  • Fetishism - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Fetishism is a disorder of sexual orientation, which is based on sexual attraction to inanimate objects. Without them, the patient can not achieve complete satisfaction in sex. On the other hand, fetishism is a characteristic of a person to endow things with special power or supernatural abilities. Thus, the disease is a mental or conscious dependence on certain things or situations.

    The subject of sexual symbolism, which attracts the abnormal consciousness of a person, is a fetish. They can be: a part of the human body or its secretions( sweat, saliva. ..), clothing, shoes or even furniture.

    For the first time the term Fetishism was introduced in the 18th century by the French explorer Charles de Bross, who introduced this concept to describe the evolution of religious evolution. Then the phenomenon of fetishism and its nature became of interest to researchers from other fields of science. Later, the phenomenon of anti-fetishism was discovered. It consists in the fact that certain items( clothes, the smell of a partner) reduce or block sexual arousal.

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    Fetishism occurs, most often, in men and is one of the most common sexual perversions.

    There are situations associated with fetishism, which seem quite ordinary and are found in everyday life: men's sexual interest in shoes on heels, stockings or to a lush breasts in a woman;for women, a fetish is a thing that helps her feel secure, or is simply props. In fact, fetishes can be countless. And their use is not a disease if it matches both partners.

    The difference between the norm and pathology is only that the subject should be used as a stimulant to achieve sexual satisfaction, and not be an object of sexual interest.

    Many doctors believe that fetishism is deeply rooted in the human psyche, and it is almost impossible to cure it.

    Causes of fetishism

    The causes of fetishism are not fully understood. Almost every person has a certain incentive, which reacts very strongly. It follows that all people are born with a predisposition to fetishism.

    Some scientists believe that the disease develops in early childhood and directly affects childhood experiences.

    The development of fetishism necessarily precedes the situation associated with a powerful sexual arousal or satisfaction. In contrast, other studies show that the disease begins in adolescence with the onset of teenage masturbation.

    Symptoms( signs) of fetishism

    Common signs:

    - Strong and unusual obsessions that significantly impede the performance of normal sexual intercourse( for example, sexual intercourse only in one position, after drinking a lot of alcohol).

    - Fetishists are not able to try new ways of satisfying, as they are used to associating everything with certain rituals. The frustration does not give them the opportunity to fully enjoy the pleasure of sex.

    - Patients perform certain actions in relation to inanimate objects, accompanied by erotic fantasies of a sexual nature.

    - Over time, the importance of fetish increases, becoming the main condition for achieving sexual pleasure and satisfaction.

    Specific signs of fetishism:

    - Use of devices designed for the purpose of tactile stimulation of the genitals( vibrators).

    - Addiction to masturbate with your reflection in the mirror. The fetish in this case is its own body.

    - The tendency to dress in the costumes of your gender, but corresponding to another time, social class, culture, etc.

    - Sexual arousal from putting on clothes belonging to another person of the same sex.

    - Addiction to role-playing games.

    - Patients can experience attraction to various deformations of the human body( to the cripples, complete).

    - There may be a sexual attraction to people with a different skin color.

    - Excitation can cause the smell of a partner( natural odor produced by the skin or artificial perfume fragrances).

    - Love of shoes and props made of leather.

    When should I see a doctor?

    Most sexologists believe that fetishism is very difficult to cure, and in some cases impossible, because, in general, patients turn to a sexologist for only one purpose - to change or diversify their sexual relations with a partner. Many, as a rule, are ready to accept illness of the close person. Such couples often do not want to turn to a sex therapist. Or they come only to get confirmation that there is nothing wrong with the partner's behavior. Patients often choose a life partner who agrees with their sexual interests. In such cases, fetishism is relatively safe.

    But there are situations when the partner obsessively observes specific rituals and this is a serious problem. Do not try to "treat the patient with his love," it is better to look for professional help. In this case, psychotherapy is most effective.

    If a partner's fetishism is not acceptable in a relationship, dangerous to others or illegal, timely assistance is needed. Sometimes fetishism occurs along with severe personality disorders or mental illness. Then the loss of satisfaction from sex is just one of the symptoms of serious psychological problems that require appropriate treatment.

    Fetishism is a complex sexual dysfunction that borders on narcissism and transvestism.

    The diagnosis of "fetishism" is made on the basis of a detailed history of the patient or by direct observation of it.

    Treatment of fetishism

    Most patients with fetishism do not seek professional support, because for them it is something personal and intimate. In turn, society is showing more and more tolerance for people - fetishists, thereby reducing the already minimal demand for treatment.

    There are dangerous forms of fetishism( necrophilia - love of the dead, coprophilia - a sexual interest in everything related to feces, masochism - beatings) and the only way to avoid this is to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Therapy helps to contain sexual desire, and in some cases to repay it.

    Types of psychotherapy for fetishism

    Behavioral therapy - the expert explains how to replace the unconventional( unreasonable) behavior with erotic fantasies, to develop the imagination. Therapy has limited success.

    Disgust Therapy - in response to sexual interest in a fetish another stimulation( shock therapy) is introduced, thus, dreams are given a negative shade. This type of medical care is characterized as aggressive.

    The method of reorientation - is aimed at rebuilding the patient into "normal" sexuality.

    Group psychotherapy or psychoanalysis - suitable for patients who are able to control their sexual impulses. Helps to acquire more skills in the fight against the disease.

    The prognosis in the treatment of fetishism, most often, is not favorable, since most patients do not want to change anything in their life. In most cases, therapy does not work.

    But the personal forecast for a person suffering from fetishism is good enough if the disease does not affect other areas of his life and does not pose a physical hazard.

    Prevention of fetishism

    The origin of some fetishes is a random association between a particular object or situation and the receipt of sexual gratification. There is no way to predict where and when this relationship may arise. So, there is no preventive maintenance of disease.

    Doctor psychiatrist Kondratenko NA