  • Garlic useful properties

    ( Allium sativum L.) Garlic( onion, garlic, egg, etc.) is a perennial bulbous plant of the family of onion( Alliaceae) up to 1.5 m high. Egg-like complex bulb is covered with several dry white or purple films, consists offrom small( up to 4 cm) bulbs - teeth, also clothed with dry films.

    The leaves are flat, linear, pointed, up to 1 m in length. Leaves are broad-leafed, flat, keeled from below, slightly gently tapering from above, acute.

    Flowers are pale-lilac, up to 3 mm in length, in a small inflorescence umbrella surrounded by a single-leaf, loose cover. Inflorescences in the form of an umbrella, covered with flowering cover before flowering. Umbrella with numerous onions. Flowers on long stalks, reddish or greenish white. Blossoms in June-July.

    Homeland - South Asia. Cultivated in many countries. It propagates vegetatively by transplanting the teeth. The bulbs containing phytoncides are used, the crystalline substance is alliin( 0.3%), which, under the action of the allinase enzyme, forms allicin, which has a strong bactericidal effect. Also contain fatty oil( 0.06%), essential oil, inulin, phytosterol, vitamin C( up to 30 mg%).

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    Bulb with numerous sessile, white or grayish, oblong-ovate bulbs, enclosed in a common white membranous membrane. The stem is mostly up to the middle leafy.

    Medicinal raw materials are garlic bulbs, which contain essential oil, glucoside alii, iodine, polysaccharides, sulfur-containing substances and phytoncides. How to treat garlic, see here.

    Historical background. In many countries of the ancient world, garlic was considered as one of the main condiments for food and medicine. Thus, the Sumerians circa 2300 BC.began to use garlic. Egyptians, Persians, Greeks and Romans equally widely used garlic in food and drink. In the "Book of Wisdom" of King Solomon, garlic is mentioned among the most useful plants. Ancient Greek physician Dioscorides was one of the first to use garlic for the treatment of burns. In Chinese and Tibetan medicine, he was considered a good tool, reducing fatigue in heavy physical exertion, rickets, a preventative against cancer. In Russia, garlic was used to protect against cholera, plague, typhoid fever.

    Experimental and clinical data. Garlic is a widely used remedy against a large number of diseases in folk medicine of all nations. Garlic juice and ordinary water extract are characterized by a strong antimicrobial effect against Staphylococcus aureus and alpha-hemolytic streptococci, as well as many intestinal pathogenic microorganisms( dysentery, typhoid, pathogenic bacteria, enterococci).It is recommended for hypertension, insomnia, gout, tonsillitis, flatulence, edema, for the prevention and treatment of influenza. With success it is applied externally for the treatment of psoriasis, strengthening of hair, with burns. The experiments showed that garlic lowers cholesterol, promotes the reverse development of atherosclerotic plaques.

    Application. Produced in tablets "Allicor" and "Alisat"( preparations containing garlic powdery), which are highly effective for the prevention and treatment of hypertension, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.


    1) tincture on alcohol: 15 or 30 g;use 15 drops 3 times a day;

    2) extracting allyl-salts: 10-15 drops( on milk) 2-3 times a day.

    The most common way of using garlic is to take it at dinner for 2 to 3 heads( peeled slices), preferably with curdled milk.

    In medical practice, garlic preparations are used for intestinal atony, flatulence, to suppress the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestine, in colitis, dysentery and as a very effective antihelminthic agent, as well as hypertension and atherosclerosis.

    There are positive results in the treatment of garlic trichomonad colpitis( swabs of garlic gruel), certain diseases of the ear, lungs, purulent ulcers and wounds( 10 minutes incantation with garlic clove), dysentery, etc.

    In traditional medicine , garlic preparations have long been used for gastrointestinal diseases and for their prevention, for hypertension, for atony of stomach and intestines, for dyspepsia, for inflammation of the caecum, for respiratory diseases, for tuberculosis of the throat, especially for purulent pneumonia,with bronchial asthma, jaundice, edema, arteriosclerosis, influenza. Garlic drugs are referred to drugs for the treatment of precancerous and cancerous diseases of various localizations.

    External garlic is used for trichomonas inflammation of the female genital organs, skin diseases.

    Inside, in addition, used as a diuretic for almost all diseases of the bladder and kidneys, as antipark, antiscorbutic and antimalarial, with edema of the legs and enlarged spleen.

