  • Treatment of headache with folk remedies

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    Frequent headaches ( and in our fast-paced world they suffer almost every) may be a sign of a serious illness.

    Causes of headache may be violations of intracranial circulation( for example, with migraine), increased blood pressure, anemia.

    Recognizing and finding out the cause of headaches is of great importance for the correct choice of remedies. If you are practically healthy and the headache is episodic, you can try to remove it yourself, using proven folk remedies.

    Its causes are overfatigue, excitement, changing of habitual situation, change of time zones, lack of sleep, violation of diet, etc. It should be remembered that a headache can be a symptom of dangerous diseases, such as hypertension, ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke of the brain, a tumorbrain, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, etc. Most often this pain is localized in the neck, temples or forehead. Small in intensity headaches do not require treatment, much less taking medications and pass alone after a long rest or sleep. If the headache becomes persistent, then you can try folk methods of treatment, which often prove very effective. If headaches bother you very often, you should consult a doctor to determine their cause.

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    According to the "water" theory, the causes of migraine are, firstly, dehydration, secondly, alcohol, thirdly, too warm a bed( in particular, a blanket), fourthly, allergic reactions of the body and, fifthly, The ambient temperature is too high. Thus, migraine can be called a disease, provoked by "heat stress", in which dehydration of the organism plays not the least role.

    The most logical and reasonable means of fighting headaches is regular and sufficient water intake. Otherwise, migraine can destroy the pain threshold, which will provoke a number of chemical transformations in the body that negatively affect its function. Usually, with migraines, doctors recommend copious drinking and painkillers. It should be remembered that cold water helps to narrow the lumen of blood vessels. Their expansion with the use of hot drinks can act as the main cause of headaches.

    Why does my head hurt? Your doctor can answer this question, but sometimes you, especially in cases of repetitive pain, for example, with migraine or during premenstrual tension, can be an excellent diagnostician.

    And if the cause of the headache is clear to you, try as a medicine tea.

    One wise old woman knew the recipes for all occasions, including, from a headache. She advised: take good Indian tea, brew in a porcelain teapot, add a tablespoon of sugar to a glass of tea, drink it slowly, dissolving in your mouth, tie your head with a warm scarf( better wool and bright) and lie down for 15-20 minutes. Stand up healthy. After learning some details about the medicinal properties of tea, you yourself can explain its analgesic effect.

    About the ability to shoot a headache with the help of plants you often find yourself in the summer when the air is literally overflowing with healing essential oils. Essential oils are plant bioactive substances that enter the body through airways.

    Plants containing a significant amount of essential oils and used for its production are called essential oil plants. And, depending on the content of essential oil, parts of the plant are called etherons. Specialists are four groups of etheronos:

    1. Ethers, accumulating essential oils in fruits, - grain essential oil raw materials: coriander, anise, cumin, fennel, dill, etc.;

    2. Ethers that accumulate essential oils in flowers, - flower material: rose, azalea, jasmine large-flowered, tuberose, lily, narcissus, hyacinth, lilac, white acacia, fragrant violet, etc.;

    3. Ethers that accumulate essential oils mainly in the inflorescence and vegetative mass of plants - flower-herbaceous etheric-oil raw material: pink geranium, eugenol basil, real lavender, mint, clary muscat, caucasian caucasian, patchouli, eucalyptus, etc.;

    4. Ethers bearing essential oils mainly in rhizomes and tubers, - root material: root, vetiver, iris, etc.

    In some plants, essential oils accumulate in flower buds, for example in poplar, birch, cloves;in the bark - a cinnamon tree;in resin and resinous juice - resin conifers, benzoic resin, Peruvian and Toluansky balms. Essential oils differ from fatty( sunflower, olive, etc.) in that they completely volatilize at normal temperature, do not leave stains on paper.

    Essential oils aromatize water, but quickly evaporate from its surface, but in organic media( ether, alcohol, resins) and natural products( honey, milk, cream) are well preserved due to dissolution in them.

    Using them only to improve the taste and smell of drugs is not justified, since many essential oils are themselves a medicine. The most studied component of essential oils are azulene and hamazulene. They attach to such plants as chamomile, yarrow, labaznik, spasmolytic effect: tea from chamomile - a favorite folk remedy for pain in the stomach and intestines. In addition, as scientific studies have shown, hamazulene activates the function of the immune system. Cells that can absorb "foreign", for example bacteria, become more active under the influence of chamazulene.

    Essential plant oils improve tissue respiration and resist aging due to the accumulation of organic phosphorus and ascorbic acid in tissues.

