  • Strawberries

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    General information: garden wild strawberries - the culture is unusual and does not occur wild in nature. It originated in Holland in 1720 as a result of the natural hybridization of two American species of strawberry and Chilean strawberry virgin. In Russia it was delivered in the late 18th century. Garden strawberries, which are often incorrectly called strawberries, are a perennial plant. She can live up to 20 years, maybe longer, and yields. But usually strawberries are grown in one place for 4-5 years.

    The short branching stalk of a plant grows very slowly - in a year by 1-2 cm. In the lateral part of the stem from the axillary buds new growths are formed. Branching of the stem is called horns, each of which consists of a rosette of leaves with a cone of growth in the center. Rozhkov at the strawberry bush is up to 30 or more. Their number depends on the age of the bush, variety and agrotechnics of cultivation. The largest number of horns is formed in the second half of summer after the termination of fruiting. Every year, the horns are formed higher above the ground. At the base, new subordinate roots are formed. So that they can take root, bushes of strawberries must be hilled.

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    The root system is located mainly in the surface layer of the soil - up to 25-30 cm. The maximum depth to which they penetrate is 60-70 cm.

    Requirements: is undemanding for strawberry soil, and if followed well, can grow everywhere, except, of course, wetlands and dry sands. The most suitable for its growth are loamy soils with good water permeability and water retention capacity. Clay and sandy soils before planting strawberries need to improve: make humus, compost or manure. Since strawberries are well tolerated and even yield better yields on weakly acidic soils or close to it - neutral ones, the soil should be limed only if its acidity is 5.2 and lower. Do not lime directly under strawberries. It is better to conduct liming 1-2 years before planting. When choosing a place for strawberries, you need to remember the alternation of crops. It grows very well on a site where garlic, dill, parsley or legumes grew for 2 years before. It should not be planted after potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. When laying a plantation, the soil is prepared for 2-3 months, but not later than 7-10 days before planting the seedlings. For 1 m2, 8-10 kg of organic fertilizers, 12 g of phosphorus and 15 g of potassium( active substances) are applied. If simple superphosphate and potassium sulfate are used, then for soils of medium availability, 60 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2 should be taken.

    Ingredients: contain sugars( fructose and glucose predominate), organic acids( mainly apple), pectin substances, vitamin C;on the content of vitamin B9 it surpasses all other fruits and berries, as well as oranges, grapefruits and grapes. On the accumulation of vitamin E strawberries are far ahead of oranges, mandarins, bananas, red currants, cherries and other fruit and berry crops. In addition to the listed biologically active substances, other vitamins - provitamin A, B1 - are found in fruits;B2, PP, K, although their content is insignificant.

    Planting: can be planted strawberries almost at any time, while it is warm weather. But the bushes are better rooted and developed if they are planted at the end of summer, early autumn and early spring. Autumn planting in the middle lane should be completed in the first decade of September. Seedlings are planted in one-line or two-line way. In the first case, 60-70 cm are left between the lines, 15-20 cm between the plants. In the two-line method between the race. Planting of the strawberry

    1. . The planting is done correctly, the "heart" of the bush is above the soil surface. When planting, the roots should be lowered into the prepared pit and hold the bush so that the "heart" is above the ground level, then carefully gently scoop the ground to the roots and compact it, fixing the plant at the desired level relative to the soil. After that, the surface of the ground next to the planted bush is leveled.

    2. Planting is done too finely, the "heart" strongly rises above the soil surface, it is possible to stick out roots and expose the root system.

    3. The landing is too deep, the "heart" is covered with earth, which leads to its swimming after watering or rain. This should not allow

    doi leave 15-20 cm, between the lines - 30 cm, between the tapes - 70-80 cm. For planting it is better to take freshly-bogged bushes. Before this strawberries are thoroughly watered and immediately taken out bushes, preferably with a root of the ground. From the seedlings grown, plants with 4-5 normal leaves and a 7-10 cm long, lobed root system are selected. If the seedlings have very long roots, they should be shortened to 10 cm before planting and well spread out in a well. In no case should the roots curl. Planted plants must be watered( 500-800 ml of water per plant).In dry weather, watered for 7-10 days( 1 liter per plant every other day).After this, the seedling takes root. Plant strawberries better in cloudy, rainy weather, sunny in the evening and always pritenyat freshly cut grass or paper.