    Garlic can replace mustard plasters for headaches and chest pains. Ointment or juice from garlic is used for warts and calluses, bites of snakes and scorpions and with long-standing suppurating ulcers( use an infusion of garlic on vinegar or juice with vinegar).

    With garlic smell from the mouth, it is removed by chewing a fresh root of parsley or root of calamus.


    1/3 of the bottle is filled with finely chopped( or gruel) garlic. Pour vodka or 70-degree alcohol. Insist 14 days in a dark place, shake daily.

    Take 5 drops 3 times daily before meals on a teaspoon of cold water.

    Clears the circulatory system from all kinds of deposits, relieves high blood pressure, cleanses the stomach, and has a beneficial effect on spasms of the brain vessels.

    At home, you can make a tincture: 250 g. Onion peel garlic, peel off the peel, chop and pour a liter of vodka, soak for 14 days at a temperature of 30 ° C.The bottle should be well clogged, pour in the stopper and keep it warm. Filter the contents through a gauze napkin. In epidemics of influenza and intestinal infectious diseases, take 10 to 15 drops. Mixed with honey tincture is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

    Vodka tincture: 10 heads of finely chopped or minced garlic for 0.5 or 1 liter of vodka;insist 8 days in a dark place;take 1/2 tsp 3 times a day.

    Alcohol extracts are used for hypertension, atherosclerosis. Preparations of garlic lower arterial pressure, increase the amplitude and slow down the rhythm of heartbeats, inhibit the activity of cholinesterase, dilate blood vessels, increase diuresis, secretion and peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.


    Thick ointment( used most often with warts): crushed garlic is mixed in half with pork fat.

    Ointment on vinegar( liquid): 1 part of crushed garlic for 4 parts of vinegar.

    Natural garlic

    1. Chuck the garlic and hold in the mouth, sucking the juice, the maximum possible time( while the juice is sensed) followed by repeated repetition. The goal - juice and essential oils, evaporating, envelops the throat, this is treated with its tuberculosis.

    2. A clove of garlic with salt bites and, sucking out the juice, proceeds to pumpkin seeds. They gnaw seeds for a long time, after which they again suck the juice from the garlic and salt( chives) - and again the pumpkin seeds. This continues until there is jaundice.

    Tampons in the vagina made from fresh garlic mush. Take a piece of gauze with a size of 10 x 10 cm, put a gruel into it, tie it, put it into the vagina and hold it for 3-4 hours a day, and sometimes longer. Such garlic mush is used in the treatment of certain forms of lip precancer, limited and less often diffuse hyperkeratosis, leukoplakia, cracks and simple ulcers.

    Poultices for painful tumors: first prepare a decoction or infusion, then soak a piece of tissue in it, squeeze it lightly and apply it to the sore spot still hot.

    Emulsion when stretching muscles and tearing ligaments: boil on low heat cloves of garlic and eucalyptus leaves in some animal fat. When the medicine cools and solidifies, rub it into the skin to eliminate tension and inflammation.

    To neutralize the smell of garlic, you should chew 2 to 3 coffee beans, a few grains of anise or cumin, cardamom, you can also eat an apple or a sheet of parsley.

    A wonderful remedy used since antiquity in the treatment of many diseases( atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, chronic lead poisoning, etc.).

    Unfortunately, with kidney disease, garlic is not recommended.



    1 medium head of garlic, 1 - 1.5 cups of wormwood one infusion.

    Method of preparation.

    Grind garlic, pour 1 cup boiling water, heat on a water bath or light fire for 20-30 minutes. Cool at room temperature. Mix with wormwood infusion.

    How to use.

    Enema for several days in a row( 4-5 days), after which the material of perianal scrapings is examined.

    It should be remembered that prolonged consumption of wormwood preparations in large quantities can lead to poisoning.

    Fighting infections, inflammations, poisons

    The medical merits of garlic are not limited to antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is difficult to find an ailment, in the treatment of which garlic would not settle. He caught a cold - eat garlic, bite a snake or scorpion - smear garlic ointment, a worm wound up - eat garlic with milk. Garlic also helps in the case of the most dangerous diseases for humanity today - cardiovascular and oncological. This vegetable culture is especially good for the prevention and strengthening of the body. Garlic strengthens the body's immune system, improves the functioning of the respiratory, digestive and nervous systems.