    A number of essential oils( anise, thyme, eucalyptus, turpentine) is secreted by the lungs in an unchanged form, affects the excretion of sputum and nasal mucus, has a deodorizing and disinfecting effect.

    Many essential oils are excreted by the kidneys and through the bile ducts.

    And almost all of them are natural analgesics.

    1. Peppermint - 1 part, oregano - 1 part, spraying - 1 part.1 tablespoon of the mixture for 500 ml of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 / 2-1 cup for headaches.

    2. Melissa.15 grams of herbs for a glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 301 minutes, strain. Take 1 -2 tablespoon 5-6 times a day. It is used for pain in the heart, palpitations, insomnia, colic in the abdomen, swelling of the intestines, kidney colic, dizziness, headache, tinnitus, anemia, as a remedy, soothing the nervous system, painful periods.

    3. Oregano( herb).1 tablespoon dry herbs for 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, strain. Take 0.5 - 1 cup 2-3 times a day with a headache. Pregnant women can not drink.

    4. Menthol oil. Pharmacy preparation. With a cold and runny nose, with a headache, anoint with menthol oil forehead, whiskey, for!ears, neck. It relieves headaches at the beginning of the disease.

    5. Green tea or cinnamon. Make good tea leaves from green or black tea, add a pinch of mint to it. To drink a glass of this tea. After 15-20 minutes, there is a headache.

    6. Cowberry ordinary. In folk medicine, fresh berries are used.

    7. Siberian elder. Apply infusion of elderberry flowers: a tablespoon of dried flowers brew a glass of boiling water, insist 20

    minutes, drain. Take 1/4 cup( preferably with honey) 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes before eating.

    8. Valerian officinalis. Apply in the form of infusions and broths. The effectiveness of valerian is higher for systematic and long-term use.

    a) Infusion: a tablespoon of chopped root pour a glass of cold water, insist 6-8 hours, drain. Take a tablespoon 3 times in a day.

    b) Decoction: a tablespoon of chopped root pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath, insist 10 minutes, drain. Take a tablespoon 3 times in a day.

    9. Devyasil high. Infusion of the root is applied 4 times a day for 1/4 cup 30 minutes before meals: pour a teaspoon of chopped root with a glass of water, insist 10 hours, drain.

    10. St. John's wort perforated. For headaches drink decoction of herbs: a tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, drain. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

    11. Kalina ordinary. Fresh juice is drunk with headaches.

    12. White cabbage. Helps to apply fresh leaves to the head.

    13. Potatoes. Juice of fresh potatoes is drunk in 1/4 cup with systematic headaches.

    14. Clover meadow. Apply infusion of flowers: a tablespoon of flowers brew a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, strain. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times in the day.

    15. Strawberry field. In folk medicine, fresh berries are used for headaches.

    16. Common lilac. Fresh leaves are applied to the diseased area with a headache.

    17. Black currant. Apply 1/4 cup of fresh juice with severe headaches 3 times a day.

    18. Sniffing ammonia can reduce discomfort in some types of headaches.

    1. In the afternoon, take the mummy 0.2-0.3 g in mixture with milk and honey in parts 1:20 2 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed for 25 days, and at the started stage - with repetitions10 days after the course of treatment.

    2. With headache, migraine, epilepsy, paralysis of the body or facial nerve, organ lethargy: take 0.07 g of mummy, mix with juice or a decoction of marjoram( herb) and give a drink;and with lethargy - 0,125 grams of mummies mixed with broth of creeping crescent and nine high and use after boiling.

    3. Headache - drink 0.2 g of mummy for the night 10 days, 5 days rest.

    4. Required:

    for 3 tbsp.spoons of fruits of hawthorn blood-red, flowers of chamomile pharmacy, 2 tbsp.spoons of the herb St. John's wort, 1 tbsp.a spoon of herb Leonurus vulgaris, 0.2 g of mummy, 600 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Ingredients of the herbal collection to grind and mix well.3 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with pour boiling water and put on a slow fire for 20 minutes, not bringing to a boil. Decoction to filter. Add the mummy and mix well again until it dissolves completely.

    In the medicine of Tibet and China, stone oil has traditionally been used to combat headaches. The simplest way is to put an already familiar alcohol compress with the stone oil on the forehead and the temporal areas.

    Compress for headache

    Dissolve 3 g( 1 tsp) of stone oil in 150 ml of boiled warm water and add 100 ml of medical alcohol. Fold the gauze several times and moisten it well in the resulting solution, squeeze and place on the forehead and temporal areas.

