  • Rosacea( rosacea) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Pink acne in translation from the Latin "rosacea" means "like a rose."A beautiful name, but the manifestations are not so attractive.

    The disease is very common. Women are more often ill than 30 years old. The peak of the disease is 40-50 years. Rosacea is not a contagious disease, it does not threaten life, but, a cosmetic defect is expressed, especially, the extreme manifestation of the disease - rhinophyma( pineal nose), is more common in men. Children this affliction can also amaze.

    Symptoms of rosacea

    The disease is characterized by the appearance of persistent redness, rashes appear on the forehead, cheeks, on the nose, around the eyes, pustules can form, small vessels appear through the skin( so-called telangiectasia).In a few years, the disease can go on independently, but, as a rule, the course of the disease is prolonged, with periods of improvement and exacerbations.

    Causes of rosacea

    The cause of the disease is unknown.

    Remember, redness will intensify hot and spicy dishes, sauna, sauna, solarium, excessive sun baths, alcohol, hot tea and coffee, facial massage, emotional overload, i.e.all that stimulates blood circulation. Even during periods of improving the condition of the skin, prophylaxis will need to use medicines.

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    Complications of rosacea

    Chronic deep inflammation of the skin on the nose leads to an irreversible thickening of the skin, which is called rhinophyma( due to proliferation of glandular and connective tissue).Another name is the pineal nose. The skin thickens and on the forehead( the pillow thickening of the forehead is called metofima), and on the eyelids( called blepharophyma), and on the earlobe( called otoffima, the growth of the skin in the form of cauliflower), and on the skin of the chin( called gnathofima ).

    Other signs of rosacea include eye symptoms in the form of redness, may be accompanied by a slight soreness, sensation of "sand" in the eyes, lachrymation.

    Severe complications of keratitis and ulcers.

    Diagnosis of rosacea

    Diagnosis is established upon examination.

    I advise you to hand over a general blood test and blood to hormones, if there are any changes, consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist, a therapist. And also the analysis on demodex. If the eye is involved in the process, consult an ophthalmologist.

    Treatment of rosacea

    Apply a cream that will relieve inflammation, swelling, strengthen the walls of blood vessels( for example: rosaliak, sensibio AR, metronidazole), you can apply lotions with chamomile infusion, yarrow, in addition, the course of metronidazole( in tablets), antibiotics coursesin tablets), vitamins, drugs that strengthen the vascular wall( calcium, ascorutin).When telangiectasias( translucent through the skin vessels) helps electrocoagulation. With rhinophyma( pineal nose), only surgical intervention.

    Remember: hormonal drugs are CONTRAINDICTED! !!