  • Dysbacteriosis of the intestine - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Dysbacteriosis is a disturbance of the balance of microflora. At a dysbacteriosis the parity of useful and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, for example, in an intestine or in reproductive organs is broken. Let's talk more about the intestinal dysbiosis, as it is most often encountered.

    Dysbacteriosis of the intestine

    Dysbacteriosis of the intestine is worn clinico-laboratory syndrome associated with changes in the composition of the intestinal microflora, both qualitative and quantitative, with the possible development of gastrointestinal disorders.

    The equilibrium of various types of microbes of individual organs and systems, supporting the biochemical, metabolic and immunological equilibrium necessary to preserve human health, is called normoflora.

    The number of specific microbes, their composition and proportions depend on the intestine department. In healthy people in the duodenum, the number of bacteria is no more than 104 -105 CFU per ml of contents. With the use of food, the number of bacteria can increase greatly, but quickly comes back to normal.

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    Causes of dysbiosis

    The amount of each type of bacteria that live in the intestine is controlled by the laws of natural selection: highly multiplying ones do not find food, and superfluous people die, or other bacteria create unbearable conditions for life. But there are situations in which the normal balance is changing.

    First of all, they include various immunodeficiencies( in AIDS, blood cancer, in the treatment of radiation and chemotherapy, in systemic diseases).In this case, the immune system is simply not able to control the number of pathogenic microorganisms.

    The second cause of dysbiosis is prolonged antibacterial treatment. In most cases, standard courses of antibiotics do not cause dysbacteriosis, and if provoked, it passes spontaneously, because at the end of treatment the intestine is again populated with a normal microflora that displaces bacteria from the antibiotic insensitive to action. Long courses of the strongest antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action can so well "clean out" the intestines, that there will remain only those that even this treatment does not take. The degree of their danger is such that normal bacteria, even if they enter the intestine, can not compete with them.

    The third reason is that in the intestine such conditions can be formed in which a normal flora perishes. The reasons for this state can be changes in the digestion of individual substances due to the lack of certain enzymes. For example, there is a disease in which patients can not digest lactose, which is contained in milk - lactase deficiency. At the same time, bacteria ferment this sugar, the acidity of the medium shifts towards more acidic, in which many microorganisms from the number of normal flora can not reproduce. Examples of such changes are a large number: intolerance to protein from cereals, casein, sugar, which is found in mushrooms.

    Treatment of dysbacteriosis in the first place should be aimed at eliminating the causes that led to its development, and, at times, only eliminating these causes can defeat dysbacteriosis. Useful bacteria of our intestines die in the following cases:

    1. If digestive enzymes are not given enough quantity, and undigested food remains fermented and serve as a substrate for the growth of pathogens( changes in the functions of the stomach, pancreas, liver);

    2. if the muscles of the intestine do not ensure the normal movement of food masses through the intestines( reduced tone or spasms of smooth muscles of the intestine on the basis of mental or physical stress, surgical operations, vegetovascular dystonia);

    3. If the microclimate in which the bacteria live becomes very acidic or too alkaline, it alters the metabolism and cell membranes of beneficial bacteria( cholecystitis, hepatitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, bowel disease);

    4. if there are not enough substances in the diet that serve as a substrate for the growth of useful microbes or if there are substances that contribute to their destruction( rigid diets, insufficient amount of sour-milk products and plant fiber in the human diet deprives a useful flora of the nutrient medium, the use of preservatives destroys the normalmicroflora);

    5. if there are parasites( worms, protozoa) or pathogenic microbes in the intestine, they excrete substances that kill useful microbes( dysentery, salmonellosis, viral diseases, giardiasis, helminthiases);

    6. The use of antibiotics: they kill not only the "bad" microbes that must be combated, but also the "good" ones.

    Constant stress, inadequate nutrition, adverse ecology, constant intake of antibiotics - these are the reasons why residents of megacities have the greatest chance of earning dysbiosis.

    Combating dysbiosis should be complex. The removal of decay products from the intestine must be combined with the use of products rich in lacto- and bifidobacteria or components that promote their growth. For example, with dysbacteriosis, the use of a dual-action drug - Liquid Coal - helps. On the one hand sorbent pectin cleanses the digestive system from toxins and toxins, eliminating harmful substances. On the other hand, the prebiotic Inulin creates a favorable environment on the inside of the intestine for the reproduction of bacteria - digestive assistants. The solution of these two problems helps to quickly and safely get rid of dysbacteriosis and its symptoms.

    Symptoms of dysbiosis.

    There are no strictly defined symptoms of dysbacteriosis. An eructation, nausea, heartburn, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth or a smell from the mouth, abdominal pain, and allergic reactions to seemingly harmless foods, subfibril temperature are all symptoms of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,and dysbiosis.

    With dysbacteriosis, digestion is most affected. Since food in the intestine is first broken down by bacteria, and then absorbed into the bloodstream. Without the help of microorganisms, the body can not assimilate many nutrients. Therefore, there is nausea, vomiting, loose stools.

    Diagnosis of dysbiosis

    In order to determine the presence and nature of dysbiosis, it is required to find out exactly which microbes colonize the intestine and in what quantity. Today, two main diagnostic methods are used:

    1. Bacteriological study. In the bacteriological method, depending on the specialization of the laboratory, it is determined from 14 to 25 species of bacteria( this is only 10% of all microorganisms).Alas, the result of this analysis you will receive only after 7 days, so much time on average is needed so that bacteria grow in special nutrient media and can be identified. In addition, the quality of the results of this analysis depends on the compliance with the delivery terms and the quality of the material, and there are also difficulties in cultivating some kinds of bacteria.

