  • Mycobacteriosis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Mycobacteriosis is a disease caused not by tuberculous mycobacteria, differing from them by faster growth on nutrient media and some other properties( the ability to pigment, the activity of certain enzymes).There are more than 50 types of mycobacteria, they are divided into:

    - unconditionally pathogenic( dangerous) for humans and animals( m. Bovis - cause diseases in cattle, m. Leprea- cause leprosy in humans,
    - conditionally( potentially) pathogenic mycobacteria, which under certain conditions can cause disease in humans: m. avium, m. kanssasii, m. xenopi, m. fortuitum, m. chelonai, m. malmoense, m. intracellulare;
    - saprophytic mycobacteria( safe for humans): mterrae, m. phlea, m. gastri, etc.

    Given that mycobacteriosis is similar to tuberculosis, for their designationI accept a classification of tuberculosis indicating the type of mycobacterium


    Causes of mycobacteriosis

    Mycobacteriosis does not pose a danger to others, as this disease is not transmitted from person to person, for example, it is proved that mycobacteria predominate in the environment( soil, water)., m.avium is transmitted to humans by airborne droplets as a result of evaporation formations over water. Often the source of mycobacteriosis is poultry. From the soil and reservoirs are allocated m.fortuitum and m.chelonai.

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    There is a predisposition to mycobacteriosis of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, etc., due to a violation of general and local immunity. Also, mycobacteriosis occurs in persons who have undergone organ transplantation, stem cells.

    Symptoms of mycobacteriosis

    Mycobacteria cause diseases of the lungs, lymph nodes, skin. In Russia, mycobacteriosis of the lungs is more common, more often in people older than 50 years who have a history of various diseases of the respiratory system. In children, there are lesions of mycobacteria of peripheral lymph nodes( submandibular, parotid).Since mycobacteria grow rapidly, they often are complications of wound infections, postoperative complications, dialysis, etc. Recently, there are some desensitized processes associated with taking certain drugs( cytostatics, immunosuppressors), in patients with immunodeficiency syndrome.

    The main symptom of mycobacteriosis is an acute respiratory disease or exacerbation of a chronic, non-specific process in the lungs, in rare cases manifested by hemoptysis. In most cases, mycobacteriosis is detected during preventive examinations. Patients are concerned about weakness, malaise, cough dry, sometimes with phlegm, chest pain, low-grade fever( up to 37), weight loss, which makes this disease very similar to the manifestations of the tuberculosis process.

    If you suspect a mycobacteriosis, you need to go to the local therapist, go through a range of examinations, and then the doctor based on the survey, the patient's complaints will most likely be sent to the TB doctor for further diagnosis and treatment.

    Methods of investigation and analysis for suspected mycobacteriosis

    The main analysis is the study of the materials obtained from the patient: sputum, the content of ulcers and other affected areas of the skin, the washing water of the bronchi, urine, etc. Conduct microscopy and study the material with various nutrient media for the purpose of detectionbacteria.

    X-ray reveals infiltrates with disintegration, hematogenous dissemination or fibrous-cavernous process. Possible the formation of "tuberculosis", areas of pneumofibrosis.

    Sometimes, generalized processes can occur with central nervous system damage, with a possible fatal outcome, in 0.5% of cases.

    Difficulties in diagnosis are caused by the similarity of clinical, radiological and morphological signs of mycobacteriosis with tuberculosis.

    Treatment of mycobacteriosis

    Treatment is rather complicated and time-consuming. The scheme uses traditional antituberculous drugs. Increasingly, surgical treatment - resection.

    Used in the treatment of fluoroquinolones( ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin), but their activity is not always effective for the destruction of mycobacteria. The most effective drug from practice is levafloxocin. Positive results are observed when taking ethambutol, rifampicin. Mycobathiosis is considered resistant to streptomycin and in 60% of cases to isoniazid. Used in the treatment of carbopenem( imypenem), cephalosporins and aminoglycosides.

    The disease is studied relatively recently, so there is no consensus on its treatment and diagnosis.

    Advantage goes for inpatient treatment, for drug selection, dosage and systematic observation. Treatment can take from several months to a year. It is necessary to take hepatoprotectors due to the influence of antibiotics on liver function.

    Diet and lifestyle with mycobacteriosis

    It is recommended to lead a correct lifestyle, eliminating smoking and alcohol. High protein diet( meat, eggs).Do not limit yourself to eating, do not lose weight during the period of treatment. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, hypothermia, baths, saunas.

    Folk remedies

    Aloe, honey can be considered useful for stimulating immunity. Adopting badger oil will only intensify the process of decay in the lung. Some people refer to the eating of certain dog people, there is no scientific evidence for healing by this method.

    Complications of mycobacteriosis

    There may be complications such as hemoptysis associated with damage to the vessel wall in the mycobacteriosis process. Pulmonary heart failure caused by narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, a violation of blood circulation. Rare spontaneous pneumothorax occurs due to damage to the visceral pleura.

    Prognosis for mycobacteriosis

    Prognosis for mycobacteriosis is favorable, with timely detection of the disease and treatment, a complete recovery occurs. X-ray can be detected "tuberculomas" and pneumofibrosis, which indicates the need for continuous x-ray control( once a year) to exclude the aggravation of the process or the occurrence of relapse.

    Prevention of mycobacteriosis

    Compliance with hygiene, a healthy lifestyle, strengthening immunity. Annual fluorographic examination.

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