    Essential oils "gifted" themselves with lemon balm especially. It looks like a dusty and dried up from the heat of the plant was amazingly fragrant. And what is his strength! My friend, long suffering headaches after arachnoiditis, badly tolerated the heat and began to complain of headaches. Analgina was eaten a lot, but a medication like melissa tea, she did not try. And he turned out to be a panacea.

    It is known that lemon balm and cat litter( catnip) have long been used for headaches and nervous disorders. Tea from them is prepared as follows: 5 tablespoons of dry herbs pour a liter of boiling water in a sealed container insist half an hour. Take 1/2-s / 4 cups 4-5 times a day.

    Grow and harvests melissa. She is unpretentious. Read an article about this plant, and you will be more respectful of the miracle surrogate of melissa tea.

    Melissa officinalis( folk names: censer, uterus, matovnik, medovka, honey slipper, lemon balm, melissa indian, lemon balm, lemongrass, mint, bee grass, bee leaf, bee-grass, rye, citron-balm, citron grass) - a perennial herbaceous rhizome with underground shoots. Stems erect, tetragonal, branching at the apex, 50-120 cm high. Leaves on top naked, lower pubescent, ovate, pointed at the tip, jagged along the edges. Flowers on short pedicels, irregular, bilabiate, small, pale lilac or white, collected 3-10 times in one-sided false whorls located in the axils of the upper leaves. Bracts oblong, shorter than flowers. Calyx campanulate, bilabiate, upper lip flat, with three prongs, lower - two-toothed. Corolla is deciduous, bilabial, whitish or pink, almost naked. Pestle with upper four-ovary and long bifid bar. The fruit consists of 4 small, ovoid, smooth light-brown nuts imprisoned in a sleeping cup.

    Blossoms in June - August, fruits ripen in August - September.

    The whole plant has a strong pleasant odor. The most intense smells before flowering( June), in July and August the smell is much weaker and less pleasant.

    A beautiful honey plant that gives nectar in large quantities.

    Homeland of the balm - Mediterranean. In the wild it is common in Middle and Southern Europe, the Balkans, Iran, North Africa, North America, as well as in Ukraine, the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Lower Volga region. Usually it grows in fairly damp places between shrubs, on forest edges, in shady ravines, along the banks of rivers and streams, along roads. Melissa is cultivated in the countries of Southern Europe and the Middle East. It is grown in the Caucasus and Central Asia. Good yields can be obtained in the southern and central regions of the European part of Russia. Melissa officinalis is demanding for warmth and light. Can grow in shady places, but at the same time yield decreases, and the plant becomes less fragrant. The plant is drought-resistant, it is affected by mushroom diseases in moistened areas and dies. Sensitive to low temperatures, therefore in the central regions of the country it sometimes freezes.

    For medicinal purposes, leaves and shoot tips are harvested at the beginning of flowering. The smell of fresh raw lemon.

    When harvesting the grass is dried in the air in a shaded place and stored in a ventilated dry room.

    After planting, the plant quickly grows, so two or three crops are harvested per season( June, August, October).

    An essential oil found in fruits - from traces to 0.33%( depending on the place of growth), with a strong lemon scent. In the composition of essential oil, citral( 60%), citronellal, myrcene, geraniol, linalool, cineole are present. Ascorbic acid( up to 150 mg%), carotene( 7 mg%), resin, bitter, a little mucus, tannins, coffee, oleanoic, ursolic acid have also been found in the grass. Seeds contain up to 20% fatty oil.

    The plant has antimicrobial, antispasmodic, analgesic, wound-healing, antiemetic, hypotensive and sedative action, as well as bacteriostatic and antiviral properties of the plant. Melissa infusion slows down breathing, reduces heartbeat, lowers arterial pressure and acts sedately on the nervous system.

    Extracts from leaves - an effective sedative. .

    Melissa preparations for the elderly are especially useful. In patients with heart disease, dyspnea disappears, tachycardia attacks cease, and pains in the region of the heart are removed. When taking medications baldness inside, slowing of breathing, a decrease in the rhythm of heartbeats and a drop in blood pressure are observed.

    Usually balm is used for nervous excitement, insomnia, arrhythmia, blood pressure changes, increased sexual excitability, painful menstruation, skin rashes, digestive disorders, vegetative neuroses.

    It is often used with other herbs: mint, chamomile, valerian, etc. Melissa is also recommended for depression, hysteria, migraine, atherosclerosis, dizziness, with noise in the ears and palpitations, with pains in the stomach and intestines, with poor appetite,with chronic constipation and flatulence, as well as with anemia and gout.

