  • Allergic conjunctivitis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    At present, there is a noticeable increase in the number of allergic diseases that occur with eye damage. These include allergic conjunctivitis, allergic keratoconjunctivitis( combination of symptoms of conjunctivitis and keratitis) and seasonal eye lesions in patients with pollinosis( allergic rhinitis, as a consequence of an allergic reaction to pollen of plants).On the frequency of occurrence, allergic conjunctivitis is on the first place in this list. This article will answer most questions related to allergic conjunctivitis.

    Allergic conjunctivitis is an allergic inflammation of the conjunctival membrane of the eye( conjunctiva is a tissue that lines the anterior surface of the eyeball and the inner surface of the eyelids), which is manifested by lacrimation, local swelling, and sensation of itching.

    Allergic conjunctivitis is more common at a young age. Differences in incidence between men and women do not. Exact data on the prevalence of the disease does not exist, since allergic conjunctivitis is often combined with other manifestations of allergy, which makes it difficult to take it into account according to medical statistics. Many studies indicate that the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis can be found in 20-40% of patients with other allergic pathologies.

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    The cause of allergic conjunctivitis

    Allergic conjunctivitis develops by the mechanism of immediate hypersensitivity, that is, the symptoms appear immediately after contact with the substance that causes allergies.

    Features of the anatomical structure of the eye facilitate its accessibility to the effects of various allergens( substances causing the development of an allergic reaction) of the external environment. The most common allergens that can trigger the development of allergic conjunctivitis are household( house dust mite, house dust, library dust, pillow feather), epidermal( wool and animal dander, bird feathers, fish food, etc.), pollen( pollen of variousplants).Allergic reactions to cosmetics and household chemicals are often noted.

    Food allergy, as a cause of conjunctivitis, is rare.

    Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis.

    The main symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis are the following( photos):

    The rate of development of symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis from several minutes to 12-24 hours from the time of contact with the allergen. As a rule, both eyes are affected. Inflammation of the conjunctival membranes of only one eye is not typical for allergic conjunctivitis, although it can sometimes be observed( if the allergen has only fallen into one eye, for example, it was carried by hands).

    The main symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis: intense itching in the eye area, lacrimation, swelling, reddening conjunctiva( red eyes).In severe disease, photophobia can develop.

    The leading symptom of allergic conjunctivitis, as a rule, is the itching, which causes the patient to rub their eyes, which only strengthens all clinical manifestations.

    The course of allergic conjunctivitis may be acute( starts suddenly and quickly passes) or chronic( prolonged, sluggish course of the inflammatory process).The nature of inflammation depends on the cause-significant allergen and the frequency of contact with it.

    When attached to an allergy infection( which happens often in the absence of treatment or improperly selected treatment), there is a purulent discharge in the corner of the eye.

    The patient's heredity, as a rule, is burdened by an allergic pathology, that is, among close relatives there are people with allergic diseases.

    Often patients can themselves identify the allergens that cause the development of an exacerbation. The trial of antihistamines often brings little relief.

    As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, allergic conjunctivitis is often combined with other manifestations of an allergic mood. The most frequent satellites of this disease: allergic rhinitis( runny nose) and allergic dermatitis.

    What tests will have to be taken in case of suspicion of allergic conjunctivitis

    Such a disease as allergic conjunctivitis is in the sphere of interests of two medical specialties: allergist-immunologist and ophthalmologist( ophthalmologist).You should visit them first. You should start with an ophthalmologist, because a number of eye diseases are accompanied by symptoms similar to allergic conjunctivitis.

    More details on what tests are needed to clarify the diagnosis of allergic conjunctivitis

    Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

    Allergic conjunctivitis is treated only after the final diagnosis and confirmation of the allergic nature of conjunctivitis. Otherwise, the treatment will not have a clinical effect and can promote the progression of inflammation, as well as the development of complications.

    Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis is made up of the following products: details

    Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis with folk remedies.

