
Prostate cancer - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Prostate cancer - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Malignant tumors of male genital organs are tumors that affect the prostate, testes and seminal vesicles, the penis. Among tumors of male genital organs, the prostate gland is the first in terms of the frequency of onset.

    Prostate cancer is the 4th most common among other cancers.

    Causes of prostate cancer

    Hormonal factors: it is proved that the excess of male sex hormones in the body - androgens, in particular testosterone, can be the starting point of cancer development. Sex hormones cause intensive growth and development of epithelial cells of the prostate gland, which, in turn, can lead to its malignant degeneration.

    In the development of the disease, in addition, the role of genetic predisposition and features of nutrition play a role.

    The probability of developing a malignant tumor of the prostate gland in a man whose close relatives( father or brother) were ill with cancer of this organ is doubled;if two or more relatives were ill, the risk of developing a tumor increases by 5-11 times.

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    Overabundance of fatty foods also adversely affects the health of the prostate: fatty foods contain sterol fractions, which are the building blocks of male sex hormones and promote their synthesis in the body in large quantities.

    To the risk factors also include ethnicity, sexual behavior, the amount of fat consumed and occupational hazards.

    The average time of development of a tumor of the prostate gland is about 20 years.

    Stages of development of tumors of the prostate:

    Stage 1: the tumor is discovered by chance and does not manifest itself in any way, occupies no more than 5% of the volume of the prostate gland;
    Stage 2: the tumor takes 5 to 50% of the gland volume or spreads to both its lobes;
    Stage 3: the tumor sprouts a capsule of the prostate gland or passes over to surrounding tissues( fiber, seminal vesicles);
    Stage 4: the tumor sprouts surrounding organs or there are distant metastases.

    cancer - cancer

    Symptoms of malignant tumor of prostate

    1. Symptoms of obstruction: weakening and discontinuity of the urine stream, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, frequent urination, urinary incontinence.
    2. Symptoms associated with local tumor growth: the presence of blood in the urine or semen, urinary incontinence, impotence, pain in the suprapubic region and perineum.
    3. Symptoms associated with distant metastases: pain in the bones, lower back, swelling of the lower limbs, associated with metastases in the inguinal or retroperitoneal lymph nodes, loss of body weight and appetite, weakness, exhaustion.

    Screening for prostate tumors

    The simplest and most commonly available method for examining the prostate gland is a digital rectal examination. An experienced doctor may suspect the development of cancer of the gland already in the early stages and at small sizes. Perform this study should all men suffering from urination problems.

    Finger rectal examination of

    The next most accurate diagnostic method is to determine the level of prostate-specific antigen( PSA).It has been scientifically proven that an increase in the level of PSA is directly related to the development of prostate cancer, the norm of PSA for a healthy male is 4 ng / ml, but at the age of over 60 years the level is up to 6.5 ng / ml. When the normal values ​​of this marker are exceeded, a puncture biopsy of the prostate gland is shown. It should be noted that at a PSA level of 4-10 ng / ml, benign prostatic diseases are suggested. With a PSA level above 10 ng / ml, the probability of cancer of this organ is high. But, in some cases, prostate tumors can not be increased PSA - about 13% of men.
    In addition, specialists use various modifying indices to more accurately diagnose the tumor.

    Ultrasound examination of the prostate and transrectal ultrasound is used for direct diagnosis of the tumor, as well as for performing a biopsy of the gland.

    Prostate biopsy is the main method for diagnosing cancer. The technique consists in taking a column of gland tissue for examination under a microscope with a special thin needle and under the control of an ultrasound transducer, usually taking from 6 to 12 tissue sites.

    In some cases, the examination is complemented by the use of magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography of the small pelvis and internal organs.

    Treatment of prostate tumors

    There are several methods for treating prostate cancer:

    Surgical : performing a surgery to remove the gland( prostatectomy), is justified in young patients, in the absence of concomitant pathology and small tumor sizes. The complication of the operation may be impotence, but at the present time the methods of sparing operations have been developed, which allow to preserve the erectile function.

    Radiotherapy : used in 1-3 stages of prostate cancer.the benefits of treatment are the possibility of complete cure, no need for surgical treatment and outpatient treatment. But, radiation therapy is not without drawbacks: urinary incontinence, impotence in 60% of cases, diarrhea, bleeding can develop.
    Recently, the prevalence of brachytherapy is the introduction of radioactive sources into the tissue of the prostate gland, with the treatment achieving a good effect, with fewer side effects.

    Hormone therapy .

    Two-sided orchctomy - removal of testicles. It is used when it is not possible to remove the tumor or if there are distant metastases. It reduces the level of male sex hormones in the body by 95%.

    In addition, in the presence of concomitant pathology and distant metastases, tablet hormone preparations( goserelin and others) are used, they are a means of prolonging life.

    Prognosis for tumors of the prostate.

    After performing surgical treatment, the survival rate is 70-80% of patients. After radiotherapy for 5 years, more than 60-80% of patients survive.

    Complications of prostate cancer

    Associated with local tumor growth: urinary incontinence, impotence, development of urinary-genital infections, bleeding from the genital tract.

    Consultation of the oncologist for prostate cancer:

    Question: How often is prostate cancer and how dangerous is it?
    Answer: Prostate cancer, at the present time, is quite common, in terms of prevalence, it is on the fourth place among malignant tumors in men. This is due to the natural aging of the population, as well as the widespread use of fatty foods, a change in the diet of the population, especially in developed countries, which leads to obesity and increased synthesis of sex hormones in the male body.
    The risk of prostate cancer lies in its asymptomatic flow at an early stage and rapid, rapid spread at the stage of the emergence of distant metastases, which quickly leads patients to death despite intensive treatment.

    Question: How to diagnose prostate cancer in the early stages?
    Answer: At present, there is a fairly informative and cheap test that allows to diagnose the pathology of the prostate gland at early stages in large masses of the male population - this is PSA.A study is performed by taking blood from the vein and then examining it to the marker level. All men over the age of 45 should undergo an annual PSA test. And, in addition, annually perform ultrasound examination of the prostate gland, which allows you to suspect the presence of nodal formations in the organ already at small sizes.

    Doctor oncologist Barinova N.Yu.