Useful properties of raspberry
Raspberry vulgaris( Rubus idaeus L.) is a perennial half-shrub of the Rosaceae family. The generic name comes from the Latin ruber - red and characterizes the coloring of the fruit. Species identification idaeus is associated with the geographical name of the mountain range on the island of Crete.
Stems straight, leaves triple, pinnate, flowers white small, collected in inflorescences. Fruits are prefabricated bone, red or yellow.
Botanical Description. Semi-shrub up to 1.5 m high. In the first year of life it forms only non-fertilizing stems. Fruits in the second year of life. The stems of the first year are herbaceous, cylindrical, erect with drooping top, bluish, have numerous thin spines of reddish or reddish-brown color. In the autumn they are woody, and the next year they blossom and give fruit, after which they die. Each year from the rhizome of raspberry grow new stems. Leaves are regular, odd-pinnate, with 3-7( usually 3-5) serrate, almost naked on top, with felt-pubescent leaves from below. The terminal leaf has an oblong-ovate shape with a pointed apex. It is located on a rather long petiole, while the lateral leaves are almost sessile and shorter. On fruit-bearing shoots, leaves are usually triple. Bisexual white flowers are collected in the axillary small-flowered brushes and the terminal corymbose-paniculate inflorescence. Flowers are five-petalled, about 1 cm in diameter. Sepals are greyish-green, with fruits they are bent back: petals are shorter than sepals, they are usually oblong, erect, whitish. Ovary pubescence. Stamens and pistils are many. Columns threadlike. Fruit - a complex red juicy drupe, consisting of fused at the base of numerous bones. Fruits are easily separated from the conical flower-root, inside the hollow.
Geographical spread. Raspberry is known to mankind for a very long time. There is information about raspberries, related to the III century BC.More than one and a half thousand years it is in culture, however, varietal raspberries appeared only in the XVI-XVII centuries, and in Russia - from the XVIII century. Everywhere is bred in gardens, found on forest glades, near roads.
Raspberries do not tolerate heat and drought, therefore it is more common in areas with a temperate and cool climate.
grows mainly along forest edges, glades, glades, among other shrubs, along river banks. He likes moderately moist places. Widely cultivated as one of the best berry bushes. It is produced in large quantities as medicinal raw materials, as well as for the needs of the food industry.
The main areas of raspberry culture are Moscow, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Kursk, Gorky, Ivanovo regions, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Lithuania, the Urals. It is also grown in a number of regions of Siberia( reaches Lake Baikal).With a high snow cover or winter shelter, the bushes tolerate frosts well.
Collection and drying. Collect ripe, healthy fruits of wild raspberries. Collection is made only in dry weather( moistened fruits are quickly damaged).Prepare fruits without flower-growing. They are collected in baskets, Lubyanka, tomato boxes, not allowing deformation of the fruit. After collection, raspberries are immediately dried. Initially, the fruits are poured in the sun, spreading on a litter a thin layer, and then dried in an oven or oven at a temperature of no higher than 50 °( better at 35-40 °).
Medicinal raw materials .Dried prefabricated fruits of raspberry( Fructus Rubi idaei) have a grayish-red color, a weak specific smell and a pleasant sweet-sour taste. In accordance with GOST 3525-75 in raw materials, taken at harvesting stations, the moisture content should not exceed 15%;blackened fruits not more than 8%;fruits not separated from tsvetolozh and pedicels, not more than 2%;other parts of the raspberry plant( twigs, stems, leaves) no more than 0.5%;fruits, stuck together in clots, not more than 4%;organic and mineral impurities not more than 0.5%.
Already in the III century BC.Ancient Greek scholar Cato wrote about raspberries. K. Linnaeus gave the plant a botanical Latin name, based on the story of Pliny the eldest( 1st century AD) about wild raspberries growing on Mount Ide. In the IV century AD.Roman explorer Palladius called raspberry a garden plant. In ancient Russia, raspberry fruits have been used since time immemorial, as reported in epics, tales and proverbs. By the middle of the XIX century in Russia, cultivated many varieties of raspberries.
