  • Ringworm( microsporia and trichophytosis) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Microsporia and trichophytosis are fungal infections that affect the skin and its appendages. Hair is most often affected, and nails in very rare cases. With such a known fungal infection as trichophytosis, microsporia is united in the common name of "ringworm", as these diseases are very similar in symptoms and for them the general condition of the hair is characteristic - they are sort of sheared.

    In general, these same "lichen" in dermatology are many and hearing from a doctor, for example, the name "pink lichen", it is often possible to see the frightened face of the patient, confusing him with microspores. But do not be afraid, these are completely different "things". ..

    Ringworm is a pathology common everywhere, but more often in children. Microsporia is caused by the fungus of the genus Microsporum, trichophytosis - a fungus of the genus Trichophyton, hence the name. Ringworm is a very contagious disease. Often we have to see outbreaks of infection in kindergartens. It is transmitted by contact method both from people and animals through contact of the skin with skin, affected by hair, through objects on which the infected scales of the patient fall.

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    Symptoms of ringworm

    On the skin or hair, the pathogen begins to multiply. The incubation period during transmission is deprived from person to person 4-6 weeks, from the animal only 5-7 days( from the moment of infection until the appearance of the first signs).It should be noted that at this time the patients are also contagious, and we can not see the clinical signs of any cat.

    In practice, microspores of smooth skin and the scalp are distinguished.

    1) Microsporia of smooth skin is characterized by the appearance of ring-shaped spots on the skin, that is, a characteristic inflammatory roller along the edge of the focus. Inflammation is resolved to the center by noticeable skin peeling. Itching may not be or it will be mild. The amount of rashes is usually from one to three. Their diameter is up to three millimeters. Often during this period, people, confusing the disease with various types of dermatitis, eczema begin to use hormonal anti-inflammatory ointments, giving them a nutrient medium for the development of mycospores and generalization of the process.

    Symptoms of microsporia( ringworm) on the skin

    2) Microsporia of the scalp is most common in children. This feature is explained by the difference in the chemical composition of sebum in this area. At the beginning of the disease, a white scaly appears on the hair. As the fungus grows, the hair breaks, acquires the appearance of shorn( lichen) on 4 - 6 mm from the skin, the hair in the lesion is gray, dull. The skin above the hearth is inflamed and slightly swollen.

    Symptoms of microsporia( ringworm) on the hair

    When trichophytosis hair is broken off lower - at a height of 2-3 mm all at different levels: there are hairs that are broken at the skin level( "black dots"), there are hair in the form of commas( can notbreak through a layer of scales), there are long, outwardly unchanged hair.

    With improper treatment and, as a result, attachment of secondary microflora, a suppurative form of the disease with characteristic pustules may appear.

    I do not distinguish the microsporia of the nails, since there are isolated cases that are clinically very similar to other onychomycoses and are treated the same way.

    Diagnosis of ringworm

    Differential diagnosis is performed with alopecia, secondary early syphilis. Diagnosis is reduced to examining skin flakes and hair for fungi. It is very good, if it is possible to carry out the culture method with the definition of the fungus, but this method is expensive and is not available to everyone. With the microsporia of the scalp, a survey is carried out using a Wood lamp. Hair, infected with a fungus, acquire a bright green glow. With trichophytosis, there is no glow.

    Treatment of ringworm

    Treatment of pathology is reduced to local, and with damage to the appendages of the skin and to internal treatment. Pushkovye hair over the hearth must be plucked after applying 10% salicylic ointment, and completely cut off the head, or a lesion center + a healthy area. Of antifungal drugs most commonly used tincture of 2 - 5% iodine, sulfur - tar ointment, lamizil, mifungar. Of the drugs used inward, prefer griseofulvin in tablets or lamizil.

    During the treatment it is impossible to wash, that would not spread the pathogen with water to other parts of the body, often changing the bed and bed linen with its boiling. After treatment, it is necessary to pass control( scraping to the mushrooms) no less than three times.

    . Surveys of persons in contact with a sick person are mandatory.

    Complication of ringworm

    As mentioned above, microsporia is a contagious disease and it is not necessary to resort to treatment by folk remedies on its own. There is a mass of modern, effective means. Although in the medicine of the 21st century for us, for example, a sulfur-tar ointment has passed to treating fungal infections from the past. It has long been noted that sulfur and tar effectively fight with fungi. But its special smell, I think, will alienate you from more than one person.

    Therefore, I urge you that there are no such troubles as: the spread of infection, the appearance of pustular skin diseases, the transmission of infection to other family members - contact the doctor in a timely manner.

    Prevention of ringworm

    Prophylaxis is to identify infection, treat patients, treat animals correctly. You should be alerted to the centers of alopecia in the skin of our younger brothers. A very good thing is to take a homeless animal to your home, but as soon as possible you should show it to the vet!

    Consultation of a doctor

    Question: Are affected lesions completely restored after treatment of microsporia?
    Answer: Yes.

    Question: Which animals do microspores most often occur?
    Answer: Most often cats, in second place are dogs.

    Question: Is it compulsory to lull an animal with microspores?
    Answer: No way. Microsporia of animals is effectively treated by veterinarians.

    Doctor dermatologist Mansurov A.S.