  • Cumin Common

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    Carum carvi.

    A biennial umbelliferous plant 30 to 100 cm high. Cumin was consumed in the Neolithic Age. This is the oldest spicy plant, the seeds of which were found during archaeological excavations in structures dating back to the third millennium BC.Homeland caraway is considered Northern and Central Europe.

    Description: stalk naked, furrowed and branched. Leaves are double or triple, pinnately-divided. Their leaves are pinnately divided into linear lobes. Flowers are collected in umbrellas. Blooms in May and June. The fruit is a two-seeded, gray-brown color that breaks into halves.

    Among the varieties of caraway it is especially worth noting Khmelnitsky, variety with abundant herbs and good seed yield, and Podolsky.

    Ingredients: fruits contain 3-7 % essential oil, the main component of which is carvone, 10-20 % fatty oils, proteins, tarry substances, sugar. The most important components of essential oil are carvone and limonene. Cumin leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals.

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    Cultivation of : cumin is not exacting to heat, seeds germinate even at soil temperature of 7-10 ° C.Being a frost-resistant plant, it can tolerate frosts to -25 ° C even in snowless winters. Cumin refers to the light-and-moisture-loving cultures. High yields on loamy and sandy loam soils, well seasoned with organic fertilizers. Swampy heavy acidic soils are not suitable for cumin.

    Planting cumin is placed after the crops, under which manure was applied, compost. Cumin is sown early in the spring or late summer in well-treated soil in rows with a distance between them of 40 cm.

    Before sowing the seeds, it is recommended to soak and germinate. Seedlings will appear after 6-10 days. Plants with 2-3 leaves thin out in a row for a distance of 15-20 cm. In the first year, cumin grows slowly. Care consists of loosening the soil between the rows, weeding. Due to the cold resistance, cumin, even in severe snowless winters, can remain in the open ground without shelter. In the second year of vegetation, cumin grows rapidly in the spring and forms a large rosette of leaves. Once the soil is ready for processing, they begin to loosen it, loosening is repeated 2-3 times during the summer.

    After 20-30 days from the beginning of the regrowth, flower-bearing stems are formed, and in 10-15 days the plants bloom. Fruit ripening begins in July.

    Collection: the harvest of leaves and young shoots is removed in May-June, and seeds - in August in the second year of culture. The fruits( seeds) of caraway seeds are removed in the phase of stirring. Seeds ripen unevenly and easily crumble. The cut plants are bundled and left to dry, then threshed. The threshed seeds are cleaned and dried in the air. Seeds are harvested in dry, warm weather.

    Medicinal properties: in the pharmaceutical industry, cumin is used for the preparation of galenic preparations against flatulence, stimulating the formation of milk in lactating women and strengthening the stomach. Preparations from caraway are prescribed for violations of intestinal function and such diseases as colitis and enteritis. Cumin stops the processes of fermentation in the intestine. Its fruits improve the separation of bile, stimulate intestinal peristalsis, increase appetite, they are used for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. Cumin fruits;include in the composition of many medicinal charges( for example, gastric, appetizing laxative, etc.).

    In folk medicine, cumin is used for spasms of the digestive organs and for headaches. As a spice, it facilitates the digestion of fatty and heavy meals.

    Application: cumin has intense spicy and even spicy taste, spicy odor. Often included in the composition of spicy mixtures used in whole or ground form. Ground cumin is added to dishes that are cooked( salads, pates, cheeses, etc.).

    Caraway Kvass

    30-50 g of cumin, 1 kg of black bread, 25 g of yeast, 1/2 kg of granulated sugar, 10l of water Black bread cut into small pieces and dry. Boil water, pour in dried bread and leave it for 3-4 hours, then strain, then add yeast, sugar, cumin and put in a warm place for fermentation / 2-3When the fermentation is over, let the kvass drain.) Ready kvass should be stored in a cool place.

    Milky-ooschnoy soup with cumin

    2 liters of milk, 1/2 cup of buckwheat( can be replaced with pearl barley), 1 rutabag, 3-4 potatoes, 3 tbsp.l.butter, 1 / 2-1 tsp.cumin, 2 tsp.dill, 0,5 l of water Boil the buckwheat in water until half-ready, add sliced ​​slices, salt and cook for about 10-15 minutes. Then add potatoes, cumin and cook until the vegetables are ready. Then pour in the milk, allow to boil and add butter, dill greens.

    In the form of seeds, caraway seeds are used to make various products from dough, add to red beets, fresh and sauerkraut, in various marinades, potatoes, soups, salads, cheeses, sausages, all kinds of fatty meat, cottage cheese, fish, especially cooked, to crayfish and carrots, to mushroom soups, soup with cumin, borsch and goulash. Without caraway and garlic, cooking lamb is unthinkable. The taste of rye bread without adding cumin would also lose its charm. Cumin fruits are used in the preparation of kvass and beer. Without caraway can not do with pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. Cumin leaves have a spicy taste and a weak aroma. Young leaves, the top of the shoots and roots in fresh form are added to salads, soups, stewed meat dishes.