Chemical composition. Raspberry fruits contain sugars( 3.6-5.7% per raw material), organic acids( 1.36-2.09%), pectic substances( 0.45-0.71%), and various vitamins:carotene( 0.2-0.6 mg / 100 grams of raw material), ascorbic acid( 12-45 mg), vitamin B2( 0.05 mg), nicotine( 0.6 mg) and folic acid( 6 μg /100 g).Among many other fruits and berries, raspberry is secreted by a high content of folic acid( vitamin B), which plays a big role in the processes of hematopoiesis.
In raspberry fruit, about 10% of sugars, mainly glucose and fructose, organic acids( salicylic, apple, citric, ant, etc.), minerals( potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc.).In them up to 45% of vitamin C, in leaves it is much more than in fruits, vitamins A, B, PP, as well as beta-sitosterol, which has anti-sclerotic properties, and essential oil. Seeds contain up to 15.6% fatty oil and phytosterol.
Raspberry sugars are mostly glucose and fructose, very little sucrose. In the organic acids - apple, lemon, as well as small amounts of salicylic and formic.
Fruits are rich in potassium and iron compounds, they also contain salts of manganese, zinc, cobalt and other elements.
In comparison with other berry plants, raspberries are somewhat poorer in flavonoids, the total content of which is 42-85 mg / 100g of raw material. Among the flavonoids are identified hyperoside, isokvetsitrin, astragalin, kaempferol-rhamnoside, etc.
In fruits, 0-sitosterol and other phytosterols have been found, which have a preventive and curative effect in atherosclerosis. Found mucus, tannins and essential oil, the presence of which is due to the aroma of the fruit.
Benefits of
Fruits of raspberries are an old and very common remedy. Their healing properties were known even in Ancient Greece and Rome.
Fresh and dried fruits, as well as canned fruits from raspberry fruit( compote, jam, jam, juice) are used as an antipyretic and sweating remedy for colds. They also have a diuretic and weak expectorant effect. Of the dried fruits are prepared infusion: two tablespoons of berries pour a glass of boiling water, insist 15-20 minutes, then filter. Within an hour, you should drink 1-2 glasses of hot infusion.
Raspberry juice with sugar is used as a refreshing drink with feverish conditions, and the syrup is added to the medicines to improve their taste and aroma.
In folk medicine of a number of countries( Bulgaria, Poland, USSR, Austria, etc.) also use the medicinal properties of raspberry leaves. So, in the GDR infusions and decoctions of leaves are taken with diarrhea as an astringent, infusion is used to rinse the mouth and throat with stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Similar uses are found in folk medicine in Bulgaria. In addition, the broth( 6 g. Of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water) is used for lotions and irrigation for skin diseases.
In Austria, a drink is prepared from the leaves and fruits of raspberries, which are taken as a vitamin, anti-catarrh and expectorant. In some areas of our country, infusions of leaves and flowers are used externally with hemorrhoids, rectal fissures and female diseases. Decoction of flowers is treated with conjunctivitis, blepharitis and erysipelas. Ointment from fresh raspberry leaves is considered a good remedy for acne and skin rash.
In folk medicine, fruits are also used for hypertension and atherosclerosis.
Since ancient times, raspberry is known as a medicinal plant. Medicinal raw materials are fruits, in folk medicine, in addition, - flowers, leaves, ie.almost all medicinally - fruits, leaves, flowers, roots. The collected fruits are wilted in the sun, and then dried in ovens. Stored raw materials in well-ventilated, dry rooms, drafts.
Dried fruit tea is an excellent remedy for colds. In fresh form, raspberry berries are useful for poor appetite, gastric and intestinal diseases, as an anti-inflammatory drug, as well as for removing intoxication. Decoction or infusion of leaves drink with a strong stomach upset, excessive menstruation, respiratory disease, skin diseases, use as a rinse with angina.
Decoction of flowers has anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effect, so it is used externally in the form of lotions for inflammation of the eyes, as internal - for female diseases, hemorrhoids.
Preparation and storage: with medicinal raw materials are fruits and leaves. Fruits are harvested as they mature, in dry weather, when they are easily removed from the flower pit. Dry in the sun, scattering a thin layer. Before drying, the fruits are dried. Store in pouches or wooden packaging for 2 years.
