  • Drugs and medicinal disease

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    Again and again, I repeat the words of one of the founders of

    vision medicine. This quote may shock the uninitiated. However, read on, dear readers, and judge for yourself.

    According to experts, in the XVII-XVIII centuries for every 20 years in the world there appeared on the average one new effective medicine. At the end of the XIX century, three new medicines appeared for two years. At the end of the 20th century, 8-10 principally new medicines were created on our planet annually. From the beginning of its centuries-old history to the beginning of the 20th century, medicine had in its arsenal only about two hundred essential medicines. By the 1970s, their number had increased by more than 20 times, and in the 1980s the world pharmaceutical industry produced more than 100,000 different drugs. Some experts give figures that are even more intimidating to me as a naturopathic physician, underscoring the uncontrollable increase in the number of medicinal substances consumed by modern mankind. They write that in the 30s of the XX century around 30,000 medicines were used in the world, and by the 1970s there were more than 200,000.

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    Statistical data show that modern mankind in one year takes millions of tons of various medicinal chemotherapy drugs. In the US, for example, the population takes only aspirin 20-30 tons per day, that is, more than 10,000,000 kg per year.

    According to the estimates of pharmacologists, about 95% of all existing drugs now appeared in the last 60 years. The last decades are characterized by a kind of pharmaceutical explosion. They brought to humanity new thousands of chemotherapeutics and their various compounds, an additional million tons of various chemicals, that is why modern man is sometimes ironically called Homo medikamentosus - a medicamentous person. But the "drug explosion", raising orthodox medicine to a new level, brought her new and complex problems. One of the most important is the problem of "doctor-patient-medicine."As already mentioned, modern mankind consumes millions of tons of various chemotherapeutics every year. Along with some dubious benefits in the treatment of certain diseases, the latter often cause a new pathology in people, and sometimes deprive them of their health at all. According to domestic and foreign authors, only in outpatient practice negative manifestations of drug therapy occur in 40-50% of sick people, which in absolute figures is estimated at millions of cases per year. There is an inconsistency of the widely held opinion among medical and allopathic doctors and the public about the safety of drug treatment.

    In parallel with the rapid development of the drug industry, with the annual introduction of new pharmacological agents into the medical practice, a new paradox of medicine is increasingly emerging: the more medicines are produced in the world and the more effective they are, the more often the multiple negative consequences of their use are observed.

    The wide use of colossal amounts of a wide variety of drugs, serums, and protein preparations led to a very significant change in immunologyand other factors, such as embryotoxic, teratogenic, cytotoxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and other negative effects of drugs, have appeared and continue to appear drug-resistant strains of microorganisms, their conditionally pathogenic species have become more active.recall the prophetic words of F. Engels: "Let us not, however, be too flattered by our victories over nature. For each such victory, she avenges us. "

    The talented alchemist Paracelsus, who lived in the sixteenth century, called all medications poisons. He said: "Everything is poison, and nothing is devoid of virulence;only one dose makes the poison invisible. "

    In the second half of the XIX century, due to the low therapeutic effectiveness and pronounced adverse side effects of many drugs, medicinal nihilism came in medicine. Since the middle of the 20th century, the problem of the negative effects of drugs has again attracted the attention of physicians, and to a much greater extent than ever before.

    The last decades of the last century are characterized by astronomical amounts of various negative consequences from the use of medicines. Along with this, only a small part of the observations of cases of side effects of drugs prescribed by doctors are published in the domestic and foreign press. The number of all sorts of side effects, unexplained and most serious complications developing in those patients who, in their thoughtlessness or on the advice of people far from medicine, are taking different medications, and their most probable and incredible combinations are generally unknown to anyone. Almost nobody, nowhere, never authentically registers or analyzes them.

    In the United States from1960 to 1970, about 15 million people were admitted to medical institutions for complications caused by taking medications. In those years in America, as a result of adverse side effects of medicines, 60 to 140 thousand people died every year. During treatment in American hospitals, almost 30% of patients experience at least one medical complication, and one in four deaths is due to medication. A similar picture of the growth of drug complications can be observed in other countries. For example, in the United Kingdom until 1968, adverse reactions with medication were observed in an average of 15% of people. In subsequent years, negative manifestations of drug therapy increased in this country to 45%.