    In folk medicine, balm is used for women's diseases and calls it a mother liquor. In Bulgaria, medicines of lemon balm are used as an antispasmodic, analgesic, soothing nervous system that stimulates appetite, relieves colic caused by gas retention, and antiemetics. Herb infusion is used for poultices and compresses for boils and for gargling of inflamed gums. External for massage and grinding prepare alcoholic infusion of lemon balm( 1: 10).

    French experts note that balm balm has the following properties: antispasmodic, soothing, strengthening the heart muscle, wound healing, stimulating the central nervous system. In addition, melissa has a beneficial effect on the stomach, the brain, especially with nervous cramps, dizziness and noise in the ears. This plant is the basis for tea. It is applied in the form of infusion: 25-50 g per 1 liter of boiled water, 200 ml 3-4 times a day.

    In Poland, lemon balm is widely used as a sedative and as an analogue of the root of valerian. Leaves of lemon balm are recognized for use in most countries of the world, and the tops of the plant are in Italy.

    Traditional medicine of Central Asia, leaf broth is used for anemia, indigestion, to strengthen the nervous system and improve heart function, as a diuretic;infusion - with a heartbeat, hysterical fits, dizziness, delay in menstruation, gout, pain in the stomach.

    Melissa essential oil due to strong lemon scent is used in the pharmaceutical industry for the flavoring of medicines. As an external remedy, lemon balm is used for baths, lotions and enemas.

    In the food industry, lemon balm is used for flavoring tea and vinegar, aromatizing liqueurs and tinctures. Melissa is popular in European and Arab cuisine.

    Finely sliced ​​leaves added to summer salads make them more useful, aromatic, tastier. Dried greens are added to vegetable, meat and fish salads in the winter. Well combined melissa with game, veal, pork, lamb, fish.

    A delicate aroma acquires vegetable, mushroom, milk and egg dishes, as well as fruit, pea and potato soups flavored with melissa. Delicate lemon scent of lemon balm easily escapes, which is why it should be added only to ready broths.

    Spice is used for canning cucumbers, which it gives a pleasant smell and strength. In Moldova, lemon balm is put in a filling of fresh or sauerkraut for pie.

    In Belgium and the Netherlands, melissa leaves soften the taste of salted fish - herring and eel.

    Many like to add lemon balm in a mixture of herbs, put in milk, so that it smells better. If the leaves of lemon balm make tea, then it will have a lemon flavor, but it will not become sour.

    Dried leaves lose their flavor over time, even if they are stored in tightly closed containers.

    We offer our recipes for the application of lemon balm:

    • 3 teaspoons of leaves per 1 cup of boiling water, 15 minutes, strain. Drink sips in a warm form before going to bed.

    • As external for aromatic baths with disturbed metabolism and as strengthening in case of general decline of strength: 20 g of lemon balm with the same amount of yarrow, bitter wormwood, common oregano, peppermint, pine buds and shoots( collected in February - March), rhizomes of the aura of the marsh. All this is boiled in a closed vessel in 10 liters of water for 30 minutes. Allow to cool, filter and pour into a bath with hot water. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes. The bath temperature is 37-38 ° C. The course of treatment is 7-10 baths.

    1. "I will pray to the Lord God, I will worship the holy environment, for the servant of God( servant of God)( name), I will pronounce a sore from my head. The Mother of God walked, wrapped a golden hoop, began to think and wonder how, from the servant of God( servant of God)( name), the sore should be removed from the head. I reproach you, I pronounce you from my head curly, from clear eyes, with smooth shoulders, with a ruddy face, a broad heart, scarlet blood, yellow bones, blue veins, all seniors, straight back, withstrong abdomen, from the living abdomen, from the bladder, so that you here, the pain, did not stand, did not prick in the ears, did not dry the body, and did not bring down the servant of God( servant of God)( name).Amen. Amen. Amen".

    2. This conspiracy should be read three times three in the morning."On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, grows a huge dunhill, on a sturdy, healthy bitch, on the bush sits a mother-in-law. The kitten, kotishche, take bolesche from( imyarek).There are many flowers on the oak, a lot of hair on the head, take half a hair."On the sea, on the ocean, on the island on Buyan, stands the oak Tatar. Twelve malicious ailments flew to that oak tree, twelve scrofulls. You disperse, the ailments, the native unkind sisters of scrofula, the stumps, the decks, the rotten ones in the swamps, the slave( name). "After reading the plot, blow on the patient and spit on the ground.