Oh, and cunning is a berry! Eat it, it seems, everything, nowhere else. And you go about an hour for raspberries, you can pick them up in a tuja, you'll see the raspberry curls shining in the sun - and you can not stand it. Berries and ask in the mouth. And no spines, no thorns are a hindrance.
Raspberry blooms in June-July with small, nondescript, whitish flowers. But the berries are bright red, sometimes yellow, tender, delicious.
Raspberry plants are an indispensable element of both a garden plot and forests of the whole European part of Russia, the Urals, Western Siberia. Raspberry grows under the canopy of the forest, on forest fringes, in the wilderness forests. It is one of the first to occupy forest felling, gari.
Forest berries are usually smaller than garden berries, but are smoother, sweeter. Although in the forest much depends on the place where raspberry is located. If the bushes in the sun, on a glade - they are usually small, the berries on them are small, but so sweet and fragrant! In the shade, on the edge of the raspberries above, the berries are larger, but they are smaller, and to taste they are inferior to the sunny sisters. But still - sweet, juicy!
In raspberries smaller than in other berries, Sakharov - up to 10%;mainly, it is glucose, fructose, pentose. In addition to sugars, raspberry berries contain 2.5% organic acids - lemon, apple, wine, salicylic. There are salts of iron, potassium, copper, tannins, pectin, fiber, vitamins C, B1 B2, PP, folic acid, β-sitosterol, which has an antisclerotic effect. In raspberry there are coumarins - substances that play an important role in the prevention of heart attacks. The darker the berry, the more coumarins in it.
Raspberry is good in fresh, frozen, and dried. Dry the forest berries better - they are more fragrant, better retain their shape. Dry raspberries in warm stoves or in attics under a tin roof. Store dried berries in cans or boxes. And still from raspberry cook jam, compotes, make jams, jujube, juices. You'll open a jar of jam on a gloomy winter evening-and a scent of forest, summer, warmth will spread all over the room. Not for nothing in ancient Russia drank in the morning a beetroot from berries of raspberries and cranberries.
Fresh raspberries quenches thirst well and improves digestion. But we must remember that a patient with gout and jade with raspberries should be treated cautiously - it has many purine bases, which in large numbers can adversely affect the course of the disease. But I recommend everyone else to use raspberry tea as a diaphoretic and antipyretic agent, many times more useful and effective than multiple tablets. Salicylic acid in raspberry mass, and the leaves are much larger than in berries. Tea made from dried fruits is an excellent remedy for catarrhal diseases: only the first signs of a cold appear - drink 2-3 cups of hot raspberry tea for an hour and, believe me, how it will be removed by hand. Such curative tea can be infused both on the berries themselves, and on the tops of the raspberry shoots, where there are leaves, flowers and immature berries.
Raspberries are an indispensable remedy for scurvy, anemia, stomach pain. When alcoholic intoxication, they themselves or decoctions of them have a noticeable sobering effect. Broth of berries with honey is treated with measles. Raspberry lowers blood sugar, stimulates cardiac activity, regulates the menstrual cycle, and has a calming effect. It has the property of removing allergic manifestations, removes bile acids, heavy metal salts, radioactive elements, cholesterol from the body. These berries normalize blood coagulability, reduce the level of prothrombin.
Use raspberry and to reduce the size of the prostate gland in its proliferation.
In Korean medicine, raspberries are one of the components of the infertility treatment, along with plantain seeds and Chinese magnolia vine. It is also used for sexual impotence: raspberry fruits are soaked in vodka, dried in a weak heat, smeared in a mortar and taken in the morning on a tablespoon with a top, washed down with water.
Leaves and flowers of raspberry are used as widely as berries. Against acne helps ointment, prepared from the juice of raspberry leaves. Water infusion of leaves gargle with throat with tonsillitis and inflammation of the larynx, they are taken inside with acute diarrhea, inflammatory bowel diseases, respiratory organs and skin diseases( rashes, acne, dermatitis).
It acts as a fixative for dysentery. This is an excellent diuretic and cholagogue. Infusions of leaves have a haemostatic property. The juice of fresh raspberry leaves strengthens the enzymatic secretion, reduces the sugar content in the blood.
