  • Aronia blackberry

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    The aronia is the Canadian mountain ash. She came to Russia at the end of the XIX century. Quite a lot of selection chokeboard was engaged Michurin. But the real spread of aronia was obtained from amateur gardeners only after the war. Like the red ashberry, the aronia is a unpretentious plant. It suits almost any soil, on scarce soils yield yields and berries grow smaller. So, if you want to receive high yields of large, juicy berries, kindly introduce well-rotted compost into the soil before planting. Plant autumn arnium. Landing pits make a size of 50 x 50 cm, if planted a single bush somewhere in the corner, or dig a solid trench, if they plant a solid green fence along the border of the site or fence. In this case, the distance between the bushes is left at 2-2.5 m.

    General information: this culture is more often called arborescent ash, which is not quite true, but it reflects the similarity with ordinary rowan. The birthplace of aronia - North America. As an ornamental and food plant it is bred in many countries. This is a spreading shrub up to 3 m in height with a crown diameter of 2 m. The root system is lobed, strongly branching. The horizontal roots are located not deeper than 35-40 cm, vertical - up to 1 m.

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    Shrub from the family of rose-colored, up to 2 m high, with elliptical ovate or oblong-lanceolate leaves up to 6 cm long, in summer bright green, in autumn - red. Flowers white or pinkish, five-membered, more than 1 cm in diameter, collected 10 to 35 pieces in thyroid inflorescences. Fruits are apple-shaped or spherical, up to 1 cm in diameter, black-purple, shiny, with eight yellow-brown wrinkled seeds. Blossoms in May-June, fruits ripen in September.

    The aronia of the black-berry originates from North America. We are bred as an ornamental plant for decoration of streets, gardens and parks. Planting it near St. Petersburg and the Altai have acquired industrial importance and are used for harvesting berries.

    The fruits of aronia are pleasantly sour-sweet, somewhat tart taste. They contain up to 8% of sugar, apple and other organic acids, a lot of iodine, a significant amount of vitamin P( about 0.5%), as well as vitamins C, B, PP and carotene( provitamin A).Vitamins are well preserved in berries and juices of aronia, they excite appetite, increase acidity and digestive power of gastric juice. Very useful for people suffering from gastritis with reduced acidity of gastric juice.

    In addition, it is established that fresh fruits and aronia chokeberry juice cause a significant decrease in blood pressure in hypertensive disease. In people with normal blood pressure, usually this action is not observed. Apparently, the therapeutic effect depends on the presence in the human body of vitamin P( cetrine), as well as vitamin C, which contributes to better assimilation of the former.

    Based on clinical observations, it is recommended to use 100 g of chokeberry berries or 50 g of juice of them 3 times a day at high blood pressure.

    Flowers self-pollinating, blossom quite late - in late May - early June. Fruits have a rounded shape, black color and wax coating.

    Requirements: is light and moisture-loving, but extremely unpretentious. It can be planted on those plots where the apple or pear tree will not grow - where the groundwater is close. It is undemanding to heat, frost-proof, can grow and bear fruit up to the northern boundary of agriculture. Arony is resistant to pests and diseases.

    Composition: on the content of vitamin P it exceeds all kinds of mountain ash and many other fruit and berry crops. In addition, aronia is rich in vitamin C, iodine, iron.

    Embarkation: landing can be carried out in both autumn and spring. Distance between plants

    2-2.5 m. Planting holes should be prepared with a diameter of 60 cm, depth of 40-50 cm. Fertile fertile soil is covered in the planting pit, 2-3 buckets of humus, peat, 150 g of simple superphosphate, 50-70 g. Of potassium sulfate. The technique of planting is no different from planting other berry plants. After planting, you need to water and mulch the tree trunks.

    Care: aronia responds well to the annual application of organic fertilizers. Pruning up to 7-8 years of age is done as sanitary, and at a later age, the shoots are normalized and rejuvenated. When forming a bush, up to 40 shoots of different ages are left in it. Old, broken, thin and poorly developed shoots should be removed at the soil level, leaving 3-5 young shoots to replace them. In the bushes of the aronia blackberry, leaf rollers, cherry mucous sawfly, aphids and rosy flies can appear. In the period of mass appearance of pest larvae on the leaf surface, bushes should be treated with insecticides. Diseases on the aronia were not noticed.