    3. This conspiracy is read for lean oil if the patient was born into a fast, or to a creamy one, if he was born into a meat-eater. The spelled oil is rubbed into the sore spot."In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I will discourage the servant of God( servant of God)( name).Red beauty, do not burn, do not fall my white body, red meat! Come out from all bones, from all veins, from all joints and from my zealous heart. So that this was not and for all eternity has not happened. "

    4. The conspiracy must be read 3 times for water, which then water the head.

    - Water, go to the ground with a headache. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    - As on the Great Thursday the sun rises, rejoices, Every color shimmers,

    So my little head would not hurt, I did not feel dizzy, I would live, I was happy. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    For pain in the occipital region, you need to massage the symmetrical points located on the back of the neck at the edge of the hair.

    Massage is performed rhythmically and synchronously with index fingers or thumbs of both hands. The impact must be strong and measured.

    For pain in the frontal region, massage the symmetrical temporal dots on both sides with the index or middle fingers. The impact should be easy, always synchronous.

    1. Required:

    30 g of therapeutic mud, 30 ml of mint infusion.

    Method of preparation.

    Mix the liquid with dirt until smooth.

    How to use.

    Wipe the area of ​​the head and the point on the back at the base of the neck with liquid, leave for 30-40 minutes. Wash off. Repeat the procedure as needed.

    2. Required:

    150 ml of 3% vinegar, 30 g of dirt.

    Method of preparation.

    Dilute the mud in a mild vinegar solution until smooth and cool.

    How to use.

    Wet the linen bandage with liquid and apply to the forehead. Leave for 10-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure with the resumption of symptoms.

    3. Required:

    50 g of pharmacy petroleum jelly, 20 g of dirt, 20 ml of menthol.

    Method of preparation.

    Mix components until smooth.

    How to use.

    Apply the mixture to the whiskey, back to the base of the neck, along the spine and feet. Leave on for 1 hour, rinse with warm water. Repeat every other day for a month.

    4. Required:

    3 garlic cloves, 50 g of therapeutic mud.

    Method of preparation.

    Crush the garlic and mix it with dirt until a homogeneous gruel is obtained.

    How to use.

    Apply mass to the forehead and whiskey. Hold for 20 minutes. Wash off. Repeat if a headache occurs.

    5. Required:

    2 sheets of white cabbage, 20 g of therapeutic mud.

    Method of preparation.

    Grate the cabbage on a grater or let it through the meat grinder and mix with the mud.

    How to use.

    Apply gruel in the form of appliqués on the head area where pain is felt. Leave for 30 minutes. Repeat as necessary.

    6. Required:

    1 lemon, 30 g of therapeutic mud.

    Method of preparation.

    Squeeze the lemon juice and mix it with the mud until a uniform mush.

    How to use.

    Apply mixture in the form of lotions on the forehead and other painful areas of the head. Leave for 30 minutes. Repeat with relapse symptoms.

    7. Required:

    4 teaspoons of therapeutic mud, 10 ml of infusion of lemon balm, 1 lemon.

    Method of preparation.

    Squeeze out the juice from the lemon and mix with the mud. Add the mixture of lemon balm.

    How to use.

    Put the required amount of the mixture on a gauze pad and attach it to the diseased parts of the head. The duration of the procedure is 35 minutes.

    For treatment, you can use the method of acupuncture: with the index fingers of both hands, press down on the temples at a frequency of about 30 times per minute. Pressing should be weak and not cause unpleasant sensations.

    Dry kelp powder should be consumed 1.5 teaspoons 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks.


    5 pieces of white paraffin with a size of 1 cm3.

    Method of preparation.

    Wax the paraffin in a water bath, then allow to cool to 60 ° C.

    How to use.

    Apply paraffin with a brush on the forehead with a layer of 1 cm, cover with a plastic wrap and gauze pad.

    If your cat lives at home, then use the remarkable property of your pet to eliminate the headache. To do this, put the cat in the form of a collar around the neck and shoulders and try to sit quietly for about 30 minutes.

    For the removal of a headache, it is necessary to contemplate objects of blue and green colors.

    Quickly soothe the headache aromas of such essential oils as marjoram, menthol, basil, pink, lavender.2-3 drops of one of these oils are placed in an aromatic lamp or applied to a handkerchief and periodically inhaled the aroma.

    To reduce the headache, attach to the diseased areas of the head cups or coins of copper. After 15-20 minutes the pain will subside.

    For the prevention and removal of headaches, it is recommended to wear ornaments with aquamarine or amazonite.


    2 glasses of river sand.

    Method of preparation.

    Sand put in the freezer so that it is sufficiently cooled.