Broth of raspberry flowers( 1: 20) is used for pancreatitis and attacks of renal colic, with erysipelas and conjunctivitis, with various skin diseases - rashes, dermatitis, acne. Infusion of flowers( 1: 10) in folk medicine is used as an antidote for snake bites and scorpions.
For medicinal purposes, the roots of this plant are also used. From them prepare broths which use at a malaria and a bronchial asthma. Decoction of the roots are used for hemorrhoids.
♦ For atherosclerosis: take in equal amounts the fruits of raspberries and cinnamon cinnamon, hawthorn flowers of blood-red and horse chestnut, leaves of nettle and vinca small, grass of sweet clover. A tablespoon of collection pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours and strain. Take a quarter cup 3 times a day.
♦ For atherosclerosis: take 20 grams of raspberries, flax seed, common grapefruit herb, leaf of coltsfoot, large plantain leaf, 30 g of herb horsetail, herb of medicinal sage, herb of forest cucumber, herb of medicinal, herbs and seeds of fennel, anise fruit, 50 grams of cinnamon and cilantro flower sandy flowers, 10 grams of licorice root naked, fruits of an ordinary mongrel, medicinal herb grass, white rose petals and a white birch leaf, 5 g of birch bark white.5-6 g of the mixture brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, simmer. 30 minutes, drain. Take 150 g 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals.
♦ In case of atherosclerosis: take 20 g of raspberry fruit, linden flowers, mackerel grass, mother-stepmother leaf, plantain leaf, 30 g of herb horsetail, herb of medicinal herb, seeds and herb of dill, fruitanise, melissa herbs, herbs of the motherwort, five-lobed grass, 40 g of fruits and flowers of hawthorn blood-red, 50 g of rose hips, flowers of immortelle sand, 60 g of herb weed, 10 g of white birch leaf, rose petals,th seeds Echinops usual, root of licorice.5-6 g of the mixture brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, simmer 30 minutes, drain. Take 150 g 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals.
♦ For a cold: prepare raspberry tea at the rate of 2 tablespoons of dried raspberry raspberries for a glass of boiling water. Infuse 20--30 min in a tightly closed container. Take 2-3 cups for an hour.
♦ When catarrh of the upper respiratory tract: take in equal amounts the fruits of raspberries, leaves of mother-and-stepmother, grass of marjoram common. A tablespoon of the mixture to brew in a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Drink like tea, hot. Has a strong expectorant and diaphoretic property.
♦ For upper respiratory tract diseases: 1 part of dry raspberry leaves should be brewed with 20 parts of boiling water. Insist 2-3 hours, drain. Gargle every 1.5-2 hours. The same infusion can be taken internally. It is also used for diarrhea, intestinal diseases, skin diseases: half a glass 2-3 times a day after meals.
♦ For flu and colds: take 4 parts of raspberry leaves, 5 parts of mother-and-stepmother leaves and 6 parts of sage leaves. One-two tablespoons of the collection brew a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, drain. Gently gargle every 2-3 hours.
Diaphoretic: take in equal amounts fruits of raspberry and linden flowers heart-shaped. Two tablespoons of the mixture pour 2 cups of boiling water. Take everything hot for the night.
Diaphoretic: take 2 pieces of raspberries and leaves of coltsfoot, 1 part of common grapefruit herb. Two tablespoons of the mixture pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Take everything hot for the night.
Diaphoretic: take in equal parts fruits of raspberries, linden flowers heart-shaped, leaves of mother-and-stepmother, fruits of anise, willow bark. A tablespoon of the mixture pour 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes. Take in a hot 1-1.5 cup at night.
For acute respiratory infections, influenza, acute bronchitis: take 2 parts of a leaf of a raspberry, a root of an althaea medicinal leaf, a peppermint leaf, a pine tree, a sage leaf, a leaf of the eucalyptus ball, one part of the birch buds white,the root of elecampane is high and 7 parts of St. John's wort is perforated.4-6 tablespoons of the collection pour into a thermos( 0.7 liters), pour to the top with steep boiling water. After 2-3 hours, the infusion is ready. Drink all the infusion in 3-4 hours during the day.
