  • How to calm a screaming child

    "All this time I tried to stop her screaming," complained one desperate mother.- Finally I discovered a trick that works: I fix it in the child's car seat, put a seat on my automatic drying machine, fasten it and turn on the car. Soon she ceases to cry and falls asleep. "Although this solution to the problem may seem extreme, the exhausted parents are ready to try everything. This is the key to the solution - to try everything. Most ways to calm a child can be grouped into three categories:

    • rhythmic movement;

    • close and frequent physical contact

    • soothing sounds.

    Where can you find all three in one? Guessed, in the uterus. Most methods of calming a child can be described as "back to the uterus".As one struggling mother said, she was glued to her child: "I feel like I'm still pregnant with my three-month-old child."

    Calming the child is not only what you do for the child;It is also necessary to train the parents. All the sedative techniques that we present have three purposes:

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    • To soften the character of the child;

    • reduce the discomfort of the child;

    • increase the sensitivity of parents.

    Children are comforted by the loving care of

    Thanks to this highly sensitive approach to responding to baby signals( interpreting them and reacting to them), the child practically does not need to cry. Loving care is an intuitive approach to the implementation of parental care, which also gives impetus to parental sensitivity, helping them to cope better with the restless child and persistently, like detectives, to seek out the causes and methods of treatment. You can practice or the whole approach in general, or as many of the following concepts as you can. It is proved that calming children, if parents often feed the child, quickly react to the cry of the child and carry the child as much as possible.

    Feed your baby often. Studies have shown that children who are fed often cry less. In fact, in countries where screaming babies are the least, babies are fed every fifteen minutes. This may sound like "stick the child to the mother", especially for Western parents who have a schedule for feeding at intervals of three to four hours, but this gives positive results.

    Respond immediately to the cry of the child. Studies have also shown that children cry less, whose cry is quickly answered.

    Wear your child. Stacy, who has a lot of experience in calming down children, shared her success: "I put it on myself in the morning and shoot it in the evening. While I wear it in a sling bag, he is calm. "Although only very few mothers and fathers


    Never happened that your child is crying and nothing can stop it? Do not take to heart! It's not your fault that he cries;and it is not your duty to stop his crying immediately.

    In fact, as studies have shown, crying is a normal part of the recovery process - physiological help in the process of getting rid of accumulated stress. Tears produced in order to wash away the irritating substances that have fallen into the eye, and the tears produced to give vent to the emotions, have a different chemical composition. Tears caused by emotions contain decay products that are not detected in tears from irritation, namely stress hormones, which become greater with pain sensations.

    These amazing discoveries indicate that it is possible that there is a physiological basis for expressing their children constantly, carrying a child in a children's bag tops the list of methods coping with the uterus to calm the child.

    In general, a mother who feeds her child often, answers it quickly and wears it in a bag, the child will rather be satisfied.

    Dancing, swing and other fun

    If you dance with your baby tightly pressed to you, it provides rhythmic movement and contact that soothe the children. Most parents soon


    «" it's good to cry. "Soul and physical pain can find a way out in tears. Why force children to restrain their tears? Ticking the child or giving him the following instructions: "Stop crying" or: "Big boys do not cry," you teach the children to suppress emotions that have no outlet, which, if crying well, could be carried away by the river of tears away.

    Happy is the child who has the opportunity to cry freely without hearing reproaches. Wise parents are those who support the child with their presence. There is a huge difference between letting your child cry( without panicking from your side!), And in order to leave the child crying alone, without caressing. Give your child to understand: "There is nothing wrong with crying;I'm here to help you. "

    Wearing in a bag can have a calming effect on screaming children.

    acquires the ability to improvise, thus enlivening his usual manner of dancing, to please a capricious child. Here are other effective ways to calm the child.

    Swings. The table is set for your long-awaited dinner for two. But here is the fact of life with a newborn child, which your instructor did not tell you by birth. Children are capricious most from six to eight in the evening. The struggling parents call this period a "happy hour".A quiet dinner for two may have remained in your childless past. Automatic mechanical swings come to the rescue. The child swings, the parents eat. Probably this is not the most pleasant music for dinner, but, in addition to the movement, the monotonous tapping of the swing( some models of the swing are equipped with a lullaby with metallic sound, for a small extra cost) helps to soothe the child. Turn the brush you start the child, or rather do not let him get started, arranging for him the next session.

