  • Genital warts - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Genital warts is a viral disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes and is characterized by an overgrowth of the epithelium. This pathology can be found in the literature under such synonyms as: viral papillomas, pointed warts, genital warts.

    There are condylomata most often at a young age, in which an active sex life. The disease is poorly understood and, after reading different authors, you will find many contradictions in the main to the approach and management of patients. I will tell you about observations from my practice.

    The problem is really acute, as evidenced by the emergence of new vaccines against the virus of this disease. It follows that in the world of medicine a large percentage of the recurrences of condyloma, the appearance of malignant diseases, which are caused by this pathogen. But first things first.

    The causes of genital warts

    The causative agent of genital warts is human papillomavirus( HPV).It is a DNA-containing virus that multiplies in the nuclei of epithelial cells( skin cells and mucous membranes).Currently, about one hundred varieties are known, but the 6 and 11 types are most often responsible for genital warts. These types, as the authors describe, do not cause cancer and precancerous conditions, but this is a "double-edged sword."All viruses tend to mutate and it is possible that when you read my article, everything will be completely different.

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    The second point: there is no guarantee that the body lacks other types of HPV, more dangerous. Types such as 16, 18, 31 and 33 are much less likely to cause genital warts, but are responsible for cancer and precancerous conditions.

    Infection with condylomas occurs sexually or when passing through the birth canal. Having penetrated the skin and mucous membranes, it penetrates into new and new cells. The contact path( through clothing) is poorly understood and if found, it is rare, since in the external environment the pathogen is unstable.

    The person with already developed symptoms is especially dangerous. For a very long time the virus can be in a latent state, without manifesting itself in any way, and therefore the incubation( latent) period lasts from several weeks to several years, or it may not reveal itself. For this, we need a "trigger hook," which I will call two words: a decrease in immunity. Very often it is sexually transmitted diseases( STDs), since in the genital area, where condylomas are localized, the protective forces of the organism decrease. And, therefore, I consider it a mistake to treat only one genital wart or HPV.When the immune system is in order, it just does not allow the virus to multiply, that he somehow started to cause harm to a person.

    Symptoms of genital warts

    The genital warts clinic can proceed according to different scenarios:

    1) Probably the most favorable when a person carries a virus and the disease does not manifest itself. This condition is called carrier. If the individual "works" normal immunity, and with this compensatory capabilities of the body, then he can safely and long live with HPV, not knowing about it. After all, our body contains a lot of viruses, and this is a positive point in that he "does not rest", producing antibodies( protective substances) and contributing to this normal immune response.

    2) The disease develops when at a certain moment there are specific rashes. The most frequent localization of genital warts in men is the frenum of the prepuce, the glans penis, the scrotum. In women, the labia, the clitoris, the opening of the urethra, the cervix, the vagina. Both sexes have a perineum, an anal opening, a rectum, and the oropharynx. The cause of extra-sex localization can be anal, oral sex.

    The rashes themselves have a different appearance: in the classical version, they are papules( a malignant formation protruding above the skin) on a thin stalk. The amount of condyloma from the pin head to the size with a walnut. When they begin to merge, then their appearance begins to resemble cauliflower. The color of the papules is pink, red or the color of normal skin.

    Complaints about itching, tenderness, as a rule, no.

    Photo of genital warts

    Genital warts: 1. in women 2. in men 3. on the anus.

    These most pointed condylomas can pass independently, can remain unchanged or increase in size.

    In HIV - infected, the disease is characterized by a malignant course with a large number of rashes, a tendency to retsedivam.

    In pregnant women due to the increased work of the immune system not only on themselves, but also on the future child's body, genital warts often begin to remind themselves, tend to increase in size, appear in new places. Possible infection of the child when passing through the birth canal.

    Diagnosis of genital warts

    At the first signs of the disease should consult a doctor: dermatovenereologist, gynecologist, urologist, surgeon, ENT-doctor( localization of condylomas in the mouth).Differential diagnosis is carried out with wide condylomas for syphilis, squamous cell carcinoma, and scabious lymphaplasia.

    When you first visit, you must take tests for all STDs with your sexual partner( including blood for HIV).According to my observations, genital warts are often combined with an infection such as trichomoniasis. Women take cytology of the cervix, colposcopy is performed. In men, the same cytological method( piece of material for examination), urethroscopy( with urethral location, instrumental examination of it).The DNA of the papilloma virus is detected by PCR( polymerase reaction).

    Treatment of genital warts

    The question often arises: "Can I get rid of this insidious virus?"There are different opinions, but I believe not. And to reduce its number and live peacefully is yes. Now they have high hopes for vaccination. In Russia, the vaccine is called gardasil. I, for example, in my practice, do not hurry to immediately remove condylomas. I find out the reason( at sexual localization more often ZPPP) and after treatment these most rashes start to decrease in sizes or propodat themselves. Further in the course of treatment or after it I resort to removal.

    Removal of genital warts is done in different ways and the choice depends on the volume of rashes.

    1) Chemical method - application of various chemical substances( solcoderm, podophyllotoxin, liquid nitrogen).It is used for small rashes. Very often, by mistake, the method is used by the common man alone. But I want to assure you, this method is also an art, and if you drip the lish of the drug, wait for cicatricial changes with coarse consequences( for example, partial or complete phimosis - the inability to open the glans penis in men).

    2) Surgical - excision of condylomas with a scalpel or with the help of a urethroscope in the urethra itself.
    3) Physical - laser application, electrocoagulation( current discharges).

    The last two methods are used for volumetric rashes. When treating genital warts, always use immunomodulators( tsikloferon, neovir, pyrogenal).

    During treatment, sexual intercourse should be avoided until the wound is fully healed, and if STDs are detected - until complete control.

    One of the most popular folk methods of getting rid of genital warts is treatment with celandine. By the way, its juice is sold in pharmacies, but it must be remembered that this is a chemical method and is performed in order to avoid complications, only by a doctor. Effective with small rashes.

    Complications of genital warts

    If the grammatical approach to the treatment of genital warts, the disease does not leave any consequences.

    Peaked condylomas, when ignoring treatment, can get nagged, get injured by clothes, when washing. Cases of their degeneration into cancer are described. It must be remembered that this is always a signal for a person that the body is not all right.

    Prevention of genital warts

    Prevention is the avoidance of accidental sexual contacts, the use of condoms, chemical solutions( miramistine, chlorhexidine), candles( "Geksikon") after them.

    Consultation of a venerologist:

    Question: 3 years ago I suffered genital warts. Can I safely conceive and endure a child?
    Answer: Before you conceive a child, be fully screened for STDs.

    Question: Can I catch genital warts in the pool?
    Answer: Such cases are not described. The virus is not stable in the external environment.

    Question: What is your opinion about vaccination?
    Answer: The drugs( Gardaxil) have been tested in Russia. You can believe that they are safe. But the degree of effectiveness can be judged by the passage of time.

    Doctor dermatologist, venereologist Mansurov A.S.