    Method of use.

    Put a sufficient amount of sand on the gauze pad and attach it to the diseased parts of the head. Hold the cold compress until the pain subsides. When the sand is warmed, it is changed to a new portion.


    half a glass of clay powder, 100 ml of peppermint infusion, 1/3 cup of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Clay put in enamelware and pour hot water, give a wet. The resulting gruel should be mixed with peppermint infusion until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

    How to use.

    Put on a gauze napkin a small amount of gruel and attach to the area of ​​the head where the pain is felt. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

    For a quick relief of the headache, it is recommended to drink a glass of hot water for the night, and apply a hot compress on the back of the head. A few minutes later the pain subsides.

    Honey is a good helper for headaches. With regular and long-term use it helps even in severe cases. In 1 glass of warm water It is necessary to dissolve 3 teaspoons of honey. This solution should be drunk 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

    Relieves nervous tension and helps to eliminate the headache of a glass of warm milk, drunk at night.

    With persistent headaches, you can drink every day 1/3 cup of juice of potatoes, strawberries or dogrose. Black tea is preferably replaced with green tea, and coffee is discarded.


    for 1 tbsp.a spoonful of chamomile flowers, leaves of lemon balm, leaves of plantain large, rhizome of valerian officinalis, 2 tbsp.spoons of yarrow flowers, 600 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    The components of the collection are well ground in a meat grinder and mixed.3 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with pour boiling water, pour into a thermos and insist 12 hours. Infuse the extract.

    How to use.

    Take 1/3 cup of warm infusion every 2 hours for 3 days.

    For severe headaches, foot baths are effective( water temperature is 36 ° C) for 10 minutes before bedtime. After the bath, you need about 2-3 minutes to keep your feet under the shower( water temperature - about 40-42 ° C), then rub your feet with a terry towel. During an attack, an effective means is a hot foot bath in water, which has a temperature of 40-42 ° C, but this procedure is contraindicated in menstruation. Contrasting hand baths, which alternately use cold and hot water, also facilitate the condition.

    With a headache, you can take 2 napkins and 2 containers of cold and hot water. Alternately lowering the napkin in cold or hot water, it is necessary to apply them to the face and keep each napkin for 2-3 minutes. To finish the procedure is best by applying a napkin moistened in cold water.


    300 ml of sunflower oil or any vegetable oil, 2 tbsp.spoons crushed laurel leaves.

    Method of preparation.

    Leave the laurel leaves, grind into powder, pour with vegetable oil. Infuse in a warm place for 7 days. Strain.

    How to use.

    Use for rubbing in whiskey for headache.


    1 tbsp.spoon of lilac buds, 4 tbsp.spoons of interior pork fat.

    Method of preparation.

    Lilac buds to dry, grind into powder, mix with melted lard. Cool it down. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

    How to use.

    Rub the ointment in the whiskey for headache, as well as in painful places with neuralgia.


    for 1 tbsp.a spoon of nettle leaves, a two-legged nettle, an ordinary stepmother and a narrow-leaved kapreya, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Raw materials to grind, mix, pour boiling water, put in a water bath for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, strain, add boiled water to restore the original volume of liquid.

    Method of use.

    Take 1 glass at a headache.


    For 1 tbsp.a spoonful of St. John's wort, a rhizome with the roots of valerian officinalis, leaves of peppermint, wild strawberry, chamomile flowers and marigolds, 1 liter of boiling water.

    Method of preparation.

    All the vegetable components to grind, mix, pour boiling water, put in a water bath. Boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, drain.

    Method of use.

    Take 1 glass at a headache.


    for 1 tbsp.a spoonful of rosemary herbs, thyme creeping, medicinal sage leaves, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Vegetable raw materials to mix, take 1 tbsp.spoon the composition, pour boiling water, infuse for 10 minutes, drain.

    Method of use.

    Drink the infusion with small sips until it is cold. You can take up to 3 glasses a day. The remedy helps with headache.

    If you have a headache to remove it, you can use some of the methods listed below.

    1. Wipe whiskey, forehead and nape with ice slices prepared from apple cider vinegar.

    2. Make clay lotions on the forehead, nape, whiskey.

    3. Salt the salt in a bag and put it on the freezer for several minutes. Then lie down, attach a bag of chilled salt to the crown, relax. After 10 minutes, shift the bag with salt to the closed eyes. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

    4. Press the dots on the middle line of the head from the border of the hair growth( front) to the crown, then press on the painful points on the vertex( pressing with finger pads).

