  • Valerian officinalis

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    Valeriana officinalis

    A perennial plant of the Valerian family is widespread in all regions of Russia. It grows in forests, on fringes, along river valleys, in steppes, in bushes, etc. It falls into a whole series of geographic and ecological subspecies, which

    many scientists recognize as independent species. Among them, the most famous valerian is the high ( Valeriana excelsa Poir. S. Str.), growing in Transcarpathia;valerian solonchak ( V. salina Pleijel) - common in Estonia, Leningrad and Murmansk regions;valerian stamping ( V. stolonifera Czern.), occurring on the Uk-

    raine and on the Don, valerian alternate ( V. altemiplia Mb. s. str.) is widely distributed in Siberia and the Far East;valeriana Russian ( V. rossica Smim.) - is found in the center of Russia and in Ukraine;valerian shiny ( V. nitida Kr. s. str.) - grows wildly in Ukraine, in Belarus and the surrounding regions of Russia.

    Description: stalk up to 2 m in height, grooved, inside hollow. Rhizome short vertical, from it extend numerous accessory roots, and sometimes stolons( underground whips).Leaves opposite, usually unpaired-pinnate, form - from linear to ovoid. Flowers are lilac, pale pink or almost white, bisexual, small, fragrant, five-membered, collected in ramified corymbose-paniculate inflorescences. Fruit is a small flat seed with a tuft. Blossoms in May-August, fruits ripen in July-September.

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    Composition: rhizome with roots contain up to 3.5 % essential oil, valerian acid( 0.5-1.4 %), tannins, alkaloids, doler and hotenin( up to 0.01%), resins,gum, sugars, starch.

    Cultivation: prefers sunny or semi-dark areas, humus, nutrient-rich soils. Before planting, make compost. Sowing in autumn or spring in a square-nest way, planting of seedlings is carried out at a distance of 40 x 40 cm. Valerian reproduction is carried out by division. It is possible to grow in tubs.

    Collection: harvest roots in the second half of the summer and in the fall - from July to October, preferably after seeding. Rhizomes with roots are excavated, carefully shaken from the ground, cut off and ejected aboveground parts, thick rhizomes are cut along, then thoroughly washed in running water. The washed raw material is kneaded in the open air, and then dried in rooms or in dryers at a low temperature, so as not to volatilize the essential oil. Well dried valerian root has a strong peculiar odor, it needs to be stored in a dry place.

    Medicinal properties: reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, removes neurotic conditions, relaxes spasms of smooth muscles, promotes vasodilation and lowering blood pressure.

    It is widely used as a sedative for nervous excitement, insomnia, hysteria, convulsions, vegetative neuroses, cardiac neuroses with spasm of coronary vessels, increased excitability and rapid heartbeat due to increased thyroid function, as well as spasmodic conditions of the intestinal musculature.

    Application: rhizomes and roots of valerian are part of sedative, gastric and carminative teas and doses, perfectly suited as an additive to the baths with a relaxing effect.