    The substances mentioned in the previous section, alliin and allicin belong to the so-called phytoncides( from the Greek phyton - plant and Latin caedo - kill).These are biologically active substances, which nature has provided for plants in order to protect them from various biological aggressors: bacteria, viruses, microscopic fungal parasites. It has been established that garlic phytoncides successfully cope with staphylococcus, dysentery and typhoid bacteria, intestinal rods, very many fungi, including harmful yeasts. Garlic - one of the few natural remedies, which along with the destruction of microbes and viruses effectively protects the body from the toxins released by these pathogens of infections. In the fight against poisonous substances, sulfur-containing components of garlic have succeeded, which "stick together" the molecules of the poison before they begin to poison the body. Garlic has a "dead grip", it acts on poisons like a boa constrictor on a rabbit, as if paralyzing them. They become passive and are excreted from the body without much damage to it. If you suddenly eat a dish of suspicious freshness, do not be too lazy to eat a couple of cloves of garlic. It will prevent poisoning or, in extreme cases, minimize its consequences. We draw the attention of cheerful men to the use of garlic in case of hangover syndrome.

    Over the centuries, mankind not only noticed the bactericidal properties of garlic, but also developed many recipes that make it possible to benefit from this vegetable with the greatest efficiency. So, when treating colds, well cooked garlic broth, infusion, syrup, butter, juice, and also garlic with honey and milk are good.

    The broth is prepared simply. Take 2-3 cloves of garlic and finely chop them. Put the water on the fire( in the volume of 2 cups) in an enamel pan or any container of stainless steel( it is important that the material of the dishes is not oxidized).As soon as the water begins to boil, add the cooked finely chopped garlic. Do not boil for long, strain, let it brew and use in the period of acute illness by 1/2 cup with a periodicity of 4-5 hours. Do not recommend to prepare large quantities of broth with a margin: it should be fresh.

    Infusion differs from the decoction only in that it does not need to be boiled.2-3 finely chopped cloves of garlic are placed in ceramic dishes, pour 2 cups of boiling water, cover tightly with a lid and a towel. Then they let them brew and use the same way. However, in the preparation of the present, great importance is the quality of water: it is better to use well or spring water.

    Nowadays many medications are sold for children in the form of syrups. Why not prepare a baby medicine from garlic? Garlic syrup - a wonderful remedy for any cold disease, whether it's a runny nose, cough or sore throat.1/2 cup finely chopped garlic poured into a bowl, resistant to oxidation, and poured with fresh buckwheat honey or high-quality treacle. The mixture is heated with stirring over low heat until the garlic dissolves. After that, the syrup is cooled and reheated. During an acute illness it is recommended to take garlic syrup every hour: for children - 1 teaspoonful, for adults - 1 dining room.

    Garlic oil is good for treating inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, ears, mouth. For its preparation you need 2 heads of fresh( !) Garlic. It is finely chopped and pounded in a wooden mortar. Then this gruel is put in a glass jar and slowly poured with vegetable oil, preferably olive, the volume is about 100 ml. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed, tightly closed with a lid and placed on the windowsill. It is important that the bank stayed in the sun for 10 days, during which it is necessary 2-

    to open and mix it 3 times a day. Then the mixture is filtered, non-> is added, -how many drops of purified glycerin, is put into a bottle of dark glass and covered with a sealed plug. The oil should be stored in the refrigerator and make sure that it does not freeze. Its shelf life is 8-10 weeks from the date of preparation. Before use( instillation in the nose and ear, lubricating the throat), the oil is heated to 30-35 ° C.

    Garlic juice helps with a deep cold with severe sore throat. The juice must be squeezed out of the teeth by hand! The electric juicer is not good. Garlic juice can be prepared and stored, for which it is necessary to preserve it in the same volume of pure alcohol and 10 volumes of distilled water. With severe pain in the throat, moisten the garlic juice with fingers, thrust them into the throat as deeply as possible and lubricate the sore spot. The procedure is not for the tender, the sensation is painful. Besides, that's not all. After treating the throat with garlic juice, do the same with propolis infusion.

    There is a more gentle way to treat a cold throat with garlic. Take 8 large teeth and rub them into a gruel. Add 8 teaspoons of wine vinegar, mix thoroughly and leave overnight in the fridge. Then melt 60 grams of buckwheat or other honey of dark varieties, add to the garlic-vinegar mixture and mix again. Put into the mouth the resulting mixture in the amount of 2 teaspoons, hold as much as you can, then swallow as little as possible in small sips.