    Diagram of planting of strawberries

    One-line planting, distance between rows of 70 cm, between plants in a row of 25 cm. Belt fit, distance between belts of 70 cm, between lines of 40 cm, between plants in a row of 25 cm.

    Two-line planting, the distance between the lines is 40 cm, between the plants in the row is 25 cm, for the two-row planting the ridges are prepared in a width of 80 cm. Three-line planting, , the distance between the lines is 40 cm, between the plants in the row is 25 cm, for the three-row planting 120 cm wide ridges are prepared.

    Etcand the planting should be monitored, so that the base of the apical bud( "heart") is at the same level with the soil surface. You can not deepen the "heart"( fill the ground),

    & gt;Planting of strawberries in the garden

    Planting of seedlings of strawberries is carried out on a flat surface of the ridge, before planting the soil is dug or cultivated and the surface is leveled. The width of the bed, depending on the planting scheme, ranges from 80 to 120 cm, the width of the pass between the beds is 30 cm. It is most convenient to plant the seedlings along a measuring ruler or under a cord. For planting strawberries apply a variety of schemes, according to which are prepared beds of different widths of the

    nor planted high. Mulching of soil retains moisture in it, protects the "heart" from siltation. Good results when planting strawberries gives mulching soil black polyethylene film or thermohydrophobic paper. Edges and ends of film or paper are sprinkled with soil, strawberries are planted in prepared holes.

    The most popular varieties of early and mid-adult maturation:

    Early Maherauha - medium, red berries. The flesh is light red, dense, sweet or sweet-sour, a good dessert taste with a light aroma.

    Desiccation - shrubs are medium to large, compact. The berries are large( 8-14 g), flaky or spherical, bright red, shiny. Flesh is red, fairly dense, juicy, sweet and sour, fragrant, dessert taste. Forms the average number of whiskers.

    Dawn - fruits of medium size, ovoid, bright red, shiny. Flesh is dense, pleasant taste.

    Beauty Zagorje - berries are large, dark red, good taste. Use them in fresh and processed form.

    Average maturity:

    The talisman of is of English origin. Berries of medium size, non-uniform, red. Flesh is dense, good taste. Good in fresh and processed form.

    Festival - bushes are high, compact. Berries are large( 8-14 g), oval with a broad neck, somewhat compressed laterally, with a longitudinal groove, bright red, shining. Flesh pink and red, lightening to the core, medium density, sweet and sour. Forms a lot of mustaches.

    Mid-term maturation:

    Zenga Zengana - bushes are high, compact. Berries from medium to large( 7-13 g), round-conical, dark red( almost black), shiny, without a neck, with yellow submerged seeds. The flesh is dark red, dense, juicy, sweet and sour. Forms a relatively small mustache. Redgonite - shrubs are medium-sized, loose. The berries are large( 12 g), broad-conical or roundish, bright red. The flesh is light red, fairly dense, sweet and sour. Forms a lot of usoa

    Reproduction: wild strawberry propagates vegetatively( mustache).Of the axillary buds of leaves in June appear creeping whips - mustaches. In the beginning, they grow upward, while lengthening, they bend to the ground.

