  • Thyme

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    Thymus vulgaris.

    Medicinal and spicy perennial plant. In the wild, thyme grows throughout Europe, North America and Africa. He was still appreciated by the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians. The latter also used it when embalming the bodies of the deceased.

    They spread the cultivation and use of thyme in Europe, probably in the 11th century thanks to the Benedictine monks. Thyme is widely known among the people under the name "Bogorodskaya Grass".He is also called thyme cha-bor, hober, spindle, thyme fragrant. There are other local names for this plant. The main suppliers of thyme are currently Spain, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Austria, North Africa and America. The highest quality thyme from France.

    Description: thyme is a perennial half-shrub with crooked, strongly branched, leafless, stunted stalk, from which uplifting young flower-bearing shoots rise up to 20-40 cm tall. It has a typical aroma. Leaves are small, oblong-ovate pointed. In the axils of leaves grow half-churns of white or purple flowers. Blossoms from May to August.

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    Ingredients: the herb contains 2 % essential oils, bitter, resins, tannins, saponin, etc. The main component of essential oil is thymol( 20-40 %), also contains carvacrol, cymol, borneol, linalool, pinene, mineral salts and vitamin C.

    Cultivation: thyme is a light-loving and rather drought-resistant plant, it grows better in lighted areaswith light non-acidic soils. In the middle belt and to the north, it hibernates well with sufficient snow cover. On the garden plot it is better for him to choose a sunny place, protected from the wind. You can use thyme for planting the site in connection with its special decorative features. In the garden it can be cultivated in one place for 3-4 years.

    Autumn tillage for thyme includes digging with the introduction of organic fertilizers and careful sampling of weeds. On acidic soils, lime is added. Early in the spring the soil is loosened, mineral fertilizers are applied for loosening.

    For sowing seeds in the garden, a shallow( to 0.5-1 cm) groove is marked at a distance of 45-60 cm and seeds are sown. Furrows slightly covered with soil. Seedlings appear only after 3-4 weeks. At this time, you need to ensure that the soil does not dry out, and after watering it is necessary to loosen the formed soil crust. At the first time after the emergence of shoots, thyme grows very slowly and requires careful care, especially loosening and removal of weeds. With sufficient development of plants, the crops are thinned, leaving 1 plant for 15-20 cm. Starting from the second year, thyme is fed with mineral fertilizers in the early spring period and after cutting green. In winter, thyme is covered with lapnik or straw.

    Gathering: an herb is used, which is cut before blossoming, tied in small bundles and dried. When grown in front gardens and on balconies, the grass is cut from spring to autumn. Dry thyme should be in the shade and in a well-ventilated place.

    Medicinal properties: broths from thyme are taken for colds, cough, kidney, liver, heart and nervous disorders. External use of infusions of thyme in the form of compresses and lotions. Apply it and as a wound-healing agent, for rinsing the mouth with inflammatory processes. With radiculitis, neuralgia, arthritis make baths of thyme.

    Application: thyme has a pleasant strong aromatic odor, its taste is spicy, strongly spicy, bitter and fragrant. In pharmaceutics it is used for the preparation of syrups, extracts, decoctions and medicinal

    teas. An essential oil is obtained from the grass. It is used for the preparation of various products - mouth rinsing water, toothpastes, medical soaps, cough medicines. Essential oil is also added to the baths, which help to relax, relieve stress and strengthen the nervous system, and also have a sedative effect.

    Beef with thyme

    500 g of boiled beef, 3 tbsp.l.vegetable oil, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp.l.parsley, 1 tsp.dry thyme, 8 tomatoes, salt, black pepper, 4 tbsp.l.grated cheese

    Coat the baking sheet with vegetable oil, sprinkle with half the chopped garlic, parsley and chopped tomatoes. On this greens put the chopped beef, salt, pepper and sprinkle with thyme, the remnants of parsley and garlic, overlay with chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper. Massage with oil, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. You can pour 2 tablespoons of white wine or instead of a vegetable oil, use bacon.

    The dishes give a pleasant taste and promote digestion. It is advisable to add thyme to all fatty dishes - potatoes, fried on fat, fried eggs, meat fillings and nourishing soups. Thyme is a popular spice, used with smoked meat, pork, lamb, pates, mushrooms, cottage cheese, game and cheeses. In a very small amount, it is added to fried fish, liver, offal and veal. Thyme improves the taste of soup from beans, lentils and peas, sauces and potato salads.