arnica, chamomile, mint, nettle, sage, plantain, mashed in a mortar with boiled water) or grape juice with 1 part honey. Apply with dry, aging skin.

    In half a cup of boiling water pour a handful of lime-colored, cover the glass saucer and insist 15 minutes, adding a little( at the tip of a teaspoon) honey. The mask cleanses the skin, makes it more elastic and delicate, prevents peeling. The remaining broth can be stored in the refrigerator until the next morning and repeat the procedure. The result is noticeable after 4-5 days.

    Has an excellent effect with a skin fading skin: 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of juice of mountain ash( other fruit juice).Removed by cotton wool soaked in cold lime mortar.

    It is known that even the ancient Romans used honey to preserve the freshness of the skin and the beauty of the face. There are many recipes for the use of honey in cosmetics, both in pure form, and in combination with other medicines. Especially effective are honey and milk face wipes, honey masks, they soften and nourish, disinfect the skin of the face, increase tone, give it freshness, velvety, smooth wrinkles, roughness.

    It is known how important in our diet are vegetables and fruits, containing "living" organic mineral salts of an alkaline nature, enzymes( enzymes), nutrients and other nutrients vital to the normal functioning of the body. But they also contain indigestible fiber, which makes vegetables( especially in large quantities), not always acceptable for patients with high fever, peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, enterocolitis, enteritis, for the elderly and children.

    In these and in other cases, vegetable and fruit juices in mechanically sparing diets are simply irreplaceable. Extracted from vegetables and fruits with completely preserved mineral salts( macro- and microelements), vitamins, although in a somewhat reduced amount, folic acid, easily assimilated carbohydrates, pectin, they are quickly absorbed and actively participate in all chemical and physiological reactions of our body, increaseresistance, promote longevity.

    In 100 ml of fruit and berry juice contains 12-18% of carbohydrates, giving 50-70 calories. Sour or too sweet juices with poor tolerance diluted with water. Whole vegetable juices bind hydrochloric acid and in chronic gastritis reduce the activity of pepsin in gastric juice. Therefore, it is better to take them with increased secretion of gastric juice.

    If honey is added to any juice with its rich chemical composition, then, of course, the nutritional and therapeutic value of juices is doubled.

    Apparently, there is no need to detail here the chemical composition of each type of vegetable and fruit juices. Basically, it is almost the same, but each juice still has its own qualitative and quantitative features of the content of chemicals and compounds: potassium and phosphorus predominate in potato juice, in cabbage and tomato there are almost all vitamins, especially vitamins of group B and C.But at the same time there are other important mineral elements in them: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iron;enzymes, phytoncides. Juices of onion, spinach, lettuce contain more iron, etc.

    At the same time, by the nature of their biological effect, the juices differ in their versatility.

    More often, taking juices as soft drinks, we do not think that these are simultaneously strong nutritional, dietary and biological agents that replace or even surpass the therapeutic effect of many medicines. When using proteins and fats of animal origin and other high-calorie products, the acid-base balance of the internal environment of our body shifts to the acidic side. Juices, especially with honey, alkalize it, equalize this balance.

    Fruit and vegetable juices with honey stimulate digestion, stimulate appetite, they are recommended during recovery for faster recovery during and after severe illnesses, as juices are quickly digested and digested, with minimal digestive system stress and wasting energy.

    Water-diluted vegetable juices( up to 1:10) give a sokon effect( most of all cabbage, carrot, less - beet and tomato and especially potato).Therefore, diluted juices are best taken with chronic gastritis with a decreased secretory function.

    It is considered useful for health on an empty stomach in the morning to drink 100-150 ml of tomato or peach juice daily, as well as 1-2 glasses of juice from 1 tbsp.a spoonful of honey during the day, which ensures the neutralization of harmful acidic metabolic products that accumulate in the body with heavy mental and physical labor, with overwork;maintains good health, promotes longevity. A small amount of carrot, tomato or apricot juice, diluted with mineral water and drunk on an empty stomach, stimulates bile formation and peristalsis of the gallbladder.

    For medicinal purposes, the doctor must prescribe the juices. Only he will make the optimal set of juices, determine the correct dose and duration of treatment, taking into account the medical history, will carry out the necessary control.

    It should be remembered that in many diseases the amount of carbohydrates by dietitians is limited, sometimes very sweet fruit juices are excluded, for example, grape juice, especially honey.

    Philosophers and doctors of antiquity attached great importance to the use of honey as an anti-aging agent for prolonging human life, preserving health and working capacity in old age. They believed that people older than 45 years to prolong life should systematically take honey with milk or walnuts, as it gives strength, hardens will, gives lightness to the body, preserves youth.

    According to legend, when Roman senator Paul Rumelia celebrated his centenary, Julius Caesar, who was present at the celebration, asked him what means he used to keep his body so strong and vigorous. The answer was: "Inside - honey."The great mathematician Pythagoras, like other long-livers, including modern ones, who lived for 100 years or more, explained their longevity by the use of honey. In the Indian "Book of Life" it is said that it is possible to prolong a person's life only with elixir and a diet consisting of milk and honey. In the daily diet of people who lived more than 100 years, according to the data of Bulgarian medical scientists, there was honey. Observations of elderly people showed that with daily consumption of 80-100 g of honey, they appear cheerful, appetite, sleep and blood composition improve, the percentage of hemoglobin and the number of erythrocytes increase, and work capacity increases.

    Honey in the diet instead of sugar and other sweet confectionery is useful to everyone. Honey with milk, especially pada, is recommended when a significant amount of meat and flour products is consumed: the alkalinizing effect of honey is used.

    As a result of the first conducted in our country in 1941-1944.special studies on the properties of honey and indications for its use found that honey is not just a sweet and very valuable food and dietary product, but also a natural medicine. This is confirmed by one of the traditional medicine folk medicine, which says that "honey bees are gathered in good times from the flowers of fragrant ones, and therefore it has a lot of power in itself and is suitable to a medicine for many diseases."It is important that this medicine is sweet, that it simultaneously nourishes and heals.