    In France, between 1953 and 1956, the incidence of deaths only increased by 12 times when penicillin was administered. In the US in the late 60-ies with the introduction of penicillin annually killed about 300 people. As far as this figure has increased in our time, one can only guess. According to the WHO( World Health Organization), at the end of the 1970s, the side effect of taking medications among the reasons for hospitalization of patients was quite impressive - up to 5%.

    Foreign specialist I. Ilic brought interesting information about the use of drugs and their consequences. He noted the general enthusiasm for medicines and their often unreasonable appointment to patients and stressed that of the 32 million people who visited US hospitals in 1970, more than 1.5 million( !) Were hospitalized due to illnesses from medicines prescribed by doctors. At that time in the US hospitals from poisoning caused by drugs,

    died about 30 thousand people. From the point of view of I. Ilic, the diseases caused by doctors are a more serious cause of the increase in mortality than accidents on the roads, "although it is well known that car injuries are" the plague of our century ".I.Ilich argued that modern medicine does not lean on

    , but only generates new diseases and that the health of the population is provided not by curative, but by preventive medicine. I fully agree with him, I will only specify that he meant medicinal medicine.

    In our country, I believe, abuse of medicines and the frequency of adverse drug effects are not less than in the countries mentioned. It's just that we do not have to publicize sensitive medical problems.

    Mass allergic diseases, widespread in many countries of the world, are an eloquent example of iatrogenic, that is, caused by allopathic physicians, diseases of chemical origin. Specialists note that most iatrogenic drug complications arise primarily due to poor knowledge of the mechanism of pharmacological action of drugs and underestimation of contraindications to their use.

    The danger of drug therapy that causes iatrogenic diseases, stressed in his program report at the IV All-Russian Congress of Physicians in 1976, the full member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor EM Tareyev. He said:

    "The aspiration of physicians, and behind them of the population as a whole, is great indeed, to use technical progress and, in particular, medicines in any difficult situation in place of natural factors of the environment, work, reflex irritations, rest to improve efficiency - pharmacy stimulants such as phenamine. ..phenacetin and other analgesics;to increase the mood - diazepam, the same analgesics, phenacetin, unleashing a conversation, acquaintance and so on;at night - hypnotics, various, often in combinations, the farther, the higher the doses, often showing the rapid extinction of their pharmacological action, but retaining toxicity. All this, often summing up, envelops a civilized( super civilized?) Person with a viscous atmosphere of drug poisoning, just as much as iatro-, how many autogenous. .. Does a healthy, seemingly healthy or not-so-ill patient often ask themselves a question or run into such a question in a doctor's dialogue... does he know that frequent repeated use of any foreign substance, a more complex synthetic product, which are usually medicines, especially products of the newest chemical industry, causes inliving organism, a counter process aimed at enzymatic destruction, depriving the medicine of the pharmacodynamic effect - high efficiency, sleep, etc., which attracts to its further application, but is not carried out, leaving a person "at a loss," with only one negative "remnant of the "medicine".Tareev's examples of the deplorable mistakes of allopathic doctors, given below, are found in the practice of every allopathic medical institution, every clinic, every hospital in our country and in the rest of the world.

    "A 22-year-old student falls ill with an easy cold disease with minor arthralgia1.The doctor of a polyclinic on suspicion of rheumatism prescribes aspirin with analgin;hives in the anamnesis remains unaccounted for. In connection with the deterioration of the general condition, further increase in body temperature, increased headaches, the doctor called, now an ambulance, injects the analgin, and on the 4th day after that the patient dies. In section 2 - a heavy lush necrotizing vasculitis3.The 46-year-old lumberjack became a kind of victim of the dermatomyosit diagnosis imposed by the hyperniticative allopathic doctor. For two years he spent 18 months in a hospital on almost continuous treatment with corticosteroids( I wonder what his body turned into during this time?) - Authors. The same is the doctor-otorhinolaryngologist with a contrived diagnosis of nodular periarthritis, who became a disabled person - a victim of clearly excessive CS therapy.(My dear non-medical readers, you see that doctors sometimes come across blind trust in drugs.) The fate of a teenage girl with sarcoidosis, which was given a large course of medical treatment in a tuberculosis sanatorium at the place of residence, is similar( althoughdoctors and expressed doubt in tuberculosis), bringing the patient to irreversible pulmonary fibrosis with a large respiratory failure. "

