
Healing properties of various stones and minerals

  • Healing properties of various stones and minerals

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    Diamond cleans the skin of stains, breathing - from unpleasant odors. Stone with a greenish shade contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and facilitates childbirth.

    Aquamarine helps with respiratory diseases, improves brain function, eliminates the symptoms of meteorological dependence.

    Amazonite has a cleansing and soothing effect. It cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, raises a sense of self-confidence, creates a cheerful mood. This is one of the most powerful antidepressants.

    Amazonite also enhances the regenerative function of various organs and tissues and strengthens the immune system.

    Beneficially affecting the condition of hair and skin, it helps to maintain youth and attractiveness longer.

    Emerald is very useful for the eyes and nervous system. It is used in both physiological and mental illnesses. Known for its effectiveness in the treatment of fever, depression, epilepsy, memory recovery, etc.

    Flint is one of the most common and commonly available stones in nature. Our ancestors used it for a long time as an analgesic and disinfectant.

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    Currently, the use of flint to maintain and restore health is experiencing a real boom. They activate water, as a result of which it acquires bactericidal properties, neutralizes and kills harmful viruses and other microorganisms. Such water is used for colds, flu, angina. It helps with stomach disorders, reduces the amount of sugar in the blood, improves the functioning of the kidneys, liver, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, especially when obesity, normalizes the metabolism in the body.

    As a result of serious scientific research it became clear that "flint" water is an effective tool in combating cancer, trophic ulcers of the lower limbs, accelerating the healing of injuries and wounds of various nature.

    There are positive results of its use in the treatment of infertility in women and adenoma and impotence - in men.

    Activated water, according to some experts, is able not only to strengthen the weakened immunity, but even to restore the lost( for example, as a result of gamma-ray irradiation).

    It has found its application in cosmetology. Practice has shown that the use of "flint" water for washing is an excellent anti-wrinkle remedy, and washing her head helps to strengthen and grow hair.

    Recently there have been reports of the positive effect of such water during purification from radionuclides, which allows it to be used in the treatment of contaminated areas.

    It seems that the possibilities of water activated by flint are not exhausted, as scientific research of its capabilities has just begun.

    Activated by flint water is successfully used for toothache, as well as for the prevention of atherosclerosis. It positively affects the chemical composition of the blood and increases its ability to clot.

    Lazurite helps to reduce body temperature in cold and inflammatory processes, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and kidneys as well.also calms the nervous system and helps to relieve stressful stress.

    Malachite is considered an excellent remedy for colds and allergies, skin diseases. It also acts on a weakened or exhausted human body as a restorative.

    Obsidian helps to soften tissues, relax muscles. Due to these qualities, it is often used in massage procedures. It has long been known for its relaxing effect in the treatment of chronic fatigue, stress, depressive conditions. Obsidian also contributes to overall health and vitality.

    Onyx has a wide range of action. It has a powerful positive effect on the entire digestive system, normalizes the condition and functions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, treats diarrhea and constipation, improves appetite. Even in ancient times it was used as a helminthic agent.

    Onyx is also used for headaches, disorders of brain activity( especially forgetfulness), mental and mental disorders.

    It is used for functional disorders of endocrine glands. This natural mineral activates and improves calcium metabolism in the body, so it is often recommended for elderly people and pregnant women. Onyx helps with epilepsy, asthma, insomnia, inflammatory processes, impotence.

    Ruby helps purify blood from toxins, strengthens the heart, and also helps with headaches.

    Pink quartz is sometimes called a "heartstone" because it treats all heart diseases, both physiological and psychological. Pink quartz removes nervous tension, stress, helps against insomnia and nightmares, with headaches and psychosomatic diseases.

    Serpentine( serpentine) is an ornamental variety of serpentinite, a dark green mineral with a characteristic "snake" pattern, which is considered one of the most powerful power engineers. Its powerful ability to neutralize the influence of negative energy flows and harmonize the internal state of the body have found wide application in the treatment of many bodily and mental diseases.

    It is believed that the constant wearing of onyx improves eyesight and hearing.

    Topaz increases the protective functions of the body, strengthens the nervous system, stabilizes the emotional state.

    Amber - the resin of ancient pine trees, which turned into stone for many millennia, is an excellent biostimulator that actively influences many internal processes, especially exchange ones. In addition, amber has cleansing abilities, contributing to the removal of toxins from the body. The beneficial effects of amber in the diseases of the throat, thyroid, liver, kidneys, joints, as well as various infections are widely known.

    Shungite. Recently, great popularity in the treatment of various pathologies acquired schungite. The beneficial effect of shungite pyramids is widely known. According to scientific research, they create around themselves a special field, capable of reflecting geopathic radiation. The larger the pyramid in size, the corresponding, respectively, the radius of its action.

    In everyday life shungite pyramids level out the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation from household appliances( especially computers and radiotelephones), as well as the impact of people's negative energy. Shungite pyramids are installed in various geopathic zones, as well as in places of increased man-caused danger. It is known that small pyramids installed in cars, significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents on the roads.

    In medicine, shungit crumb is often used, which positively affects the reflexogenic zones of a person. Small crumbs are used for foot massage in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, varicose veins of the lower limbs, hypertension, vegetospheric dystonia, and radiculitis.

    Cleaning properties of large shungite chips are used in water purification filters. It allows the removal of heavy metal salts, pesticides, chlorine and other harmful substances and compounds.