    At the nodes of the mustache, first the rosettes of the leaves are formed, and then the roots of the roots. The rosettes take root, an independent plant is formed - seedlings. Near the mother plant are located more powerful rosettes. On the bed should be identified a few bushes from which you want to get seedlings, and as far as the birth of peduncles, remove them. Soil around such bushes should be covered with peat 4-5 cm layer. Care: can feed strawberries in early spring and after harvest with a combined liquid fertilizer: a solution of Mullein( 1 part in 5 parts water) or bird droppings( 1: 10) with additionper 1 bucket of 60 grams of simple superphosphate and 100-150 grams of wood ash. For this, on both sides of the row, grooves 3-4 cm deep are made and a fertilizer solution is applied at a rate of 1 bucket per 3-4 m. After that, the furrows are covered with earth and watered. In the spring it is very important to pre-loosen the soil on the plantation as early as possible in order to preserve moisture. Loosen carefully, without damaging the roots.

    On a fruitful plantation after the onset of a stable warm, dry weather, it is necessary to remove the dried dead leaves and burn them, since they are infected by pathogens of many diseases and strawberry pests. Before the beginning of fruiting, it is necessary to loosen the soil 3 times, the latter is carried out during the flowering of strawberries. After it, while the peduncles have not laid down on the soil, around the bushes

    Breeding of strawberries

    Strawberries reproduce vegetatively with the help of whiskers, which are modified shoots. Whiskers spread along the ground, then in their nodes are formed rosettes of leaves, and later the root system develops. So there is an independent plant, which after rooting can be separated from the mother and transplanted to the selected site

    it is necessary to lay mulch: clean straw, film or mulch paper. The following loosening is carried out immediately after harvesting the berries. In the post-harvest period it is necessary 2-3 times to loosen the soil, weed out weeds and regularly water.

    In the first half of the summer, during intensive growth of the ovaries, strawberries are in great need of watering. Soil should be moistened to a depth of 30 cm. Before watering, it is desirable to feed a solution of slurry or bird droppings. When ripe berries, watering plants is necessary only if there is dry weather and the plants lack moisture. After harvesting strawberry bushes resumed the growth of leaves, horns, roots, the laying of peduncles is under way - the harvest of the next year is being prepared. At this time it is very important to carefully weed out weeds, apply fertilizing, loosen the soil, remove the mustache, fight pests and diseases. Large damage is caused by numerous strawberries - raspberry fly and stem gall midges, raspberry beetle, raspberry-weevil weevil, strawberry transparent tick, and diseases - raspberry anthracnose, rust, septoria, or white spot, didymella, or purple(lilac) patchiness of the stems, gray mold, powdery mildew and, finally, white and brown spots of strawberry leaves( for description and control measures see Pests and diseases of fruit and berry crops).

    Harvest: strawberries are harvested as they mature. Berries, cleaned in the heat, quickly soften and deteriorate, so it's best to clean them early in the morning, as soon as the dew dries or by evening. The berries are removed together with the peduncle and cup and neatly folded into small baskets or slatted boxes. Berries without pedicels spoil even faster. After cleaning, they should be stored in a cool place.

    Usage: strawberries can be eaten fresh, frozen, processed into compotes, jams, jams, syrups and jam. More recently, the freezing of berries has been practiced. With correct processing or observance of all technological subtleties of the freezing process, strawberry berries retain up to 80 % of vitamin C. Strawberry possesses therapeutic and prophylactic properties: it regulates cholesterol metabolism, prevents obesity of the liver, maintains the elasticity of capillaries in normal state, increases the body's reactivity, enhancing its immunity.

    The combination of iron, ascorbic and folic acid in fruits is a kind of hematogenous complex of compounds that provides a normal process of hematopoiesis in the body. That's why strawberries are useful for regular consumption of people of any age, especially children, as well as people who have suffered serious diseases associated with loss of blood and exhaustion. Strawberries are a diuretic in diseases of the kidneys, kidney stones, with the disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also appreciated by the fact that it begins to ripen at the end of June, when there are no other fruits and berries. To better assimilate the body of strawberries contained in berries of useful substances, it is recommended to use berries with milk, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, that is, with dairy products.

    From strawberry berries you can prepare cosmetic masks in a mixture with sour cream. In general, everything depends only on imagination.


    Strawberries can cause a strong allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to it.