  • Sciatica - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    In medical practice, in connection with the development of scientific knowledge in the field of the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases, changes occur in the formulations of diagnoses. Obsolete terms are replaced by new ones.

    Sciatica previously referred to a disease associated with a pinch and inflammation( neuritis) of the sciatic nerve in the lumbosacral spine, which manifests itself in acute acute pain. Sciatica is rather a symptom than a separate diagnosis. Instead of the previously used terms - "sciatica", "paralyzing sciatica" now use: radiculopathy, radiculohemia, radiculomyeloschemia .

    Radiculopathy - disease of the spine, radiculo-ischemia - disease of the radicular artery, veins and as a consequence of the spine, radiculomyelohemia - combined lesion of the spine, vessels and spinal cord.

    Acute pain syndrome in the innervation zone of the spine in combination with sensory and motor disorders - radiculopathy .Disturbed pain in the spine, pain was gone, and the foot "hung" -

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    radiculoheischemia .When joining the symptoms of spinal cord injury - abnormalities of the pelvic organs, paresis stop. .. - radiculomyelic ischemia .


    For the diagnosis of the onset of pain, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is necessary.

    When neurological examination is necessarily characterized by the loss of tendon reflexes, the reflex arc of which is provided by this spine, a violation of sensitivity in the innervation zone of the root and the presence of muscle weakness in the muscle groups innervated by this spine.


    Treatment depends on the stage of the disease - in the acute period - analgesic mixtures, possibly hormones( intravenous, paravertebral blockades), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, gabapentins, vitamins of group B. When radiculopathy, antioxidants and vascular therapy are added, with radiculohemia - anticholinesterasepreparations.

    When a herniated disc is found with a spine compression or compression of the spinal cord, the question of surgical treatment is solved, the volume of which and necessity is discussed with the neurosurgeon.

    In the subacute period - physiotherapy, mioton, amplipulse, stimulus, diadynamic currents, darsonvalization, magnetotherapy, massage, acupuncture.

    Outside the exacerbation, spa treatment is indicated.