  • Kidney of the kidney - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Kidney of the kidney is a benign tumor that is a rounded cavity formation filled with a clear or slightly turbid liquid. In its origin, pathology can be congenital or acquired. In addition, there is a congenital anomaly of the kidneys, in which a large number of such formations are formed in their parenchyma. This clinical condition is called polycystic kidney disease.

    Kidney of the kidney - diagram

    Causes of the kidney cyst

    As already mentioned, kidney cysts can be congenital or acquired. Depending on this, different groups of causes are distinguished, which can lead to the first or second type of pathology. As for the congenital cyst, its causes are likely to be hidden in the human genetic apparatus, as often the kidney cysts are of a family nature and are found in several generations. Also, one can not exclude traumatic or infectious agents from the genesis of kidney cysts, which can affect the fetus during embryonic development.

    With regard to the acquired cyst, the most popular theory of development is infectious, according to which the kidney cyst develops after an infectious or inflammatory process in the renal parenchyma or its cup system. In addition, some role is assigned to the traumatic factor. It is believed that the cyst can occur on the site of the slaughter of the renal parenchyma and its hematoma.

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    It is also believed that kidney cysts can occur against the background of a congenital anomaly of connective tissue. In this case, it is clearly impossible to divide which group to include a similar pathology - to acquired or congenital.

    Despite a huge number of assumptions and theories, the exact cause of the kidney cyst has not been revealed to date. This significantly complicates the treatment and prevention of this disease.

    Symptoms of the kidney cyst

    Symptoms of the disease directly depend on the size of the lesion. At the initial stage of its development, when the cyst is small, the disease is asymptomatic. Later, when the tumor starts to press on the ureter or renal pelvis, the first symptoms and signs of the disease appear. They can manifest as a serious or minor aching pain in the lower back. As a rule, the pain syndrome is clearly localized on one side, where the cyst itself is located.

    If the size of the cyst is large, it can disrupt the outflow of urine from the kidney, contributing to the formation of fluid stagnation. This is a predisposing factor for secondary infection. In this case, the clinical picture of the disease is layered by a rise in body temperature, chills, general weakness, severe back pain, which can give to the external genitalia. Along with this, there are also changes in urine in the form of its turbidity.

    It should be noted that the infection can develop not only in the kidney, but also in the cyst itself. This creates a characteristic picture of the abscess of this area, which is also characterized by an increase in body temperature and acute pain. When the inflamed or inflamed cyst ruptures, there are symptoms of an acute abdomen, which is characterized by a sharp strain of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and soreness not only in the lower back, but throughout the abdomen.

    With prolonged course of the disease, a picture of chronic renal failure may develop, which is characterized by an increase in the amount of urine followed by its complete disappearance, an increase in blood pressure and the presence of blood in the urine.

    If any of the above symptoms occur, immediate consultation of the urologist is required, which will be able to prescribe the correct plan for examination and treatment.

    Diagnosis of the kidney cyst

    In the clinical picture of kidney cysts, the patients are given a whole list of laboratory and instrumental examinations that allow to exclude or confirm the expected diagnosis. First, patients undergo a general analysis of blood and urine, which, as a rule, do not yield any results. Unless, with the addition of secondary infection and suppuration of the cyst, an increase in the number of leukocytes with a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left may be observed.

    More informative is ultrasound of the kidneys, which is performed by all patients with the pathology of this organ. With ultrasound, in most cases, it is possible to detect cavitary formation of the kidney, which is filled with a substance that is identical in echogenicity to the liquid. As a rule, it is localized on one side, with the exception of those rare cases when a bilateral kidney cyst is observed.

    Kidney of kidney, US

    Another modern method of diagnosing a kidney cyst is computed tomography, which involves performing a whole series of X-rays in different sections. With this method of diagnosis, it is possible to detect not only the location, but also the size of the neoplasm. This information is extremely necessary when deciding on the question of surgical intervention.

    For differential diagnosis of the kidney cyst with malignant neoplasms, a puncture biopsy is performed followed by a histological examination of the tissue of the formation. It is performed by a special needle under the control of an X-ray or ultrasound.