    A mixture of freshly grated garlic and honey in a 1: 1 ratio helps with cold and flu. It is taken either 1 tablespoon before bedtime, or 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, while drinking with warm water.

    Quickly get rid of a cough helps with a drug from garlic, onion, honey and milk. Take the head of garlic, clean it, finely chop or chisel. In this garlic mass add 10 heads of onions of medium size and all this is boiled in fresh milk until the bulbs become very soft. Then they are ground directly in milk, add a little juice of canine mint and 2 tablespoons of lime honey. Take every hour for 1 tablespoon throughout the day.

    Talking about the potential of garlic in the fight against pests, we can not fail to mention such a classic use of this vegetable culture, as the excretion of parasitic worms or, sorry, worms. Since ancient times, garlic has been the most popular and effective anthelmintic. So, to get rid of tapeworm, you need to eat 10 cloves of garlic every morning on an empty stomach, after drinking a lot of boiled milk. This process should take about 2 hours. At the end of this "morning session" take a laxative.

    With the mention of worms, the reader can think of another folk remedy for fighting these vermin parasites. People even joke that the famous Latin saying In vino veritas is translated into Russian as follows: "Drink vodka - worms will not be!" You ask, what does vodka have to do with it? After all, we are talking about garlic. We mention this drink in connection with the popularity of sorcerers and traditional healers with garlic tinctures on vodka or alcohol.

    Preparation of garlic tincture is a delicate matter. First, for this purpose only fresh and large garlic will do. Of great importance is the quality of alcohol: use only such vodka as you could fearlessly drink at a festive table in the company of dear guests. And the best is a medical alcohol diluted with water. As is known, the quality of bottled beverages largely depends on the cleanliness of the dishes. The bottle in which you intend to insist the garlic should be thoroughly washed with a detergent, then wash it off no less thoroughly. It is desirable that the bottle is dark, because garlic tincture is quite sensitive to light. Be sure to choose a sealed plug. Before preparing the tincture, it should be slightly heated.

    The ratio of ingredients is as follows: 1 head of large garlic per 1/2 liter of good vodka or 40% medical alcohol dissolved in clean well, spring, distilled or, at most, carefully filtered tap water. Of course, you need to grind the garlic, but not too much. Pound the garlic in a bottle and pour the above solution.

    Very important is the choice of the day for garlic vodka. Not only healers, but also modern doctors say that it is necessary to prepare tincture on the day of the new moon( the first day of the lunar month, they are also called the first lunar day).Information about when such a day comes can be found in any lunar or tear-off calendar. The product will be ready on the full moon, approximately in 2 weeks, on the 15-17th lunar day. A bottle with a "ripening" tincture is needed every day 2 times - in the morning and in the evening - shake. On the full moon, the product is carefully filtered and, ready for use, is sent to storage in a cool place. It is taken in case of acute cold or other infectious disease 3 times a day for 10-15 drops. There is another version of the use of garlic tincture: dilute it to 12-15% alcohol( add 2 of the same volume of water) and drink 25 grams per night.

    Treatment of cardiovascular diseases

    Garlic was, is and will be one of the best folk remedies for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. It supports the function of the heart, dilutes blood, relaxes smooth muscles, compresses blood vessels, reduces blood pressure and significantly alleviates the suffering of patients with hypertension. Numerous medical studies have long established the beneficial role of garlic in the treatment of various sclerosis. Thus, garlic lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood and dangerous low-density lipoproteins for blood vessels, slows down their synthesis in the liver, increases the activity of enzymes that break down fats. According to medical statistics, most heart attacks and strokes occur at night, between 3 and 4 o'clock in the morning. Garlic, eaten at night, accumulates the highest protective potential precisely by this time.

    It is important to note the antithrombotic effect of garlic. It reduces the viscosity of blood, regulates its coagulability, improves its microcirculation, which prevents the appearance of blood clots in the vessels and "dissolves" the already formed thrombi.

    In folk medicine, a wide experience of using garlic for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases is gained.

    So, with atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and varicose veins, garlic with honey helps.

    Take 250 g of fresh garlic, grind it on a grater and pour also fresh, yet not sugar-coated honey( 350 g).All this mix and insist in the dark for 1 week. There is another way of preparing this drug. Squeeze out the juice from the garlic, mix it with the same amount of honey and insist for 1 week. Take this garlic-honey remedy for 30-40 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day( depending on how many times you eat).The recommended course of therapy is 1-1.5 months. The course can be repeated, but not earlier than 1 month later.