♦ Diuretic: take in equal amounts the fruits of raspberry ordinary, fruits of anise ordinary, leaf of mother-and-stepmother, flowers of lime heart-shaped.10 g of mixture pour a glass of boiling water, heat in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes. Strain, raw squeeze and bring the amount of broth boiled water to the original volume. Take at night 1-2 glasses in hot form.
♦ In case of diabetes: juice of fresh raspberry leaves at the beginning of treatment, take one third of the glass for 30-40 minutes before meals. Gradually increase the dose to a glass.
♦ For pancreas diseases: take 3 pieces of raspberry leaves, ordinary cranberries and black leaves of banyan, 1 part of common grapefruit herb. A tablespoon of mixture pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and insist for 1 hour. Take as a tea 1-2 times a day.
♦ When hemorrhoids: 20 g of raspberry roots, pour a glass of hot water, simmer for 30-40 minutes. Cool and drain. Take 0.5 cup 6 times a day.
♦ In case of heavy menstruation: 4 teaspoons of raspberry leaf, brew 2 cups of boiling water, insist before cooling and strain. Drink 0.5 cup 4 times a day.
♦ For acne: Mix 1 part of the juice of fresh raspberry leaves and 4 parts of Vaseline or butter. Apply ointment to the affected skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The procedure should be repeated daily for 10-14 days.
♦ Vitamin collection: take in equal amounts fruits of raspberries and cinnamon rose hips. A tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, insist 2 hours in a well sealed container. Take half a glass 2-3 times a day.
♦ Vitamin collection: take in equal quantities raspberry leaves, black currant leaves, cowberry leaves and rose hips. Two tablespoons of the collection pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, insist in a well closed dish for 4 hours. Take half a cup 3 times a day.
Dosage forms: dried raspberries are brewed as tea: 1-2 tsp.for 1 cup of boiling water, drink hot.4 tsp.crushed raspberry leaves are brewed with 2 cups of boiling water, filter and drink 0.5 cups 4 times a day. Raspberry fruits are used in combination with other substances. Equal quantities of fruits of raspberries, anise seeds, mother-and-stepmother leaves, lime-colored: 1 tsp.the mixture is brewed for 1 cup of boiling water, drink 1 glass 3-4 times a day.
Ointment from leaves: 1 part of the juice from fresh leaves mixed with 4 parts unsalted butter or Vaseline.
Infusion of berries: 30 dry raspberries to brew 1 liter of boiling water, to insist 1 hour. Drink hot 1-2 glasses of infusion for colds.
With a sore throat, diseases of the gums and throat, a decoction of leaves and berries is used. Rinse do 3-4 times a day.
Broth of raspberry flowers is used for conjunctivitis in the form of lotions.
As the raspberry leaves have astringent action, they are used as a decoction for diarrhea. In this case, the broth is prepared by calculating 10 g of dry leaves on
with 100 ml of water. Boil 5 minutes, take 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day.
According to some phytotherapeutists of Transbaikalia, fruits, leaves and stems of raspberries have a good effect in neurasthenia and nervous diseases.
Infusion of leaves and flowers of raspberries in a ratio of 1: 1 drink with diseases of the respiratory system, cough and fever.
Fresh raspberries in folk medicine are used as a sobering remedy for alcoholic intoxication.
Decoction of raspberry roots( 1 tablespoon chopped roots in 2 cups of water, boil for 10 minutes on low heat, insist 1 hour, strain) is effective for bronchitis, both acute and chronic. Drink a decoction of 0.5 cup 3 times a day.
With bronchitis, pneumonia is drunk with infusion of dried raspberry fruits, oregano and leaves of mother-and-stepmother, in total.1 tbsp.l. Collect brew with a glass of boiling water, insist 1 h, drain. Drink 0.3 cup three times a day in a warm form.
Infusions and decoctions of fruits and leaves of raspberries are a good sweatshop and expectorant. Take 1 glass 3-4 times a day.
Broth: raspberry fruit - 10 g, linden flowers - 10 g.
2 tbsp.l.mix with 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, drain. Broth to drink hot 3-4 times a day as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent for colds.