    Treatment of kidney cysts

    The most common tactic of maintaining a kidney cyst is waiting. It implies constant dynamic control of neoplasm. If in the course of such control an increase in the cyst is detected, operative treatment is applied. The latter is also used when the cyst interferes with the normal functioning of the kidney.

    The amount of surgery in most cases involves removing the kidney cyst along with the capsule. If the neoplasm is located deep in the parenchyma of the organ, then it is possible to remove the kidney itself. In foreign clinics, minimally invasive techniques are widely used, which means removing the contents of the cyst through a small puncture of the skin in the lumbar region.

    In addition to surgery, in the kidney cyst, conservative treatment is also used, which includes the use of antibiotics and analgesics in the postoperative period. Among antibacterial drugs, you can use cephalosporins and penicillins. In terms of painkillers, the traditional analgin for intramuscular injection is well suited.

    Nutritional characteristics and lifestyle with kidney cyst

    In the kidney cyst, regardless of the type of treatment and stage of the disease, the standard dietary table for Pevzner is used. According to this diet, fatty, fried, smoked and baked products are completely excluded from the diet of the patient. Limited use of a large amount of liquid and pickles, which can help increase the level of daily diuresis. In addition, patients should refrain from drinking alcohol, sweet carbonated water and spicy spices.

    In connection with the danger of complicating the kidney cyst, all patients with a similar pathology are recommended careful treatment with the exception of hypothermia and severe physical stress.

    Rehabilitation after illness

    Rehabilitation is needed by those patients who have undergone surgical intervention. The latter, as a rule, is carried out in a hospital setting and involves bed rest and use of antibiotics to prevent secondary infection.

    At a remote stage of treatment, to prevent the recurrence of neoplasm, you can use sanatorium treatment, which is carried out in the health resorts with mineral springs. For such a type of prevention well suited resorts such as Morshin and Saki.

    Treating kidney cysts with folk remedies

    Treating folk remedies with a kidney cyst is not only inefficient, but even dangerous. Not only does it not bring any positive result, active procedures can lead to rupture of the cyst cavity and pouring its contents into the abdominal cavity with consequent complications.

    Among the entire list of folk methods of treatment you can use only herbal decoctions, which do not bring particular benefits, but they do not harm much.

    Complications of the disease

    The most common complication of the kidney cyst is its rupture. It can occur under the influence of even a minor traumatic factor. In this case, the contents of the cyst pour out into the abdominal cavity and inflammation of the latter occurs, which is called peritonitis. This disease is very serious and needs immediate surgery.

    In addition to the rupture, there may be suppuration of the kidney cyst, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, general weakness and acute pain in the lumbar region. After surgery, with suppuration of the kidney cyst, powerful antibacterial therapy is needed.

    With a huge size of the kidney cyst, the vascular structures of this organ are squeezed. As a result, the functioning of the kidney and the onset of uremia or, in other words, the contamination of the blood with renal toxins may be impaired. Such a picture is more typical for a bilateral process, although it can also occur with a single kidney cyst.

    Prophylaxis of the kidney cyst

    Because the kidney cyst is a multi-causative disease, its prevention should also have several directions. First, it is necessary to avoid inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract. For this, patients are recommended to sanitize foci of chronic infection, such as otitis and sinusitis, and avoid both local and general hypothermia.

    Another group of causes of kidney cysts is a traumatic factor. He is more susceptible to people traumatic professions or sportsmen, for example, hockey players. Naturally, it is unlikely to prevent a trauma to the lumbar region, but if it has already taken place, strict dynamic control by ultrasound is needed, which can reveal the formation of a hematoma followed by the transformation of the latter into a cyst.

    With regard to the prevention of congenital kidney cyst, the same principles apply here as in the prevention of any other congenital disease. This is a retention of bad habits, ultrasound-control during pregnancy and treatment of TORCH-infections, which can cause developmental defects in the newborn.

    Rev.doctor urologist Astashin Е.Е.