
Useful and medicinal properties of the full-fledged flowers

  • Useful and medicinal properties of the full-fledged flowers

    ( field chickenworm, night blindness)

    Annual low plant( 15-30 cm tall) with several stems( less often one) and a thin root stem;stem stretched or ascending, leaves opposite, sessile, ovoid, green above, bottom with black dots. Flowers solitary, sessile in axils of leaves on elongated pedicels of brick-red color. Fruits - boxes with an opening lid. Blossoms in June-July.

    It grows in the fields, on the outskirts of roads, on weedy places.

    Contains saponins, bitter substances, glycoside - cyclamine, flavoid.

    According to the experience of traditional medicine, it marked a number of healing properties. Preparations from it are a diuretic anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and strong soothing agent, as well as a means that dissolves in the urinary organs stones and sand, regulating menstruation, which relieves and cleanses the intestinal tract( in this case, enemas from herb decoction are used).As a firming and soothing remedy, full-length herb preparations are successfully used for dyspnoea and pulmonary tuberculosis, and especially for women's diseases, and in addition, with all nervous illnesses, headaches and mental disorders. Especially effective are the preparations of full-time color in conjunction with valerian. As diuretics from full-color grasses are recommended for all "stone" diseases in the urinary and gallbladder and kidneys, they help

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    also in liver diseases, in particular when it is enlarged, and against jaundice.

    In the people decoction of the whole plant is used inside and outside with any kind of bleeding, like a stomachic agent, with dysentery, headache, bathe weak children. With chronic constipation, enemas are filled with decoction of full-color decoction( 20 g of herb per 1 liter of water).Gadgets of fresh juice plants are applied to diseased eyes( hence the name - full-color).


    Decoction: 1 tbsp.a spoon of chopped herbs for 2 cups of boiling water;half or full glass 2-3 times a day.

    Infusion from the whole plant: 20 g per 1 liter of boiling water, take no more than 3 glasses per day for liver diseases, in particular tumors( when the liver is easily groped, hard).With jaundice, as a means of expelling sand and stones of the gallbladder, bladder and kidneys.