    Methods from the arsenal of "traditional medicine", which could be recommended to most patients for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, no. Experiments with washing the eyes with folk remedies prepared according to various "grandmother's" recipes, can provoke an exacerbation and attachment to allergic conjunctivitis of a secondary infection.

    Lifestyle features for allergic conjunctivitis.

    Removal of an allergen that provokes aggravation of allergic conjunctivitis from the surrounding patient environment is an important component of the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis. The list of allergens that are subject to elimination is revealed after an allergological examination( for this, by and large, it is necessary).If you completely eliminate contact with the allergen, the symptoms of the disease will disappear and without drug treatment. Unfortunately, this does not always happen.

    The nature of the elimination measures is determined by the type of allergen, but in any case, it should be discussed with an allergist. More information on how to protect yourself from allergens

    Allergic conjunctivitis in children

    In an early childhood, allergic conjunctivitis is relatively rare, usually after 3-4 years. Although exceptions are always possible.

    Traditionally, conjunctivitis symptoms accompany allergic rhinitis( runny nose).In children with a newly developed allergic conjunctivitis, as a rule, there were already allergy symptoms in the past( usually by the type of allergic dermatitis, diathesis, etc.).

    Among children there is a high prevalence of food allergies. Treatment is conducted according to general principles. When confirming the diagnosis, it is necessary to start allergen-specific therapy as early as possible. At this age it is most effective.

    Pseudoallergic reactions( reactions that resemble an allergy, but develop due to other causes) often occur in children, which necessitates examination of their gastrointestinal tract, search for parasitosis, etc.

    Allergic conjunctivitis and pregnancy

    Allergic conjunctivitis rarely appears for the first time during pregnancy. But there are possible exacerbations of already having a disease. Treatment of allergic diseases during pregnancy is fraught with a number of difficulties due to the fact that most drugs and a number of methods of examination at this time are prohibited because of their potential danger to the fetus.

    Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis in pregnancy have no significant differences from the classical ones.

    There is no negative effect of the disease on the fetus. Although the toxic effect on the baby is still possible, but only with the use of drugs prohibited for this period of the woman's life.
    Allergic diagnosis during pregnancy is possible only by blood tests( blood on IgE specific).Try to carry out the most stringent measures to reduce contact with allergens. Local treatment begins with derivatives of sodium cromoglicate and they are limited. In the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis in pregnant women adhere to the principle of maximum restriction of antihistamines because of their potential effect on the fetus. If necessary, preference is given to third-generation drugs( telphase) in minimally effective dosages. Sometimes in the treatment scheme, sorbents are introduced with a course of 10-14 days.

    Possible complications of allergic conjunctivitis and prognosis

    Allergic conjunctivitis, like any other allergy, is a chronic disease. Existing methods of treatment can cause a persistent remission( no symptoms), but the allergic mood remains.

    The prognosis for life is favorable. In the absence of treatment, as a rule, infection( more often bacterial) is observed. Perhaps an exacerbation of the concomitant pathology of the eyes( glaucoma, keratitis, etc.).

    Prevention of allergic conjunctivitis

    Specific prevention, preventing the development of allergic conjunctivitis, unfortunately, is not developed due to the fact that a single theory due to what develops the allergy as such, not yet.

    The methods of secondary prevention aimed at preventing exacerbations of an already existing disease are reduced to eliminating the allergen from the environment( see Features of Nutrition and Lifestyle for Allergic Conjunctivitis) and conducting adequate treatment.

    Answers to frequently asked questions about allergic conjunctivitis:

    I have allergic conjunctivitis. I constantly bury my eyes with dexamethasone eye drops. Symptoms are excellent. How long can I use them?

    Is it possible to wear lenses during exacerbation of allergic conjunctivitis?

    Can allergic conjunctivitis result from an allergy to food?

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    I have an allergic rhinitis. I get treatment. But recently there were eye symptoms( red eyes, itching in the eyelids).With what it can be connected.

    Pimples often appear on the inner part of the eyelid, pass themselves after a while without treatment, is it an allergic conjunctivitis?

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