Even in ancient times, raspberries were considered a healing remedy. Dried fruits were used for feverish diseases, and flowers in the form of tinctures served as an antidote for snake bites, scorpions, bees, wasps.
In scientific medicine, dried raspberries are used as a diaphoretic for catarrhal diseases and as a mild diuretic for influenza, angina, etc.
A fresh syrup is prepared from fresh raspberries, which is added to the medicines to improve the taste of medicines, raspberry is included in the composition of teas # 1 and№ 2.
In folk medicine, raspberry( flowers, leaves, fruits) is used as an anti-sclerotic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and high vitamin means for hypertensive disease, atherosclerosis, as a diaphoretic - nIn flu, cold, chronic rheumatism, fever and measles. Outer broth is used for rinsing in diseases of the throat. From the dry leaves of raspberries prepare a decoction for the lotions, and from fresh crushed leaves make an ointment that is used for acne.
In addition, raspberry fruits are used to improve appetite, regulate the activity of the intestine, as antiemetic, hemostatic in gastric, intestinal bleeding, expectorant for bronchitis.
As a medicine, raspberries were used even in Ancient Greece and Rome.
Raspberry is useful for anemia and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with atherosclerosis, kidney disease, hypertension. The phytoncids of raspberries are destructive for Staphylococcus aureus, spores of yeast and mold fungus.
In folk medicine, fruits and raspberry juice is used as a diaphoretic and antipyretic agent for colds and fever. Juice with sugar is a good refreshing drink for febrile patients.
Raspberry is used in both official and traditional medicine. Even in ancient times it was appreciated and known as a healing berry. A glass of raspberry juice gives strength, reduces heat in illness, increases the resistance of the body to colds, improves sleep.
The high content of organic acids favorably affects the cleansing of the intestine, the presence of salicylic acid is useful for colds. Raspberries have moderate diuretic and choleretic properties, favorably affect rheumatism, liver and kidney diseases.
Raspberry leaves also have medicinal properties. They are part of the diuretic and cholagogue mixtures, infusion of them is considered to be a wonderful tea. Especially raspberry leaves are recommended for children with colds and kidney diseases.
Decoction of leaves: is prepared at the rate of 1:20.20 g of dry leaves pour 2 glasses of water, simmer for 5-7 minutes, drain. Take 0.5-1 glass 3-4 times a day.
Decoction of flowers: 20 g of flowers pour 200 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes, drain. Take 0.5 cup three times a day.
Indications: raspberries are both a medicinal and a food remedy. It is consumed in fresh, dry and frozen form. Raspberry is used as a diaphoretic for catarrhal diseases, and also as a prophylactic for metabolic disorders. Raspberry is used to improve appetite in diseases of the stomach and intestines. Raspberry leaves are used for gastritis, enteritis, colitis.
Application for diseases
Broth of berries: 30 g per 200 ml;insist after brewing for 20 minutes;drink at night as a diaphoretic for 2 cups in one session or 2-3 cups of hot broth for 1-2 hours, and in other cases - 1 glass 2 times a day.
Rinse aid: 10 g per 200 ml.
Decoction of flowers: 20 g per 200 ml;1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.
Ointment from fresh leaves: 1 part of juice for 4 parts of butter.
In the cosmetology of
, Raspberry has found wide application in cosmetology. Ointment from the juice of fresh raspberry leaves helps in removing acne. The decoction of the leaves of raspberry and lime blossom( 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water) in the form of ice is an excellent remedy for skin elasticity and wrinkles. Cosmetologists advise a mask of mashed berries, you can add sour cream or cottage cheese to it. A good effect on the skin of the face and has a mask of crushed fresh raspberry leaves, which is applied to greased with creamy skin for 10-15 minutes.
In dry and normal skin, a mask of mashed overripe berries of raspberries is useful: mix 2 teaspoons of pulp with a whipped egg and apply this mass to the face. After 20 minutes, wash the mask with cold water. If the skin is more sensitive, a bit of fresh sour cream or cottage cheese is added to the berry mass.