    Pruning: aronia in its structure is a typical shrub and in the first years after planting is characterized by a high growth force and the formation of the root shoot. The base of the bush is greatly expanded, branches grow intensively, overtaking each other, the illumination inside the crown is greatly reduced and the fruiting is moved to the peripheral parts of the crown. To prevent this, it is necessary to regulate the number of branches in the crown by forming it. After planting, the plant must be cut at a height of 20 cm above the ground. The next spring, from the overgrowth grown from the root, the 5 strongest and well-placed branches are selected, shortening them, leveling them in the force of growth so that the tops of all branches are at the same level. The selected branches will serve as the core of the crown, the rest must be cut at the base at the soil level. In the next season, in the same way, the crown should be replenished with another 3-5 branches, in a year - 5 more branches. At this, the formation of the crown can be considered complete, since the total number of stems in the bush should not be more than 15-20.

    Annual pruning of chokeberry prunus

    Annual pruning of the chokeberry aronia is the regular removal of unnecessary basal branches, shaded and unsuccessfully located branches in the center of the crown in order to prevent its thickening. In the bush of aronia there should be no more than 15-20 different branches. This is the maximum amount at which the illumination of the crown of the shrub does not occur. With age, it will be necessary to cut out old otplodonosivshie branches from the crown. Old branches are considered to be branches at the age of 8-10 years, which have lost the ability to lay flower buds and bear fruit. It is also necessary to sanitize the crown with the removal of patients, dry, broken, weak and thin branches. Slices must be made as close to the ground as possible to keep short hemp.

    Harvesting: fruits mature at the same time, so they can be removed at a time - before the onset of frost, to preserve vitamins. Gather berries of chokeberry, cutting off whole branches from branches. Collected bunches for a long time are stored in a cool room.

    Use: fruits are used to treat hypertension, gastritis and atherosclerosis. Dark ruby ​​juice is an unsurpassed food color. Of the juice is also produced high-quality wine, liqueurs, liqueurs and jellies.

    A very useful product of processing is jam, 1 tbsp.l.which provides a daily human need for vitamin R. Dried fruits of chokeberry ash retain their healing properties to the fullest.

    Peculiarities of growing


    When planting under bushes, it is necessary to add a glass of double granular superphosphate. The seedlings, when planted, penetrate into the soil for 5-6 cm. The aronia is light-loving and hygrophilous. In dry and hot weather it should be watered a couple of times a month, pouring 3-4 buckets of water under the bush. With a moderately dry summer, watering is not required, since it has a fairly deep root system. When planting, the stems must be shortened by a third of their length. In the future, only the broken or aging branches should be cut. Pruning is done in early spring, before the buds are blooming.

    Old branches are easy to distinguish from young ones. Approximately on the 7th-8th year of life, they begin to grow shortened lateral branches, while in young branches the lateral branches usually grow to 20-30 cm in summer. If the bush is not freed from the old branches, then it is heavily thickened and fruiting on it falls. Firstly, there are practically no berries on the old shoots, and secondly, because of the thickening in the middle of the bush, the light does not reach and all fruiting is shifted to the periphery of the bush, while the branches inside the bush are empty. Hence immediately follows the conclusion: aronia is very photophilic. It should be planted in the sun, and since it is extremely frost-hardy( with frosts of more than 40 degrees), it can be planted along the northern boundary of the site to protect it from northern and northeasterly winds.

    Top dressing

    Care consists of fertilizing, loosening the soil under a bush, weeding. Once in two years, in the spring, you need to bring a bucket of organic and 2 tbsp.spoons of double granulated superphosphate along the perimeter of the crown of the bush. But, even if you do not take care of the chokeberry, it will still give you berries every year. Just do not take the leaves from her under the bush, and she will feed herself.


    Chrysohnoplodnaya ryabina breeds with seeds( this is a long time), cuttings both lignified and green, layers, and even easier - root siblings or division of a bush.

