  • Hypertensive disease and other hypertension

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    Arterial vessels are only suppliers of oxygen, nutritional and biologically active substances in the field of metabolism, AS Zalmanov considered. This is their main biological role in our body. Let me remind you that this role is of secondary importance, the first violin in the orchestra of blood circulation is played by capillaries.

    Orthodontic medicine calls arteriosclerosis one of the reasons for the appearance of hypertonic disease in a person. The essence of arteriosclerosis consists in the formation of fatty plaques inside the arteries, the proliferation of

    connective tissue, which is part of the outer shell of the arteries, and the calcification of their walls. All these physiological phenomena I consider as a manifestation of the phenomenon of the protective reaction of the human body. In this case, we are talking about a protective reaction that arises in response to damage to the arterial walls, occurring for various reasons. Most often, these lesions are in the form of cracks and microcracks, blind or through, piercing all layers of the arterial wall. Naturally, through these cracks the blood passing through the vessels can penetrate into surrounding tissues, that is, bleeding can occur. Cracks can grow further, and arteries can burst, which sometimes happens with arteriosclerosis and hypertension. In such cases, doctors say "vascular catastrophe".

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    In order to protect the body from such consequences, nature invented cholesterol and other fatty substances that, when in blood, join together and accumulate in damaged artery sites, forming the famous fatty plaques. Thus, nature "patches holes" in our vessels. If it was only a violation of the exchange of cholesterol and other fatty substances, then nature would not need to invent such a complex physiological reaction, but it was enough just to direct excess fat molecules to fat cells and store them there.

    Do not forget, dear reader, about the vase-vase-room, as Dr. Zalmanov liked to say, which in the old-medical language means the vessels of the vessels. The point is that everything, absolutely all arteries, including the smallest ones, have their feeding and discharging vessels, and also capillaries, whose poor condition primarily contributes to damage to the arteries and the development of arteriosclerosis in them.