    5. Massage the feet( fingers and sole) by fast, strong rubbing and tingling. Pay special attention to the points located at the interdigital spaces. Each foot should be massaged for 10-15 minutes.

    6. Take a fresh lemon rind, peel it from the white pulp and apply a moist side to the temple.

    7. Take mummies 0.2 grams in the morning 30 minutes before meals, stirring it in milk with honey( with migraine).

    8. Use cold water from a hose or shower head to drench feet in a few minutes. After a shower, massage the neck, shoulders and abdomen, thoroughly stretching the muscles.

    9. For headaches from mental overstrain, take a warm bath or dip your feet to the ankles in hot water for 10-15 minutes, then drink a hot infusion of peppermint( 1 teaspoon of dry herb into a glass of boiling water).

    10. Carry out massage of the zone of the carotid artery( areas on the side of the neck where a pulse wave is felt).Massage movements( stroking) to carry out from top to bottom - from the lower jaw to the base of the neck. Stroking to produce four fingers first on one side of the neck, then on the other.

    11. Cold hands: Lower both hands for 3 to 4 minutes in a basin with cold water, then remove hands and air dry for 1 minute. Repeat procedure 3- 4 times.

    12. Apply fresh leaves of lilac, white cabbage, fresh peppermint leaves or coltsfoot( smooth side) to the diseased area.

    13. Inhale the aroma of leaves of common oregano, powdered.

    14. Cut the raw potatoes into thin slices and tie several slices to the pain points on the head.

    15. Apply to the temples pieces of the onion cut into two parts for 15-20 minutes.

    16. Put mustard plasters on the back of the neck and calf muscles for 15 minutes.

    17. Mix 3 egg whites and a small amount of saffron obtained by blending the towel and wrapping it around the head. Keep the compress until the pain disappears.

    18. Wet the wool in an equal amount of vinegar and olive oil and attach to the head until the pain disappears.

    19. Pour in an enameled pot of water and apple cider vinegar in equal amounts, bring to a boil. Then bend over the container and inhale the vapor. It is recommended to do not less than 70 breaths.

    20. Fold the cotton turunda, moisten it with onion or beet juice and insert into the ear, tie the head with a woolen shawl or a terry towel.

    21. Pour 4-5 drops of lavender oil in 1 tbsp.spoon of red wine, drink 3 times a day before meals.

    22. If the headache is associated with fever, it is recommended that you periodically wipe the whiskey with heated lemon pulp.

    23. Prepare a mixture of red wine, honey and aloe juice in a ratio of 2: 2: 1, mix well. Take 1 teaspoon.

    24. Slowly comb the hair with a wooden comb for 10 min.

    25. Wearing and applying to the temples natural yellow amber.

    26. Mix leek and honey juice in a ratio of 2: 1.Bury the resulting mixture in the ears with severe headache( 2 drops in each ear).

    27. Lie in a comfortable position( on the back), put one hand under the back of the head( the left one for women, the right one for men), and the other hand for the solar plexus( the right one for women, the left one for men).Close your eyes and lie down for 10 minutes.

    Analysis of statistical data showed that headaches are a fairly common pathology in children, which ranks second after abdominal pain. However, this does not mean that you can not pay attention to it. Therefore, in most cases it is recommended to consult a doctor.

    Headache is a symptom of many diseases and always should be treated with attention when complaining about the child, since it can be a manifestation not only of the painful contraction of the neck and head muscles contracting it, but also one of the initial symptoms of manifestation of severe pathology - meningitis, encephalitisetc.

    Headache as one of the symptoms of intoxication is observed in many diseases( ARI, ARVI, pneumonia and other infections), usually combined with fever. Expression and its duration depend on the degree of intoxication.

    Hypertensive syndrome

    Headache in hypertensive syndrome manifests itself in the form of increased intracranial pressure, which is the result of birth trauma.


    Headache with myopia is one of the most common causes. With a decrease in vision, the child unconsciously strains the eye muscles, which regulate the curvature of the lens, which causes painful spasm.

    Muscle tension

    Headache occurs due to painful contraction of the muscles of the neck and head. It can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, often associated with emotional stress, overwork, meteorological factors. May be accompanied by symptoms of autonomic dysfunction( palpitations, stitching pains in the heart, abdominal pain, etc.).

    Head injuries

    Post-traumatic headaches can occur in most children who have suffered a craniocerebral injury of varying severity.


    Headache often accompanies neuroinfections - viral and bacterial brain damage( meningitis, influenza).In this case, the headache is more often characterized as diffuse, strong and persistent and is associated with an increase in body temperature and vomiting. It can start suddenly.