    With the help of garlic and honey, angina can be treated. There is a folk remedy for the preparation of which you will need 5 heads of garlic, 10 lemons and 1 liter of liquid bee honey. Garlic is cleaned, washed and twice( !) Is passed through a meat grinder. Lemons are released from the peel and squeezed to extract juice. The resulting garlic mush, lemon juice and honey are mixed intensively, placed in a glass jar and insisted for 1 week. Take once a day for 20-30 minutes before lunch or dinner for 4 teaspoons. And do not swallow everything at once. Swallow 1 teaspoon of drug, wait 1-2 minutes and take the next one.

    Another garlic folk remedy for stenocardia is prepared on the basis of strong chicken broth. It will be needed in quantities of 400 grams. The broth is poured into an enamel saucepan, there are added denticles from 1 head of garlic. The mixture is boiled for about 15 minutes on low heat. Then add 2 bunches of parsley, they all grind and insist. The remedy is drunk 30-40 minutes before meals.

    Multiple sclerosis is treated with garlic and vodka. True, the formulation is somewhat different from the one described earlier. Take 350 g of garlic, divide it into teeth and pour 1 glass of vodka. Insist for a few days in a dark place, while 3 times a day, a good shake. Then filter 3 times, let stand, and the product is ready for use. It is taken with milk. First, just 1 drop is poured onto a glass of warm milk, the next day - 2 drops. In the future, every day add 1 drop and bring their number to 25.

    Patients who have had a heart attack, often prescribed an extract of garlic, which has anticoagulant properties. It can be cooked at home, however, this will require some equipment and a margin of patience. We will have to tinker, but the efforts will not be wasted. The raw extract is similar to garlic tincture - garlic and vodka, but the extraction process allows you to extract much more useful substances from the vegetable culture. On its healing properties, the extract is ten times stronger than the tincture.

    You will need a lot of garlic( several kilograms) and vodka( for starters - 2 liters).To extract useful substances, a container with a bottom cock( like a keg in which wine or beer is sold) is needed. The keg material must not be oxidized. Inside the container, place a metal mesh sufficiently thick to place the chopped garlic on it so that it does not fall through its cells. The mesh is set approximately 1 cm above the level of the tap.

    To begin with, put about 1 kg of chopped garlic, which is filled with vodka. The container is tightly closed with a lid and placed in the cold. Useful organic compounds( including phytoncids) contained in garlic will gradually pass from plant tissue to vodka and dissolve there. Cold is necessary in order to minimize the evaporation of these substances in the atmosphere. Each week a new portion of chopped garlic( 0.5-1 kg) is added to the barrel. The first "harvest" of the extract can be collected in 2 weeks. Open the tap and pour out the yellow, oily liquid. Immediately add the vodka to the container. Its amount should be equal to the amount of collected oily liquid. We do not yet call this liquid an extract, because to obtain the final product it is required to filter it several times and let it settle.

    As we have already said, garlic extract is the strongest remedy. It must be taken cautiously, on the advice of a doctor. Usually garlic extract is added dropwise to the milk. It is not recommended to take more than 8 drops at a time. It is useful both in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, and in the fight against many viral infections.

    In hypertension, garlic helps in combination with apple cider vinegar. For several weeks every morning one must eat 1 crushed chive of fresh garlic, drink 1 glass of water, in which to dissolve a little apple cider vinegar. This remedy is contraindicated in patients with a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer.

    In rheumatism, garlic is also effective as an external agent. Cut a large clove of garlic in half and apply on that part of the body where you are rheumatic pains. Cover it with a bunch of wormwood, pribintovyvaete to the body and leave for the night. If the skin reddened in the morning, do not be afraid: wipe it with an alcohol solution of calendula or comfrey pharmacy. The procedure can be repeated 3 more times. It also helps with neuralgic pain.

    Fighting external diseases

    Garlic helps cope with many skin diseases. For example, with acne, which affects, mainly, young people. It has long been noted that in order to get rid of blackheads, it's enough to simply eat garlic. True, it is for young people that this method does not suit. The creature is young, charming, in love is embarrassed by both acne and garlic smell. Traditional healers can suggest another way of consuming garlic in the fight against acne - treat them for the night with a mixture of vodka with grated garlic in a ratio of 8: 1.5.For simplicity of calculation we inform: on 0,5 l of vodka to take 90-95 g of grated garlic. Vodka-garlic composition should be stored in the cold, and before use, heat to room temperature. Before going to bed, they are lubricated with pimples and covered with a soft cloth.