    2. Method, examination of metabolites of microflora is based on the determination of substances( volatile fatty acids), which microbes secrete in the course of their development. This method has a high sensitivity and easy definition of microbes and allows for several hours to get the result. In addition, it is not as expensive as bacteriological.

    It must be remembered that the composition of the intestinal microflora in each person is individual. It depends on the age, food consumed, and even on the time of the year. Therefore, to establish a diagnosis only on the basis of tests is wrong. Need additional testing to determine the cause of dysbiosis.

    Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis

    Dysbacteriosis is often associated with changes in intestinal motility, irritable bowel syndrome, psychoemotional disorders, so in many cases the treatment of dysbacteriosis should be complex. Therapeutic tactics depends on the characteristics of the disease that caused dysbacteriosis, as well as on the prevailing symptoms.

    Therapeutic measures should be directed to:

    1. Lifestyle change and diet
    2. Elimination of excess growth in the intestine of harmful microorganisms
    3. Implantation of normal intestinal microflora
    4. Enhance immunity to create a natural intestinal microflora

    1. Great value in the processtreatment of dysbiosis has lifestyle correction and proper nutrition .Patients suffering from dysbacteriosis are not allowed to work, requiring great physical exertion. All patients are advised to avoid psychoemotional shocks, stressful situations.

    Dosage regular physical exercise has a positive effect on the nervous system and helps to get rid of depression.

    The main principle of the diet for the dysbacteriosis is the maximum protection of the intestine from the mechanical, chemical and thermal effects of food. Food should be full and varied, rich in vitamins and trace elements. It is necessary to take food on schedule, in strictly established hours. The last meal should be done 3 hours before bedtime. It is necessary to eat slowly, chew your food well, not to be distracted by reading, talking, watching TV."Permitted" and "forbidden" products for dysbiosis are indicated in the table.

    Features of the diet for intestinal dysbiosis

    Well established in the treatment of dysbiosis late eubiotic dinner.

    2. Elimination of excessive growth in the intestine of harmful microorganisms
    The use of antibacterial drugs should be carried out according to strict indications. Strictly speaking, treatment with antibiotics is absolutely recommended only when there is a threat of bacteria entering the intestine into the bloodstream and developing sepsis. In this case, the blood is sown for sterility, and on the basis of the identified microorganisms, specific antibacterial drugs are selected. In other conditions, treatment of dysbacteriosis should begin with intestinal antiseptics. These are drugs such as nitroxoline, furazolidone and others. They act more gently, do not cause damage to normal microflora, but meanwhile significantly reduce the number of pathogens. Antiseptics are prescribed for 10-14 days. In the absence of effect, the use of antibiotics is recommended. If in the analysis of a feces signs of a dysbacteriosis are revealed, and external displays are not present, antibiotics and antiseptics in general are counter-indicative. In this case, our task will be to preserve the normal flora and the use of drugs that stimulate its growth.

    3. Implantation of normal intestinal microflora
    This task of treatment of dysbacteriosis is the most complicated and is achieved only with the use of a combination of drugs. To restore the microflora, preparations containing representatives of normal intestinal flora( probiotics), as well as products that facilitate their survival and proliferation in the intestine( prebiotics) are recommended.

    Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are well-studied and most useful bacteria for the intestine. The creation of new preparations based on eubacteria is promising. It is established that in the intestine less than 10% of the microorganisms entering the body survive. Therefore, it is recommended to use probiotics regularly, for a long time and at the recommended dose. The most common probiotics today are: linex, bifiform, bifidumbacterin, probiophore, enterol. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

    Prebiotics are widely known as hilak forte. This drug is a sterile solution of the products of vital activity of normal intestinal microorganisms. Hilak forte helps to restore comfortable conditions for beneficial bacteria and inhibits the growth of pathogenic flora. Treatment schedule: 30-40 drops 3 times a day for four weeks. Can be recommended even during antibiotics.

    4. Enhancing immunity to create a natural intestinal microflora
    For patients with reduced immunity, drugs such as tactivin, thymalin, thymogen, immunal and other immunostimulants may be recommended. Also along with a full-fledged diet, additional vitamins are indicated.

    Separately it is necessary to mention adsorbents, preparations possessing astringent and enveloping action. Adsorbents absorb toxin solutions and can be recommended for the complex treatment of dysbacteriosis. Well-known adsorbent drugs are activated carbon, Enterosgel, Smecta, Enterodez, Polyphepanum. Astringent and enveloping agents have a good effect on diarrhea. Among drugs, Almagel, Maalox, De-nol, and others possess this property.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of dysbacteriosis

    • Medicinal plants with antiseptic action: blueberries, rosehips, raspberries, strawberries, cranberry and pomegranate juice( diluted with water);
    • medicinal plants with analgesic effect: chamomile, mint, yarrow, sage, calendula, St. John's wort;
    • Medicinal plants with astringent, opposing and anti-inflammatory action: oak bark, St. John's wort, rhizomes and roots of the blood-groove, aplicata of alders, cherry and blueberry fruits.

    Prevention of dysbiosis

    Prevention of dysbacteriosis consists in the process and after treatment with antibacterial agents, mandatory general restorative treatment and adequate nutrition for weakened individuals.