    Another great specialist in the field of medicinal treatment - 3. S. Barkagan noted at the same IV All-Russian Congress of Physicians that as medicine develops, as the power and diversity of its impact on people increase, the issue of drug aggression and drug pathology will become more and moremore relevant for medical practice."The struggle against polypharmacy," said the scientist, "is more pronounced than observed, and patients often receive simultaneously many different kinds of tablets, powders, potions and so-called" cocktails, "many of which, incidentally, are more fashionable than are effectively useful. Predicting the results of interaction in the body of all these funds is very easy. However, it is now clear that they not only mutually potentiate or, on the contrary, weaken each other, but often they form qualitatively new pictures of diseases, new types of drug pathology and new long-term consequences of therapy. These consequences of modern complex therapy have not been sufficiently studied, not systematized in special manuals and little known to doctors, which generates gross diagnostic errors and therapeutic miscalculations. .. patients with various forms of drug pathology are sometimes sent to the clinic with an erroneous diagnosis of acute leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, septic endocarditisand other very serious diseases. .. "

    In 1982, in Austria, a congress of otorhinolaryngologists was held, at which the issue of the collateral effect on drugs of drugs used in general medical practice was discussed. Dr. Fleischer, in his report, pointed out the various manifestations of various morbid conditions of lororgan as a result of the use of drugs: allergic inflammation and mycosis( fungi) with long doses of antibiotics;damage to the inner ear by otoxic drugs;swelling and swelling of the mucus

    of the dura mater of the nose and larynx under the influence of hypotensive( blood pressure-lowering) agents;a decrease in the sense of smell due to the use of drugs that depress the appetite;perversion of taste due to the use of anti-epileptic and antirheumatic drugs;a change in the voice caused by drugs that inhibit ovulation( contraceptives).The number of people who have different manifestations of side effects of medicines is growing all over the world.

    Academician cardiologist EI Chazov writes about drug treatment as follows:

    "The mania of the omnipotence of medicines, the existence of ineffective agents, the absence of sometimes clear

    ideas about the mechanism of action of a given drug lead to polypharmacy, sharply raise the question of adverse reactions thatoccur in 7-10% of cases, of a medical disease. That is why, first of all, the question arises of a more rigorous and objective evaluation of the effect of new drugs. "

    And here is the professional opinion of academician Yu. M. Lopukhin, widely known in Russia and abroad:

    "With unreasonable use or excessive increase of doses, drugs can also get into the category of xenobiotics. Some damage the cell membrane. Others cause autoimmune and allergic disorders. Still others can lead to the degeneration of the cell into a cancerous. .. It is necessary to note with regret that there are almost no such drugs that would not leave their traces in the human body. And no one can escape unpunished from their consequences. It even happens that the medicine becomes a source of new and unusual diseases, because every year more drugs that are able to violate the psyche, undermine immunity, change the hormonal state of the body. Drug disease is a sad consequence of a pharmacological explosion. And the general suffering of allergies as one of its manifestations. .. "

    The coryphaeus of Russian medicine, professor, cardiosurgeon and writer N. Amosov shared his thoughts on drug therapy in his book" On Happiness and Unhappiness "(1983).Deep meditation and comprehensive analysis of cases of postoperative complications in the surgical treatment of heart defects led him to the conclusion that one of the causes of such complications is often the treatment of patients.

    "We are curing patients," N. Amosov writes. Of course, this was not a revelation. For a long time already wanted to break traditions, but all did not dare."We need to adjust as many parameters as possible - then it will be good."By this

    Mu way medicine moves. For each organ, each function creates all the new chemistry, designed to strengthen or weaken, honestly look for, check on rats, rabbits, dogs. Unfortunately, as soon as they approach the dosage - so embarrassing. Primitive scheme, cautious figures, for almost the same. Doctors think with their qualities: "more is less," "better is worse."More than the norm is the indicator - to weaken, less - to strengthen. Self-satisfied medicine is confident that it can control a person better than he does with his regulators. My cybernetic half can not bear it. In the body, everything is connected by thousands of connections, and not only qualities, but also quantities, necessarily act on them. And without this there is no regulation, but there is a blind pulling, quaking or stunning of the body. To own regulators of the person, moreover the patient, it is very difficult at such influences to do the business - to operate functions. Its possibilities are limited, and if we persist, complete discord sets in. Perhaps, it is from this that the condition of our patients worsens, which first wake up, and then "load up", as expressed by our reanimators.... The depth of breathing is regulated by analysis. We, they say, know better than the body itself, how much it needs carbon dioxide and oxygen. And each person, by the way, has his own individual norms. And our analyzes are not perfectly accurate, and we do them every six to eight hours. Our breathing is not regular at all, from time to time we breathe in deeper, we straighten the stuck together alveoli. Theoretically, you also need to act as an apparatus. But who is watching this? Here he breathes - the car is a machine. Improper breathing leads to violations of cardiac activity, vascular tone, intestines. Secondary violation of each organ, we begin to treat again: new portions of drugs - enhancing, weakening. All of them have side effects. As a result, discord. So to me prvdstavljaetsja-retreatment.