    Hives are treated somewhat differently. Grind a chive of garlic, mix it with 1 tablespoon of cold water and the resulting gruel with a cotton fleece wash the sore spots. With high skin sensitivity to garlic, treatment is stopped.

    For the treatment of calluses, including bone, it is not necessary to grind garlic in large quantities. The corn is steamed in hot water. Then take a chive of garlic and cut into pieces in such a way that the core does not get there. The plates are applied to the corn and fixed with a plaster.

    The procedure for treating eczema is quite simple. The ground garlic is mixed with butter and the resulting gruel is rubbed into the affected areas of the skin. We draw your attention to the fact that eczema does not require the use of various alcohol solutions: they only aggravate inflammation.

    With garlic, you can remove the wart. It is put on small pieces of garlic, and the surrounding skin is smeared with lard or goose fat. Garlic is fixed with plaster. All this is changed once a day. Folk healers claim that after 1-1,5 weeks of such treatment the wart disappears, as if by magic.

    From many diseases, liquid garlic ointment works well. With its help, you can treat psoriasis, lupus, as well as arthritis and muscle stretching. To prepare a liquid ointment, take 5-6 cloves of garlic, pound them in a wooden stupa, put in a jar and pour 2 cups of apple cider vinegar and 100 g of vodka. Thoroughly mixing the contents of the jar, it is put for 2 weeks in a dark cool place;3 times a day it is extracted and shaken properly. Then the garlic mush is filtered out, 1 teaspoon of eucalyptus oil is added to the remaining liquid and the ointment is ready. It is used for grinding, poultices and compresses.

    One of the most unpleasant diseases is hemorrhoids. Garlic can get rid of this ailment. There is an ancient way. Take a large enough metal container. You can take a bucket, but a large milk cannon is better - it has a narrow throat. Inside the canister is placed a strongly heated cobblestone. Topped with finely chopped garlic. Pieces of garlic heat up very much, even light up, and start to smoke. With this smoke, you need to treat the diseased parts of the body. As soon as garlic zadymit, the patient should sit on the neck of the can. After the stone has cooled, it is heated again and the procedure is repeated. Relief can come at once, but for a thorough therapeutic effect, 10 similar procedures will be required.

    Patients with hemorrhoids are usually prescribed rectal suppositories based on medicines. An anti-hemorrhoidal candle can be prepared at home using folk remedies. Take a small head of garlic, clean and 2 times scroll in a meat grinder. The resulting gruel is mixed with a creamy butter warmed to a soft consistency, which in no case should be salty, otherwise it will dissect the mucous membrane of the rectum. From the oil-garlic mixture a candle is formed, corresponding to the size of a medical one, manufactured in industrial conditions. The candle is placed in the refrigerator for hardening. Then remove and apply: injected into the anal opening before going to bed. Do not make garlic candles in reserve - their strength lies in freshness. Significant relief comes after 3-4-fold application. Such candles help men with inflammation of the prostate( with the exception of adenoma).

    Treatment of teeth, gums and oral cavity

    No one will challenge the effectiveness of garlic in the prevention of dental diseases. We have known since childhood that garlic strengthens the gums, reduces their bleeding and prevents tooth decay. However, he is able to relieve acute pain, as well as cope with the inflammatory process. So, on the inflamed part of the gums impose a compress of garlic paste, which is changed every 4 hours. At the end of the procedure, rinse your mouth with warm water.

    Ulcers on the gums can be treated and somewhat differently. Razirayte 3 large cloves of garlic and mix them with 2 teaspoons kefir. This useful dairy product is not to everyone's liking. Therefore, yogurt can be replaced with yoghurt, in which there are no pieces of fruit. The yoghurt-garlic mixture is slightly warmed, taken in the mouth, but not swallowed, but rolled with the tongue and detained in the affected areas. Repeat the procedure several times within 4-5 days.

    Garlic relieves acute toothache. True, it is applied not to the sick tooth, but to the energy points on the wrists that "answer" for the teeth. On the inner part of the wrist( the place where the pulse is usually felt), a thin cloth is applied( this can be a double gauze folded), several plates of garlic are put on it and the bandages are tightened as tightly as possible. If the teeth hurt on the left side, then the compress is placed on the right wrist, and vice versa.