Useful and medicinal properties of the fern male( male sculpin)
Perennial herbaceous plant 30-100 cm tall. Rhizome thick, brown, covered with numerous subordinate filiform roots and numerous
brown, scaly leaves, which cover young leaves. From the top of the rhizome come out large, pinnately complex leaves, wrapped in cochlea. On the underside of the leaves, sporangia develop with the sporulation towards autumn, the latter matured through ripening sporangia and serve to multiply the fern. Disputes are formed from June to September.
Medicinal raw materials are rhizomes with strong toxic properties. The collection takes place in the autumn( September-October).Rhizomes are cleared from the ground, roots and scaly leaves. Dried in dryers, ovens or ventilated rooms. They are stored in cans tightly closed with lids, observing the rules for storing poisonous plants. Shelf life 1 year.
Rooted root rhizomes are not suitable for use.
The ferns contain fern, flavaspidic acids, albaspidin, aspidinol( derivatives of florolucine), etc. The main active principles are fernic acid( phylix) and filmronone - derivatives of ficilic acid, cleaving into flicin and aspadinol. These substances are mainly muscle poisons. When acting on tape worms cause paralysis of their musculature. In medical practice, it is used in the form of an ethereal extract and more in tablets "phylixan"( phylixan is less toxic than the extract), mainly against tape and round worms( wide ribbons, bovine and pork chains, etc.).Effective fern preparations and against dwarf chain.
When using male fern preparations, use caution, since they are poisonous. Treatment should be carried out only but directed and under the supervision of a doctor according to a certain scheme.
For the successful expulsion of tapeworm, if the treatment is performed without the supervision of a physician, it is necessary to comply with such rules:
1-2 days before the treatment appoint a nutritious but easily digestible( liquid) food, poor in fats( white bread, rusks, cereal soups, milk,yogurt, cottage cheese, liquid milk porridge, boiled fresh fish, jelly, coffee, tea, sugar is allowed).
On the eve of treatment for dinner, only sweet tea or coffee with biscuit is drunk;at night take a laxative salt( 30 g);before going to bed it is recommended to eat a piece of herring with onions. In the morning, on an empty stomach, ready-made or self-made pills from the fern extract of a male are taken every 15-20 minutes.30 minutes after the last dose of the drug, the patient is given a salt laxative( 30 g);if within 3 hours there will be no stool, put a warm enema. When the parasite leaves the head, it is necessary to put an enema 1-3 times more.
It is customary for people to sit down on a stool with hot milk( a quarter of the dishes) and pull themselves together.
In folk medicine, the aqueous infusion of the rhizomes of the male fern is used externally for baths, with rheumatism and convulsive contractions of the leg muscles, purulent wounds and ulcers.
Fern extract is an ethereal - a ready preparation in the amount of 5 g, divided into 10 capsules, should be taken every 5 minutes, washed down with water or 1% solution of soda.
If there is no ready-made preparation, it can be replaced with decoction of rhizome( 10 g per 200 ml), condensed to half, and take 1 tsp with honey. This amount of broth is mixed with flour and divided into 10 pills - a serving for adults;children broth should be given according to age.
Phylixan tablets - 2 tablets every 5 minutes, after the last intake - saline laxative( for the expulsion of tapeworms).
Symptoms of male fern poisoning: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache,
respiratory depression and cardiac activity, jaundice, convulsions, visual impairment.
First aid and treatment: gastric lavage, saline laxatives, intravenous administration of isotonic sodium chloride solution, glucose;heaters, warm baths, with convulsions - chloral hydrate.
Infusion for baths: 50 g of dry rhizome or 100 g of fresh root boil 2-3 hours in 2-3 liters of water, bath temperature 28-30 ° C.
Drugs( extract) are contraindicated in case of cardiac decompensation, liver and kidney diseases, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, acute gastrointestinal and febrile diseases, pregnancy, severe exhaustion, anemia and active tuberculosis. In such cases, you can use pumpkin seed preparations.