  • Develop a child from birth to 1 month

    Abdominal position. During the day, teach the baby to lie on a large mattress or just on the floor. The position on the abdomen is preferable for both sleeping and waking on the carpet, surrounded by various objects that stimulate vision( bright toys, pieces of cloth, various objects).

    Position on the back. This position allows the kid to examine his hands and develops a grasping reflex, but it is better to put the child on his back only when you want to play with him.

    Inclined plane. This is a smooth board( 150x100 cm), one end of which is raised to the height of 20 cm from the floor. Doman calls this device a track for crawling. Put the child on the high edge of the board and let it slide down. Exercise is done under the supervision of an adult.

    Gymnastics. Begin to perform the first gymnastic exercises.

    • Cross the baby's handles on the chest and pull slightly. Repeat the exercise, but now the hand that was at the bottom should be on top.

    • Do the same exercise, but for the legs.

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    • Then cross your left arm and right foot so that your arm is at the bottom, and your foot is on top, and vice versa.

    • Supporting the kid with his hands behind his back, lift it, as if you want to put the baby, but not planting. Then, at first, quietly, then more and more strongly, lower it. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and back.

    • Place the baby on your shoulder and swim with it;Keep the baby tightly on his hands and make him "swim" in the air.

    • Place the baby with the belly on a large rubber ball and, holding the baby firmly, shake the ball in all directions, making sure that the baby does not hit anything. It is best to perform this exercise on a wide sofa.

    Position on all fours. When a child tries to get on his knees, help him by supporting his legs with his hands.

    Gymnastics. The complex of exercises carries the same

    character as in the previous stage, but it becomes more complicated in accordance with how the child grows and grows stronger. Doing exercises, you must be extremely careful and to ensure that the baby does not hit his head.

    It is very important to follow the rhythm of development of the baby's motor activity. If you force the training, the child will become frightened and stop absorbing new movements.

    Standing position. Place in the room any objects or furniture that will help the child to stand, leaning on something. It is necessary that the objects are long enough and allow the child to walk along them. Place them a short distance from each other, then the child can make the first steps, moving from one subject to another.

    Motivation for walking. During the walk, start walking with the baby, supporting him by the hand. When he stands leaning on something, call him to him. He will try to take a few steps to your outstretched hands. Children love such exercises, so even if your baby seems lazy, do it every day for several minutes each time.

    Stairs. Walking on the stairs is a very useful exercise. Encourage the child to climb it( of course, under your supervision), and then go down.

    Brahyatsiya. Brahyatsiya - a movement along the horizontal staircase, strengthened over the head, with the help of hands. The Kid intercepts the stairs of the stairs one by one, hanging on them like a monkey. Exercise also develops the volume of the chest and has a beneficial effect on supplying the brain with oxygen.

    This exercise can be passed when the kid learns to hang on a stick. The child needs to be held tightly until he grabs at every next step. In the future, when you feel that the baby can already do without your help, loosen the insurance. If you do this exercise daily, then in about three years the child will be able to perform it on his own.

    Large gymnastic ball. Put your baby's belly on the ball. Hold the baby by the feet only. Swing it on the ball. This exercise will allow the child to "train" the muscles of the back and abdomen.

    Flips. Teach your child to draw his head and roll forward. When the baby gets used to it, put it on your back, put your hands to your head and pull up your legs to help him to make a somersault back.

    Walking on the hands. Turn the child upside down and make hands like it.

    Walking. If the child expresses the desire to walk( and you can understand this when you see him alone without support, he goes to the room alone), the moment comes when you have to make him love the new kind of movement for him. First of all, you need to stop using the stroller, except when it is necessary. This period is rather complicated, as it turns out that it is not so easy to help a child in walking. The best time for this is a daytime walk. Choose a destination for your trip, such as the quarter where your home is located. First walk a few meters, then gradually increase the distance. Use the walk to sing songs, say counters, tell different stories.

    Often the child begins to ask for help. Even if you are a supporter of Spartan upbringing, do not deny it, take it in your arms, but carry it a little. Be sure to tell me how long you will wear it, for example: "I'll carry you, but only up to that tree!"

    It's good if the kid goes home on foot, as in this case he will rather remember his independent feats than that time, when he was "riding" on his hands. But it can also happen that the child will get tired more than you expected, get hungry, want to sleep. Do not achieve your goal by any means. This is learning, playing, not drill. Let the kid get what he wants - he will sit "on the pens".Once his own path has been traversed, he will increase. And do not forget to praise your child every time, even if his result is increased by 5 steps.

    Running. To teach a child to run, you need to make him walk faster and faster until he runs himself and will not rejoice in this new sensation. When he understands what it means to run, arrange during the walks one or two jogs. Show the child how long you can run together so that he sees a goal in front of him.

    Jumping. There are two types of jumps: the first to defeat fear( for example, to jump from some height to your hands), the second - in which the child must simply learn how to jump( break away from the floor).Showing the baby how to do it, become face to him, take his hands and make him jump down to you from the step. Children are very fond of such jumps! When the kid learns to jump well, show him how to jump on the top step, then jump on one foot, etc.

    Physical activity. You can combine everything that the child has learned in the previous months. It is very important to alternate walking, running, the ability to maintain balance, to make jumps.

    Dancing and rhythmic gymnastics. When the kid learns to run, he is ready to engage in rhythmic dances. In groups, rhythms are usually taken from three years.

    Supervision of seniors. It is desirable that a toddler under the age of two can observe once a week how the children exercise a year older than him.

    All sports. During this period, you can teach the child to any sport that is available to you: skis, horseback riding, gymnastic equipment, skates, bicycles, dances and, of course, swimming.