    You can plant a pear on the chokeberry. But the branches of the aronia are thin, the pears are very much thicker than the rootstocks, and therefore the branches of the chokeberry easily break off. Under them it is necessary to put constant, well-strengthened supports.

    The aronia blooms late, when frosts already pass, and it is not particularly afraid of them. There are no diseases or pests in this plant either. So care is the most minimal: do not forget to cut out the old branches and prevent more than 10 shoots in one bush. Cut unnecessary branches should be at the very root.

    Useful properties of

    Berries of aronia are useful and tasty, you just need to remove them in time, otherwise they will overripe and immediately lose their taste or their birds will be eaten.

    Collection time - end of August-beginning of September.

    Berries contain all vitamins, especially a lot of vitamin C, in addition iodine, P-active organic substances, beta-carotene, glucose, fructose, pectins, organic acids. The fruits of aronia contribute to the removal of radioactive strontium from the body, reduce blood pressure. But there are also contraindications: the juice of berries of aronia thickens the blood. On the one hand, this leads to rapid coagulation of the blood, and therefore to a good healing of wounds, and on the other hand it contributes to the formation of blood clots, which is dangerous for patients with thrombophlebitis. In this case, drugs that dilute the blood should be taken.

    A dense low shrub 1.5-2 m high. The leaves look like cherry leaves, but they are more shiny. Flowers of the penta type, white or pink, in the corymbose inflorescences. The fruits are large, black with a bluish coating, 6-15 mm in diameter, juicy, collected in clusters. Blooms in June-July, the fruits ripen in late summer or early autumn.

    is cultivated in Russia as a food, medicinal and ornamental plant.

    Medicinal raw materials are fruits in the ripening stage. The taste is pleasant, sour-sweet, tart.

    Chokeberry excites appetite, is very useful for people suffering from gastritis with low acidity. Especially valuable is its ability to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive disease and thyrotoxicosis.

    Fruits contain vitamin P, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thereby preventing various hemorrhages, reduces blood pressure, the amount of cholesterol in the body and normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system;it is recommended for hypertension and atherosclerosis to eat a day in 2-3 doses of 250-300 g of fruit.

    Application of

    For treatment use fresh juice obtained by pressing fruits. Take it 50 g 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals for 10-30 days, depending on the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of patients. Instead of juice, you can use 100 g of fruit per meal 30 minutes before meals.

    Preparations of aronia take with increased blood clotting. Juice and fruit stored in a dark place at a temperature of 3-5 ° C.Juice can be preserved: pre-filtered, it is poured into clean dry jars, loosely closed, sterilized( half-liter - 8-10 minutes, liter - 10-15 minutes) and sealed. In the canned juice, the whole complex of biologically active substances is almost completely preserved until spring.

    When eating fruits of ashberry ashberry( 1 kg of washed and slightly dried fruits to grind with 700 g of granulated sugar, take 75-160 g 2-3 times a day), the body's defenses increase.

    The preparations of aronia are especially effective in the simultaneous administration of ascorbic acid( tinctures of dogrose, black currant).

    Recipes from

    From aronia squeeze juice, make jam, cook with apples. The wine from the chokeberry has a mediocre taste, but the liquor turns out to be wonderful.

    Juice from chokeberry

    Squeeze the juice, pour over sterile bottles, and cork.

    Store in refrigerator. When using, dilute with water and add sugar to taste.

    Juice from the fruit of chokeberry aronia ri is changed for the prevention and treatment of radiation sickness.

    Has antihypertensive effect, strengthens body's defenses, fruit juice is useful for burns.

    Liquor from chokeberry

    1.5 kg of berries, 1 kg of sugar, 2 cups of water, 2 g of citric acid, vodka by the volume of the resulting syrup 1: 1.

    Rowan, water and sugar cook for about 20 minutes. Berries to throw in a colander, syrup drain. In the cooled syrup pour the vodka and add the citric acid.

    Pour into bottles and clog them.

    NOTE: The remaining berries can be spread on a baking sheet in one layer and dried in a slightly heated oven. Get a delicious raisins, but if the berries do not dry, they will become moldy, and if dried, they will become tasteless. Keep in a closed jar.