    . .. To put it simply, our artificial regulation is still immeasurably coarser than the natural one. .. Povepx

    the doctor's knowledge of the past is just shifting his behavior toward healing. This concerns not only our acute patients, but also chronic ones. The thesis to which I came is simple: to treat less. "

    I take off my hat in front of the wisdom, professionalism and honesty of Professor Amosov."Less medicines are only absolutely necessary", "It is necessary to treat when it can not be left untreated," Academician BE Votchal, a scientist, a talented doctor and a great pedagogue, advised his colleagues and numerous students.

    Doctor of Medical Sciences LL Hundanov wrote in the Soviet times:

    "Nowadays a sick person or an imaginary patient( and unfortunately, too many of them, unfortunately) sometimes spends a lot of time and effort to obtain scarce medicines. To the accessible, simple, that is contained in nature, the attitude is distrustful, disrespectful. Of course, modern pharmacology has brought invaluable benefits to humanity, with this no one will argue. But should you get too involved with chemotherapy? This question is not idle, for recently the shadowy sides of chemotherapy seemed to us a light cloud in the azure sky, and now they have turned into a storm cloud. .. To destroy harmful living organisms with available chemotherapy is like tearing the beds oblique: the harmful dies, but suffers andthe whole body. Apparently, treating doctors do not always take into account that the most important moment in healing a patient is their own resistance to the organism. "

    "Many means of modern pharmacotherapy," said Dr. BM Khromov, "often lead to the emergence and development of a wide variety of diseases from treatment in the form of exacerbation and spread of various infections, skin and mucous membranes, respiratory, cardiac, digestive, urogenital, nervous systems, blood and blood

    of creative organs and even malignant tumors. .. We are not talking about possible long-term adverse biological effects, as evidenced by these pharmacogenetiki ยป.

    Doctor A.G. Shanturov, a native specialist in drug pathology, wrote: "The art of healing consists in the ability to achieve the maximum effect when prescribing a minimum of medications, choose this minimum from the many available drugs, combine medicines with psychotherapy, dietary physiotherapy and other methodstreatment ".Professor IA Shamov warned: "The authority of a pharmacomaniac is often costly for a sick person. Adapting to many drugs with the development of dependence on them, when the patient can no longer live without a constant intake of tablets;toxic liver damage, ulcerous lesions of the stomach and intestines, eye complications, various allergic manifestations and much more often follow ill-considered poly-Pragmas. "Academician, Professor 3. I. Yanushkevicius warned his fellow doctors about the negative consequences of drug treatment. In particular, he said that doctors are witnessing a paradoxical situation, when surgery is becoming safer, and therapy - due to the development of mainly pharmacotherapy - is becoming more dangerous. .. that modern highly effective drugs can cause very serious negative effects. I quote the words of Academician 3. I. Yanushke-vichus verbatim:

    "Classical treatment with cardiac glycosides is carried out on the verge of a toxic effect. Glucocorticoids can provide almost a miraculous morpho

    with a static effect, halting the development of many hyperergic processes. Along with this, they are capable of causing life-threatening side effects - ulceration of the mucosa of the digestive tract followed by massive hemorrhage, exacerbation and spread of endogenous infections, as well as defenselessness of the organism with respect to exogenous infections, and with prolonged use - iatrogenic Itenko-Cushing syndrome, spontaneous fractures of the spine and other bones, iatrogenic ad-dysonism.

