  • Effective methods of treatment of warts in children

    In cases where the treatment of warts in children is necessary, their parents or close relatives often face the question of how to remove the growth of the child in a short time without causing severe pain and without causing irreparable harm to health.

    And the problem of treatment is not that the cause of these benign neoplasms is unknown, but in the special state of the child's body, many organs and systems of which only continue to improve, and therefore can not fully cope with the burden imposed on them.

    Why do warts appear?

    If a child has warts, the causes of the disease are only in human papillomaviruses, which can enter the body through the smallest, even imperceptible to the eye, damage.

    Only contact with a person on the skin of which there is an active virus that causes the disease, including with another child, or sharing with sick objects, toys and things contributes to infection.

    All statements that existed earlier and said that the disease is transmitted by frogs and other amphibians are erroneous - after contact with representatives of the living world, only an allergy to the skin on the skin can develop, but it passes by itself and leaves no trace.

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    Regardless of whether warts appear on the body, face or other areas of the skin and mucous membranes, the treatment is carried out according to the same principles.

    And they consist in the fact that it is important not only to remove therapists, but also to carry out activities that contribute to the restoration of the patient's immune system. The only exception is the wart on the heel - this benign neoplasm grows, expanding the surrounding tissues, and squeezes the nerve endings.

    That's why any attempt to step on a sick site, causes such intolerable pain. In this case, you can try to freeze it on the sole( this requires several procedures) or remove them by using medications that destroy the tissue of the tumor.

    Treatment of warts in children

    Carrying out wart removal in children, it is important to continue treatment until complete elimination of excessive growth of the skin, while protecting those areas of the epithelium, where there are no visible changes.

    Of course, it is desirable to treat warts in children with a qualified dermatologist, who will be able to prescribe tests and find out exactly which papilloma virus exists in the body.

    This may not matter for the prognosis of the disease itself - unfortunately, the virus can not be removed from the body, and with the weakening of the immune system, new formations may appear every time, but help prevent some diseases in the future.

    It is proved that the papilloma virus can cause the development of malignant tumors of the skin and mucous membranes epithelium, the early detection of which determines the possibility of their treatment in the future.

    Of course, during the appointment the doctor will tell you - where to remove the education, and even a specialist who has experience with the treatment of small patients and adolescents.

    In any case, it should be a cosmetic or dermatological clinic that has all the necessary certificates, and in which specialists with medical education work. In the vast majority of cases, doctors recommend performing laser removal of warts in children.

    Advantage of laser wart removal in children

    Laser wart removal for children is shown for several reasons:

    • , if necessary, any skin area can be subjected to one-stage treatment;
    • such an intervention is completely painless - laser removal can be recommended even to children of the first years of life;
    • for the procedure required a short period of time - you can thus treat even the biggest fidget;
    • in some cases it is necessary to repeat the treatment( for example, when treating warts on the heel or sole), but the possibility of developing bleeding, infection of the wound, and most importantly - development of the scar is excluded.
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