    Arterial hypertension

    Persistent increase in blood pressure can be accompanied by headaches.


    Headache worries when there is a significant reduction in blood pressure( hypotension).It often occurs in girls during puberty, but can also occur in boys.

    Cervical osteochondrosis

    Headache is observed in the early development of cervical osteochondrosis( most often in adolescence).With the defeat of the cervical spine, there is a partial infringement of blood vessels and nerve fibers with sprouting "spines" of bony outgrowths called osteophytes. In the period of bone growth, there are symptoms of vascular lesions in the neck and the base of the brain - headaches, dizziness, nausea, etc.


    Headache may be a symptom of a brain tumor. In this case, it is accompanied by a number of other disorders, such as visual impairment, nausea, speech disturbance, personality changes, etc.


    Headache can develop with sinus inflammation and is combined with other symptoms of

    disease, such as fever, etc.

    Vegetative dystonia

    Headaches can be a manifestation of a syndrome of vegetative dystonia.

    Migraines are recurring attacks of acute headache, usually one-sided and pulsating, and lasting from 4 to 72 hours. The pain is often of a pulsating nature, it is possible to attach nausea and vomiting. A bright light, sharp sounds can provoke an increase in headache.

    In case of a migraine attack, the child should be put in bed in a previously ventilated and dark room and give an antispasmodic analgesic( paracetamol, baralgin, citramone, etc.).

    By the peculiarities of the child's behavior, it is possible to suspect the beginning of myopia: the child starts squinting. It should be noted how well illuminated the place where he usually draws, reads or deals. It is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist.

    With a headache of tension arising in the same unpleasant situation for the child( going to a kindergarten where he does not like, etc.) it is necessary to find a way out of the situation that has arisen - the child should be comfortable, then the attacks of the headpain.

    If a child has symptoms such as fever, headache, vomiting, rashes, etc., you should immediately call a doctor.

    The tension headache is often diffuse and occurs mainly in the afternoon. This pain is provoked by overwork( for example, at school) and stress. As a rule, the pain passes independently after rest or a short sleep. Excessive loads of children, which come from the parents themselves( circles, sections, additional classes), wishing to comprehensively develop their child, can lead to the onset of headaches.

    In some children, headaches can occur when weather changes, before rain, in cloudy weather, in strong winds( or before its beginning), with a strong drop in temperature and with geomagnetic anomalies. As a rule, such headaches arise from early childhood.

    Parents should be aware that even a slight concussion of the brain can lead to severe and frequent headaches later on. Therefore, after the traumas that have been transferred, it is necessary to be under the supervision of a neurosurgeon first, and then a neurologist who will prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

    For headaches caused by stress or depression, it is possible to use Eleutherococcus, Schisandra - to add to tea in the morning. Tea with lemon is one of the means of raising the vitality of a child. It is useful in this case, and vitamin C and soothing agents( valerian, motherwort, etc.).

    Migraine should exclude from the diet food irritants: hard cheese, smoked sausage, sauerkraut, meat broth, chocolate, citrus, strong tea, coffee.

    In girls in the puberty period, migraine attacks can occur monthly. For advice, you need to contact a pediatric gynecologist.

    In children under 10 years of age, the increase in blood pressure is often due to renal pathology.

    Severe headaches with nausea, vomiting, heaviness in the head, accompanied by reddening of the face and frequent pulse may be signs of high blood pressure, leading to the possible development of hypertensive disease. In this case, painkillers will not help. This can be complicated by the development of hypertensive crisis. Therefore, if you have the symptoms described above, you need to find out what kind of child's blood pressure.

    The doctor should be called immediately for the following symptoms:

    Severe headache is accompanied by fever, vomiting and stiff neck( the child's inability to touch the chest with the neck because of neck pain), as well as muscle spasms and pain that the child has when lifting his straightened leg.

    With a combination of headache with fever, mucopurulent discharge from the nose or swelling of the soft tissues of the face( upper eyelid - at the front, lower eyelid with genyantritis).

    Treatment will depend on the disease that caused the headache. To find the reason of headaches the modern researches will help also. Computed tomography reveals a change in the density of the brain tissue, rheography assesses blood circulation in the brain, and electroencephalography shows the activity of brain cells. If there is a suspicion of arterial hypertension, it is possible to monitor the monitoring of blood pressure and the appropriate treatment. It is not excluded and laboratory methods of examination: general and biochemical blood test, general urine analysis, their evaluation. Conduction of ECG and ECHOKG-examination. Directions for consultation to specialists: neurologist, cardiologist, psychotherapist.