    In the transplant practice, long-term use of glucocorticoids with immunosuppressants( for example, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide) increases the risk of malignant tumors by about 100 times. .. Steroid contraceptives, currently used by millions of women, increase the biosynthesis of clotting factors in the liver. As a result, for example, in England the incidence of pulmonary embolism among women increased approximately 7-fold, and the number of deaths due to complications from taking these funds per 1 million of the population exceeded the number of victims of road accidents.... Widely used analgesics also can cause a number of unsafe side effects. .. "

    I will quote the opinion of one of the leading, oldest and authoritative academic therapists of our country, academician, professor EM Tareev:

    " If the life of hundreds of passengers of a flying linerdo not trust the mediocre pilot, then the catastrophe in the life of patients given to the doctor without sufficient knowledge and skills, which now has lethal drugs and a flammable substrate - a sensitized population, is more real, xand usually pass without noise. .. Most people think that the pills are a sniper bullet, without a miss, an amazing target. In fact, it is more like a fragmentation projectile, beating "by area."According to WHO experts, in some large foreign clinics, where doctors perform particularly intensive drug treatment, appointing one patient on average 14( !!!) drugs simultaneously, side effects are observed in 18-30% of cases, with every fourth side effect is a consequence of pharmacologicalincompatibility. In these clinics, the side effects of pharmacological drugs are the cause of death in more than 4% of cases. "

    I hope that in Russia, allopathic doctors have not yet reached such a pharmacological senility.

    Che-ty-nad-tsat preparations for one patient! Prior to this pharmacore, I considered the simultaneous administration of six or more drugs nonsense, to put it mildly. How can one not remember the words of the wise doctor Zalmanov "about the path of schizophrenic destruction" of the health of society, according to which modern crippling orthodox medicine continues to go. Apparently, the hyperactive advertising of pharmaceutical companies completely knocked out of her head the eternal medical command primum ne noseas - "first of all - do not harm."Four percent of deaths and thirty percent of side effects are harm, undoubtedly undeniable. Now I began to understand why in Western countries among patients so many people want to beat

    by judicial means from "poor" allopaths large amounts of compensation for damage caused to health. The whole trouble is, Doctor I. Yanushkevicius said that practical doctors still act according to the "symptom-medicine" reflex described by Academician B. E. Votchal and are not guided by the basic laws of drug therapy. I would add that practical allopaths "to transform primitive fragmentary information from the" pharmaceutical jungle "into a coherent and consistent system," as he said, just do not give these very information "jungles" consisting of many thousands of old and new medicines.

    Modern orthodox medicine, like in the days of Zalmanov, is excessively involved in parenteral( injectable) administration of medicinal substances into the body of a sick person. This is especially true for vitamin preparations. Our body receives vitamins naturally from food through the digestive tract. When they are injected through the syringe needle, they bypass the liver - the largest accumulation of enzyme systems, where they must undergo a biochemical transformation in order to become biologically active. Therefore, their good part without health benefits "swims" with blood to the kidneys and excreted in the urine. There is also a point of view that the good part of vitamins, which enter our body parenterally, is split by native enzymes even at the injection site, and not having time to reach the nearest large blood vessel to go on the body further.

    As we can see, in allopathy the spread of diseases from treatment has entered into a clear contradiction with the basic essence and purpose of medicine - the liberation of the human race from disease. Meanwhile, in herbis

    et verbis vis magna latet - "in the herbs and elephants the great power is hidden," as the doctors of antiquity maintained.

    Let's now, dear readers, consider what adverse reactions and complications from drugs occur in the practice of allopathic doctors. Let's start in alphabetical order, simultaneously pointing out the drugs that cause these complications.

    Agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia - sulfonamides, cytostatics, thiouracils, pyramidone, phenilbutazone, chloramphenicol.

    Anaphylactic shock - penicillin, streptomycin and other antibiotics, vaccines, serums and a host of other medicinal substances.

    Bronchial asthma is beta-blockers.

    Virilization( affection in women) - androgen hormones.

    Hemolytic anemia - phenacetin, sulfonamides, nitrofurans, methyldofa.

    Hemorrhagic vasculitis - antibiotics, butadione, quinine.

    Hemorrhagic diathesis - anticoagulants, fibrin-lysine.

    Hepatitis - cytostatics, hormones-estrogens, anabolic steroids, PASK, GINK, aspirin, barbiturates, anesthetics( halothane).

    Hypermastia( enlargement of mammary glands), galactorrhea( discharge of milk from mammary glands in nonpregnant women) - reserpine, digitalis, spironolactones.

    Glomerulonephritis( inflammation of renal glomeruli-filters) - antibiotics, sulfonamides, vaccines.

    Dermatitis( skin inflammation) - penicillin, acrichine, sulfanilamides, local anesthetics, preparations of mercury and gold salts, barbiturates.

    Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis is nitrofurans.

    Colitis( inflammation of the large intestine) - broad-spectrum antibiotics, sulfonamides.

    Urticaria - penicillin, salicylates, serums.

    Leukemia - radium, 32 P, cyclophosphamide and other xenobiotic drugs.

    Lithogenesis( formation of stones in the body) - phenacetin, preparations of calcium salts, vitamin D.

    Nephrotic syndrome( renal damage) - penicillin, neomycin, tolbutamide, cephaloridine, amphotericin, polymyxin and many other pharmaceuticals.

    Osteoporosis and aseptic bone necrosis - hormones-corticosteroids, heparin.

    Pancreatitis - hormones-steroids, diuretics, immunodepressants, indomethacin.

    Gout - diuretics( diuretics).

    Cancer of the liver, skin, soft tissues;sarcoma, lymphoma - immunosuppressants( drugs that suppress immunity), hormones, steroids, antilymphocyte serum and other xenobiotic drugs.

    Diabetes mellitus - thiazides, steroid hormones.

    Systemic lupus erythematosus, lupoid syndrome, serum sickness syndrome, nodular periarteritis-serums, vaccines, antibiotics, sulfonamides, hydrolysine, procainamide.

    Teratogenic effect( the appearance of ugliness in the fetus during pregnancy) - cytostatics, analgesics, antibiotics, sulfonamides, quinine.

    Thrombocytopenic purpura - sulfonamides, cytostatics, quinidine, digitalis preparations, PASK.

    Tubulopathy( affection of the renal tubules) - sulfonamides, amphotericin B.

    Feminization( appearance of female sexual characteristics in men) - hormones-estrogens.

    Cirrhosis of the liver is biliary, cholestasis( stasis of bile in the bile ducts) - steroid hormones.

    Gastric ulcer and intestines - hormones, corticosteroids, aspirin, indomethacin, butadione, reserpine, cytostatics, thiazides, anticoagulants, potassium chloride.

    The clinical picture of a drug disease is made even more complex and confusing if it develops in patients who simultaneously take several medications, especially if they have different chemical structures and pharmacological effects. Many allopaths naively believe that the more they prescribe medication to a patient, the more effective the treatment will be. Such an erroneous approach is called lipragmasia - the simultaneous administration of a variety of pharmacological agents. Polypharmacy is a kind of occupational disease of allopathic medicine of our time. This disease even got its name - pharmacomania. At the same time, this is a misfortune for many sick people who also believe in sacred drugs and believe that the more of them, the better, although it has long been proven that a lot - it does not mean good.

    "Probably the most correct way to proceed from the premise that every and every medicine is harmful, and sometimes dangerous for the patient. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to it only when the methods of drugless therapy have been exhausted. It is clear that in acute cases, if the body does not cope with the catastrophic situation and it is important to replace the lost functions, you have to go to the introduction of notorious poisons, antibiotics or hormones. However, a number of natural factors of therapy should be studied and introduced as deep as possible.

    In 1986, in the Medical Gazette S.Ya. Doletsky confirmed his convinced opinion regarding the medicinal treatment of children: "Any medicine disrupts the interaction of the person in general and the child in particular with the environment. After all, it "hits" primarily on those systems of the body that can and must self-regulate. I'm a principled opponent of the "drug attack".Spasitelen, in my opinion, the minimum of medicines, which gives the maximum effect. Strong medicines are justified only when it is impossible to do without them. "

    In Russia, on an outpatient basis, only 10-20% of patients take medication exactly as they are prescribed by doctors. Sometimes doctors do not even suspect that many patients with irony tell their relatives and friends about handfuls of pharmaceuticals that they should eat, but only accept those that they themselves consider necessary, and the rest are put aside. Dr. A. G. Shanturov, known

    Russian expert in the field of drug pathology, once received a letter from one well-known patient with the words: "When my heart was fed with 16 different drugs for 16 years, I experienced and firmly know that many of themthey are harmful to me, and I ruthlessly threw them into a garbage can! "It happened, of course, in the Soviet period, when this" good "was not as expensive as it is now, or was generally given in vain.

    The great domestic clinician of the 20th century, academician BE Votchal, expressed his attitude to polypharmacy as follows: "Modern pharmacomania in patients and doctors leads to the appointment of a large number of drugs. Forty years of experience in clinical pharmacology made me come to the conclusion that drugs should be prescribed as little as possible, and only necessary medications. "