
Useful and medicinal properties of passionflower incarnate

  • Useful and medicinal properties of passionflower incarnate

    Perennial, winding liana, reaching a height of 6 m. A stem climbing on trees or creeping,

    is smooth, rounded with regular, long-petioled, deep-birch-truncated leaves. Leaves are leathery, green on top, grayish below. Flowers are single, with a diameter of 5 cm, on long pedicels, petals are pale lilac. The fruit is edible, berry-like, juicy, in the period of maturity yellow-orange, the seeds are black. Homeland - North America.

    Medicinal raw materials are dried leafy shoots collected during flowering and at the beginning of fruiting. Raw material - a mixture of broken thin greenish nederevyanistyh stems and rarely whole leaves, as well as flowers and immature fruits.

    Passionflower herb contains 0.04% alkaloids of indole number, among them harman and norharman, saponins, ascorbic acid, etc.

    Passion flower extract is used for diseases of the brain vessels( atherosclerosis, thrombosis, condition after crises, etc.), with post-traumaticpost-infectious arachnoiditis, encephalitis, vegetative disturbances in the climacteric period, etc. Patients who, in addition to organic symptoms, have a neurasthenic background - a phenomenon of excitability, weakenedBrain reaction, sleep disturbance - Passion flower extract is prescribed 30-40 drops per reception 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-30 days. In most cases, the patients became less irritable, they had better sleep. The best therapeutic effect is observed with post-concussion syndrome with neurasthenia, postgripposis asthenia, etc.

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    In children with neurasthenic conditions and irritable weakness, passiflora extract, prescribed 10 drops 3 times a day for 3-8 weeks, reduced motor anxiety, increasedability to concentrate attention and ease the headache.

    In women in the pre-climacteric and menopausal period, with increased nervousness, performance and sleep disturbances, "hot flashes", transient

    arterial hypertension, the Passophlora 35 drops 3 times a day for 2-6 months had a beneficial effect, weakening or alleviating the listed phenomena.

    Thus, passionflower extract is used as a sedative for neurasthenia, insomnia, vegetative disorders in menopause, with post-bronchial asthma and postgrippos asthenia.