    It happens that no ways in the world can convince a child to calm down, except your hands. Dinner for two turns into a dinner for three. The mother holds the child on her lap and feeds him with the breast, and the father serves her and even cuts her meat. Sometimes even an ideally planned dinner goes wrong when the child has a time of capriciousness. Let it not at all romantic, a meal in shifts is sometimes the only way to survive in a moody hour. Mom eats while dad measures the room with steps with the baby in his arms, and vice versa.

    A game of "tick-to-do". Dan, the father of one troubled child, a chiropractor by profession, found such a method of fighting crying. Take the child by the hips and swing him upside down at a speed of sixty beats per minute, like a grandfather's pendulum clock. According to the studies of chiropractors, a swinging upside gives a soothing

    effect. You can not keep a child under six months headfirst behind your feet or calves due to the risk of dislocation of the hip. Keep your child's thighs the safest. Perhaps one of the reasons that the tick-to-play game works is that the baby was upside down for nine months - another nice memory of the uterus.

    Magic mirror. For a child older than two months, we offer a remedy that helped us survive many bouts of capriciousness. Let the child look at his antics mirrored by the mirror. Keep the child in front of the mirror so that he can see how he behaves. If the reflection itself does not stop the attack, put the bare feet of the child on the surface of the mirror as an auxiliary. We have many times witnessed how our crying child calmed down in a matter of seconds, seeing himself in the mirror, as if he was so bewitched by what he saw that he forgot why he cried.

    Moving rides. Sometimes an adult exhales earlier than a little screamer, and he needs to rest from the struggle with crying. The child can rest while looking at moving objects - it is not necessary to be in motion yourself. Sit the child upright in the child seat and put in front of the

    aquarium with splashing fish, a swinging pendulum clock or similar attraction. Our child stops crying and calms down in his child's seat when he watches me practice on a ski simulator. Having gone through all the home entertainment, try to ride the child by car.

    Food on the run. Some children better calm down and better suck their breasts on the move. Arrange the child in a child sling bag and go around the house or quarter while feeding the baby.

    The right touch of the

    Contact the skin to the skin in the list of ways to soothe the child goes right after the movement. Here are a few of

    's most loved children's touches.

    Children's massage. There are times when only crying can save from crying. If the child has stable periods of capriciousness( usually the end of the day and early evening), start preparing for massage directly before by the onset of such a period. Having removed the tension of the child before the "happy hour" comes, you can make the child forget about crying. Massage of the abdomen can be especially loved by children suffering from colic.

    Close and cozy. Curl up like a fetus around your child, and, cozy nestling, skin to the skin, go together to the realm of sleep.

    Warm and fluffy. The mother is not the only "womb" in the house. This

    method of preventing crying allows fathers to appear in all their splendor. Lie on your bed, floor, beach sand or grass. Put your naked, but baby-wrapped baby on your bare chest, stomach to stomach. The ear of the child put it on your heart. Do you feel how the tension disappears? The rhythm of your heartbeats along with your breathing movements up and down can make you forget about the crying of even the most capricious child.

    Note. This technique works best in the first three months. Older children usually wriggle too hard to lie quietly on their father's breast.

    The variant of the method is "warm and fluffy". When a child learns to wriggle vigorously or when you want to slip away from your sleeping baby, try this variant of the above described method. Lie down next to the baby, putting the baby's head under your arm, and placing the child's ear on the left side of your chest( where the child can hear your heartbeat).As soon as the child falls asleep deeply, raise your hand and quietly get out of the room.

    Warm bath for two. This is the way for mom. First, conveniently sit in a half-full bathtub. Let the father of the child or someone else give the child to you. Press the baby to your chest or give him a breast( your chest should be only a few centimeters above the water level).The combination of warm water, a feeling of buoyancy and the proximity of the mother should make the child relax. Additional advice on using the bath: leave the drain partially open and turn on the warm water so that it flows in a thin trickle. This will provide you with a soothing sound of flowing water and will not allow the water in the bath to cool.