    100 cherry leaves, 200-250 berries of black cherry, 1 liter of water, 800 g of sugar, 1 teaspoon of citric acid, 0.5 liters of vodka( or 0.25 liters of alcohol).

    Fill with water berries and leaves and boil for about 10 minutes. Remove from heat, strain, do not squeeze( otherwise the liquor will become cloudy).

    Add sugar, citric acid and boil for 2-3 minutes. Cool and slowly pour in the vodka.

    Note. If you use alcohol, then the syrup should be poured into alcohol, and not vice versa, and add another 250 ml of cold boiled water.

    Raisins from chokeberry

    1.5 kg of berries, 2 cups of water, 1 cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of citric acid.

    Boil the syrup and pour the berries. Cook over low heat, taking off the foam. Strain through a colander so that no syrup remains.

    Add clear paper to the board and spread the berries in one layer, dry for 3-4 days in a dry and warm place, fold berries in a jar and keep on the kitchen shelf for storage. From the remains of the syrup make another portion of raisins or add vodka - you will get a liqueur.

    If the berries are not dried, they will become moldy, and if dried, they will become tasteless.

    Kvass from chokeberry or red ashberry

    4 liters of water, 1 kg of berries, 400 g of sugar, 5 g of yeast.

    The berries of red mountain ash must first be scalded with boiling water and let stand for 10-15 minutes, drain the water and immediately pour cold water, after 5-10 minutes drain the water. With chicken barberry, nothing is required. Berries knead in enameled dishes, pour warm sugar syrup( boil water, cool a little).Cover with gauze and let it brew in a warm room for 24 hours. Strain, add 5 g of yeast, stir and place until the foam appears in a warm place.

    Note. Kvass is ready, but that he does not perekisal, it must be removed to a cool place.

    Garnish from chokeberry and apples

    1 kg of aronia, 400 g of apples, 1.2 kg of sugar, 1 - 1.5 cups of water.

    Fruit of mountain ash mixed with a wooden pestle. Apples cut into segments, remove the seed nest, blanch. To the mixture of fruits add sugar, water and heat on low heat until the sugar dissolves. Heat the heat and cook until the mass becomes uniform. Prepacked in sterile jars.

    Cherry jam with cherry leaves

    1 kg of berries, 1 kg of sugar, 25-30 cherry leaves, 1 glass of water.

    Add the berries mixed with sugar and leave to stand for 24 hours, shaking from time to time. Add water, put on fire and cook for 20 minutes, stirring. Lower the cherry leaves and cook for about 15 minutes. Cool, remove the leaves, spread out on cans, close.

    Store at room temperature.

    Note. To make the leaves easy to remove, they must be strung on a white string before cooking.


    The first version of

    3 cups flour, 3 eggs, 3 tbsp.spoons of cocoa, 150 g of butter, 1/2 cup of sugar, 3/4 cup of curdled milk, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of soda, 3 tablespoons of soda.spoons of jam from the black cherry.

    Mix everything together. Pour into a greased form and bake in a 200-degree oven for about 60 minutes. Remove from the mold and powdered with sugar.

    The second option - for the

    post 2 glasses of flour, 2 tbsp.spoons of cocoa, 1 glass of strong cold tea, 1 glass of sugar, 3-4 tablespoons.spoons of jam from dark berries( best of black chokeberry), 3 - 4 tbsp.spoons of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon( incomplete) of soda, 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid.

    All stir. Pour into a mold, greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and bake for about an hour in the oven at the lowest heat. Remove from the mold and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

    Chokeberry and plum, rubbed with sugar

    300 g of chokeberry, 400 g of plum( pitted), 300 g of sugar.

    Blanch the bowl, remove the bones, wipe through a sieve. So do with rowan. Mix the mashed berries and add the sugar gradually, thoroughly mixing, until the sugar dissolves completely. Homogenous mass to heat up to 70 degrees and put in hot jars.

    The mixture has a pleasant taste and aroma.

    Chokeberry and cranberries, wiped with sugar

    1 kg of chokeberry, 1 kg of cranberry, 1 kg of 800 g of sugar.