  • Scaling with a scapula

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    A special way of grafting is by grafting with a kidney flap into the application. This is a simpler method, which has some advantages over the T-shaped incision.

    Some advantages of flapping with a flap in front of the T-shaped incision:

    simplicity of holding, allowing even beginners in gardening to try their hand;

    more blurred dates, occurring a little earlier or later than active sap flow;

    possibility of carrying out even with poor separation of the bark from the cambium to the rootstock, and also on dried up stocks with a bad sap movement;

    no danger of swimming or overgrowth of the eye in the process of engrafting, which is observed in some stone stones when budding into a T-shaped incision;

    has a higher survival rate than T-shaped incision;

    possibility of carrying out on very thin rootstocks, on which it is difficult or impossible to make a T-shaped cut;

    a layer of wood on the shield can be much thicker than with other types of budding.

    For budding inoculation at the site of grafting on the rootstock, you should remove the strip of bark with a slight smooth groove in the wood at the end of the cut. To do this, a cross cut of the crust at an angle of 20-30 ° with a small depression into the wood in the place where the lower end of the flap will be located will be made on the rootstock, and the blade of the knife is driven at an angle upwards with a minimum grip of the wood. As a result, a wedge-shaped cutout should be made in a 2.5 cm wide pedestal into which the

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    shield will be placed. To prepare the shield,

    should take a stalk with kidneys and keep it with the left hand apex from itself;

    under the selected kidney at a distance of 1.3-1.5 cm to make a transverse incision of the cortex with a small depression in the wood;

    put the knife above the selected kidney at a distance of 1.3-1.5 cm at an angle of 45 °, so that after removing the flap on its surface formed the same thickening wedge as a rootstock. It is not recommended when cutting the flap to keep the knife strictly perpendicular to running;Carry out a slice by movement on yourself, leading the blade of the knife to the previously made cross-section with a slight penetration into the bark.

    The received shield directly from the blade of the knife is inserted into the groove in the rootstock. If the sections on the rootstock and the scutellum coincide, the scutellum will keep in the groove in the rootstock. If the scutellum is slightly longer, it should be cut at the level of the upper cut into a rootstock.

    If the scutch turned a little deeper into the rootstock, it is moved one or the other way so that on one side there is a complete coincidence of the cambial layers of the stock and the scion. After combining the rootstock with the scabbard, the bandage is produced in the same way as in the T-shaped incision, with the only difference that the kidney can be covered with a bandage. There are recommendations to pipet in the direction from the bottom to the top, when nos3 is applied Technique for flapping the shield with

    1. On the bottom, make a cross-section of the

    with a slight depression into the wood at an angle of 20 °.

    2. At a distance of 3 cm above the first cut, cut in a direction from top to bottom with respect to the first cut and remove the shavings.

    3. Cut the flap in a similar pattern from the cuttings and install it in the groove

    on the bottom.

    4. Strap the vaccination site in the same way as in the T-shaped incision of the

    follow-up flights it is necessary to ensure that the scaffold does not move in the groove of the rootstock and does not fill the bark. In case of need, it should be corrected, without touching the bare cuts on the root and privo.