  • Pulpitis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Do you know the situation when, due to the expected discomfort from dental treatment, we are delaying further and further visit to the dentist? And the tooth has stopped reacting to the sweet or cold, and nothing has bothered, and the work suddenly fell. .. And now, at the most inappropriate, at the most unexpected moment, the pain in the tooth becomes unbearable, and you throw all the cases,and run to him - the savior-dentist. And hear his verdict: "Yes you have pulpitis. .."

    Pulpitis is an inflammation of the neurovascular bundle of the tooth. Often this bundle is simply called a "nerve," but its scientific name is pulp, and the name of the disease is derived from it.

    Causes of pulpitis

    The most common cause of pulpitis is the complication of caries, when hard tooth tissues are destroyed so deeply that microorganisms, inevitably located in the carious cavity, cause inflammation of the pulp. Unfortunately, pulpitis can arise from improper or inadequate actions of the doctor( for example, poor quality filling, lack of so-called "lining" in it, excessive preparation for orthopedic structures, etc.).Also, the infection can get from the root along the blood vessels, although this is extremely rare, or be a consequence of a tooth injury.

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    Symptoms of pulpitis

    Depending on the duration of the disease, pulpitis is divided into acute and chronic. Symptoms of these conditions are different.

    The main symptom of acute pulpitis is very severe pain that spreads throughout the half of the head on which the causative tooth is located. It is characteristic that the pain intensifies in the evening and at night, and periodically subsides and arises again. The causal tooth is very sensitive to almost all stimuli, and after the stimulus is eliminated, the pain not only does not disappear, but also intensifies.

    If the acute period is not treated, the pulpitis passes into a chronic form. Chronic pulpitis can be asymptomatic, there may be pain, which is aggravated by hot and calming from cold, can form a "pulp polyp"( proliferation of inflammation-modified pulp tissue).As a rule, patients complain of an unpleasant, putrid smell from the mouth. If these signs are ignored, then perhaps exacerbation of chronic pulpitis( symptoms, as in acute), or inflammation passes into the bone structure of the jaw.

    To clarify the diagnosis, a physician can perform electrodiagnostics of the viability of the pulp and an X-ray.

    Symptomatic pulpitis can be similar to the symptoms of other diseases( such as, for example, periodontitis, trigeminal neuralgia, etc.) so self-diagnosis and self-treatment are unacceptable. Independently you can take only anesthetic preparation( for example, "Analgin", "Pentalgin", "Ketorol", "Ketanov") and go to a doctor who will prescribe adequate treatment.
    Treatment of pulpitis.

    Treatment of pulpitis

    If you are a young and healthy person who immediately turned to the dentist at the appearance of the first signs of acute pulpitis, the doctor can conduct a so-called biological method of treating pulpitis. The advantage of this method of treating pulpitis is that the tooth remains alive, the nerve is not removed from it. With the help of special( calcium-containing, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic) drugs and physiotherapy, the inflammatory process in the pulp subsides, a new, substitute dentin appears, the carious cavity, naturally, is sealed.

    If the time for carrying out the biological method of pulpitis treatment has been missed, it may be the application of the partial pulp removal method. In this case( under anesthesia) only a part of the "nerve" is removed, located at the level of the crown of the tooth, the root part is preserved, the tooth does not lose its nutrition, it remains more viable. Further, a calcium-containing preparation is also applied, the carious cavity is sealed. If necessary, physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. This method is especially indicated for unformed apex roots in children.

    Still, most often you have to resort to the method of complete removal of the "nerve".In this case, the doctor can remove the living "nerve" under anesthesia, or impose a devitalizing paste( "destroying nerve"), most often arsenic-containing pastes. It is important to remember that arsenic is a very toxic substance, and it is necessary to remove it when the doctor tells you, in no case can you over-restrain the bandage. Next is the so-called endodontic treatment, the purpose of which is tightly and securely obturirovat( sealed) the canals and the tooth itself. To date, the most popular material for root canal filling is gutta-percha( lateral condensation method using gutta percha pins).

    After endodontic treatment, radiography of the tooth is mandatory for quality control of root canal filling, if the canals are sealed to the tops, a carious cavity is sealed.

    If the tooth is destroyed almost completely, a pin insert is made and the tooth is restored on the pin. Treatment of pulpitis with folk remedies

    Treatment of pulpitis with folk remedies( applying garlic, beetroot, propolis, fat, etc.) will only briefly distract you from pulpitis symptoms, but can only exacerbate the situation afterwards, being a comfortable environment for the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms,or even cause a burn of the oral mucosa. Rinse with herbal decoction of herbs( chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, etc.) is possible, but also ineffective.

    If the doctor does not contact the doctor in time, the inflammatory process in pulpitis can pass into the bone structures, and the disease will pass into periodontitis, the treatment of which is more prolonged and time-consuming.

    Pulpitis prophylaxis.

    As already mentioned, the main cause of pulpitis is a complication of caries, therefore the main preventive measure is the timely treatment of caries. To do this, you must train yourself to visit the dentist regularly for the purpose of preventive examinations. Then all dental diseases will be cured at the earliest stages, which is much more pleasant and cheaper!

    Frequently asked questions in the treatment of pulpitis.

    Will the tooth be painful after treatment by the method of complete nerve removal?
    Acute pain will not be, becauseThe nerve is completely removed from the cavity of the tooth, and there is simply nothing to hurt. Although some patients after endodontic treatment may experience discomfort in the tooth, especially when nibbling.

    And which method of root canal filling is better?
    To date, the best sealing is the root canal gutta-percha. One paste can dissolve over time.

    Doctor dentist Knyazeva EV