Perfectly refreshes the skin with a raspberry-milk mask: you need to squeeze out juice from 100 g of raspberry, strain and mix it with 2 tablespoons of fresh milk. Apply the mask to the skin of the face, after 15 minutes, wash it off with cool water.
When oily skin can be applied the simplest mask of raspberry pulp: it reduces greasiness, tightens pores, nourishes the skin and renders a resorptive effect.
Ointment from acne and skin rashes make of fresh juice of leaves and a mixture with petroleum jelly or butter( 1: 4).Water or vodka infusion of crimson leaves( 1:20) treats acne, rashes and dermatitis.
Cosmetic collections
Useful for infusion of birch leaves( 4 parts), leaves and flowers of clover clover( 4 parts), chamomile( 4 parts), raspberry leaves( 4 parts) and peppermint or field mint( grass, 2 parts).This infusion cleanses the skin, gives it elasticity and elasticity, eliminates unpleasant odor, soothingly acts on the body, improves metabolism.
Decoction of crimson leaves with potash dye your hair black.
When biting insects helps tincture of fresh flowers and raspberry leaves on vodka( 1: 5).
Application in cooking
Raspberry is an excellent food product. Berries are eaten fresh, but they are not subject to long-term storage, so they can be frozen.
Frozen berries preserve taste, aroma and all useful substances. Raspberry, compotes, jelly, marmalade, jam, jelly, juice, syrup, kvass, liqueur, wine are prepared from raspberries.
Raspberry berries for long-term storage can be dried and stored in a box or jar in a dry place.
Very tasty raspberries with sour cream: 500 g of raspberries fill 300 g of sour cream, you can sprinkle with sugar( to taste).To serve chilled.
Raspberry syrup is well mixed with milk, it turns out a tasty and healthy drink. A glass of milk and 1 tablespoon of raspberry syrup are mixed in a mixer. The drink can be served with ice.
Raspberry liquor
Boil the syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 0.5 l of water. To cool. Add 1 kg of raspberries to the chilled syrup. Pour into a jar and keep 10-12 days in the sun. Drain the syrup and add 0.5 liters of vodka. Liquor to filter.
Raspberry "snow"
Raspberry - 600 g;sugar - 500 g;eggs( squirrels) - 4 pcs.
Raspberry with sugar, add protein and whip until the mass has increased and become lush. Put it in vases, chill, decorate with fresh berries of raspberries and serve.
Raspberry cream
Raspberry - 450 g;sugar - 450 g;egg whites - 3 pcs.
Mix the proteins in the mixer until a thick foam forms, then add the sugar and beat until it dissolves completely, then add raspberries in small portions to continue whipping until a uniform creamy mass is formed. Put the cream in the vases and put in the refrigerator. To serve on the table in a cooled form.
Raspberries with cream
Raspberries - 500 g;sugar syrup -100 g;cream - 250 g.
Ripe raspberries are washed on a sieve, put in vases, poured with sugar syrup and served on a table with cream.
Raspberry pudding
Raspberry - 250 g;egg whites - 8 pcs.; gelatin.
Grind the berries to a homogeneous mass, add the whipped whites and water-diluted gelatin. Put the berry mass in the molds and put in the refrigerator. Before serving, decorate with whipped cream.
Raspberry jelly Raspberry
Raspberry - 1 kg;sugar - 0,5 kg.
Raspberry rinse, wipe through a frequent sieve, add sugar and boil over high heat, stirring constantly. When marmalade thickens, put warm into jars, cool and cover with lids.
Raspberry tea
Raspberries dried 1 hour.a spoon;honey or sugar - 40 g, boiling water - 400 g.
Put the dried raspberry in the teapot, pour boiling water, insist 10-15 minutes, strain, add honey or sugar.
Kvass raspberry
1 kg raspberries, 1.5 cups granulated sugar, 4 l water,
25 g yeast, 1 g citric acid.
Rub raspberry raspret with a wooden spoon, add water and put on fire. Bring to a boil, cool to 20-30 ° C and add diluted yeast, citric acid. Pour the drink into prepared bottles, throwing in them 2-3 raisins of raisins. Before the fermentation, the bottles are left open, then closed with stoppers and placed in a cold room for 2 days.