  • Basic principles of eye relaxation

    Before you try to normalize your vision, you need to perfectly master the four relaxation exercises: solarization, palming, rocking and mental presentation. Do them carefully 2-3 times a day for one week before you begin the exercises for the development of vision. During all lessons, take off your glasses.


    Sun and food and drink for the eyes. The Bible says, "The light is sweet, and it is pleasant for the eyes to see the sun"( Ekk 11: 7).

    Recently, at the International Congress of Ophthalmologists in New York, the German doctor G.-Meier-Schwickerath from Bonn reported that patients with serious eye diseases managed to help by looking at the sun with their eyes open during his sunset. After this improvement was noted, this doctor tried to reproduce the same treatment in his office using artificial sun. For many years Bates's method has been protecting the need to use sunlight to strengthen any eyes, regardless of whether they are healthy or sick. The practical implementation of his theory produced remarkable results. Eyes that are too sensitive to sunlight are similar to greenhouse plants. They are not exposed to the sun or air, especially if a person wears sunglasses. Such eyes should be gradually accustomed to bright light. When the eyes in horror recoil from the unexpected and bright, unusual sunlight, the cause of the pain in such cases is not the brightness of the light itself, but something like a shock that a person experiences when suddenly changing the intensity of light. In this situation, you need to calm and relax your eyes in the light.

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    THE RIGHT WAY: First of all, you need to take off your glasses. Stand on the edge of a thick shadow. This can be a corner of the house or illuminated by a doorway. Put one foot on the shady part of the earth, and the other on the bright sun. Now close your eyes and, taking a deep breath, start turning your head from side to side so that the closed eyes alternately pass through the unlit portion and the area to which sunlight falls. The head should be raised sufficiently high that the sun would strike directly into the gap between the edges of the closed eyelids and the eyebrows. During the turns, think: "The sun is coming, the sun is leaving."Repeat these turns until the closed eyes stop shaking in the sun from the pain.

    SECOND STEP: Face your bright sunlight, your eyes are still closed. Now start freely, without tension, turn your head and body to the right and then to the left, tearing the heels off the ground to facilitate this process, and thinking in the following way: "The sun passes me to the left, then again to the right, again to the left - and so on again and again, alwaysin the direction opposite to my turn. "What you think about during solarization is very important, as it prevents the eye from looking at the sun under closed eyelids and "sticking" the eyes to it during your rotation. Let the sun pass you by.

    THIRD STEP: When the eyelids stop shuddering and squinting from the sunlight and will really feel good under it during the turns, cover one eye with the palm so that no ray of light can break through it. The palm should be applied in such a way that the closed eye under it can be opened. Now start making turns, glancing with your palms-bare eyes on the ground at your feet. In doing so, he must blink continuously. Now, lifting your head and elbow, turn from side to side and quickly blink, looking directly at the sun. You will be amazed that no matter how gentle your eyes are, this exercise does not hurt you, and the sun does not seem too bright at all. Repeat this exercise with the other eye. And, finally, perform this exercise by combining both eyes together and making turns, looking with your eyes closed in the sun. This is the end of your work with the sun. You will notice that in your eyes literally ripples from all sunspots, dotted lines and dashes, etc., so step back into the shade and do the palming twice as long in time as you did solarization.

    As soon as your eyes begin to perceive the sunlight with ease, you will be enveloped in a pleasant feeling of physical comfort that gives you sunlight. You will not leave a feeling of soothing ease and mental relaxation. Even half of those sensations that you achieve in the sunlight, you do not get in their dark rooms. One day a young woman came to see me, my former student. She was extremely depressed and was on the verge of hysteria. I persuaded her during our conversation to go for a walk in the bright sunlight. Almost mechanically, she began to turn her head from side to side, closing her eyes, as she had been taught in her time. Soon, from her face, all sense of tension disappeared. She turned to me."I do not even remember why I came here today," she said. "After all, I had no problems with vision, and now I feel very good.""That's what the sun does with its relaxing rays with an upset mentality," I reminded her.

    From the physiological point of view, the strengthening of light-sensitive eyes is priceless, as they cease to suffer from sun glare on the surface of mountain lakes or the ocean coast, sparkling sunshine in the sun or the dazzling sunshine in the desert, not to mention the sense of comfort in city life,where full of illumination and light of automobile headlights. This comfort alone is worth doing to relax the nerves of the retina, allowing to perceive any light, no matter how strong it may be, in contrast to the case when we are dealing with a strained eye.

    Add to this the increased visual power that gives the sun to the nerves of the retina and the optic nerve, and you will realize that the sun is something to be reckoned with. When a person realizes that the sun maintains healthy eyes in good condition and strengthens weak eyes, increasing the metabolism in them, thus purifying them of toxins, he can hardly overestimate the usefulness of sunlight for the eyes. Doctors have always been amazed at the deeply healthy pinkness of the well-solarized retina, in contrast to the usual pallor suffering from lack of sunlight in the eyes. From the aesthetic point of view, the sun gives vitality and brilliance to the eyes, which nothing else can give.

    You will not always have the opportunity to take advantage of the sunlight. Then buy yourself a lamp with a capacity of 260 watts with a balloon-type "Nalco"( "Nal-so") and a bright reflector. The lamp should be located about a meter from the face. It is used quite similarly.

    However, know that no lamp can replace for the eyes and for your health of the sun!


    Remember that the eye is an organ created to perceive light. The eyes need light to see, and they see best in good light. The weaker the eye, the more light it needs. The sunlight that falls on the object of sight gives a chance to see even the weak eyes. Wearing bifocals, they told me more than once that they could read a newspaper in the sunshine, but even a large print with artificial lighting was an impossible task for them. As the eyes grow stronger, the need for such strong light is reduced, but even the strong eyes, which have to do work at close range under low light, gradually become tired, and tension builds up in them.

    Therefore, whichever visual work you expect, take care of the eyes, give them strong, directional light during the execution of hard work, and not scattered, reflected or painted. If, as is often the case, you do not have the opportunity to adjust the lighting in the way you want, ask for forgiveness from your eyes and compensate for their tension, giving them as much health-improving, soothing, relaxing sunlight as you can.

    Weak eyes, despite the fact that they need strong lighting, often can not use it. Strengthening the nerves of the retina with sunlight will allow them to work both under weak and strong light. So use every convenient moment to turn your eyes to sunlight. He will give you both beauty and strength. Well solarized eyes shine and shine!