Useful and healing properties of blue cyanosis
Synonyms: blue-eyed zodiac, bluish blue.
Description. Perennial herbaceous plant of the family Binyumiaceae( Polemoniaceae) up to 1 m high. Rhizome thick, small, horizontal, with numerous thin roots. Stems are ribbed, hollow, erect. The leaves are regular, odd-pinnate, the lower ones are petiolate, the upper ones are sessile. Flowers in the paniculate inflorescence, have a pleasant smell. The corollas of the flowers are bright blue, blue, dark purple, less often white, the calyx is five-parted, the fruit is a three-cavity, multi-seeded egg-shaped or spherical shape. Seeds are dark brown.
1000 seeds about 1.5 g. It blooms in June-July, the seeds ripen in August-September.
Medicinal raw materials: rhizomes with roots.
Biological features. Cyanuha is a moisture-loving and very sensitive to drought and high temperature plant, especially in the initial period of growth, but resistant to low temperatures.
Places of growth. It grows on wet meadows, forest edges, on the banks of rivers, among thickets.
Distribution. In Ukraine it is common in forest areas, in the forest-steppe, except for Pokuttya and Podil, in the northeastern part of the steppe. Cultivated in culture since 1948.
Chemical composition. Rhizomes with cyanosis contain triterpene saponins( 20-30%), resins, organic acids, traces of essential oil, fats and starch.
Application. Galenic preparations of blue cyanosis facilitate and intensify expectoration, reduce catarrhal phenomena, soothe the central nervous system, increase blood clotting. The effectiveness of the expectorant action of the cyanosis is not inferior to senescence, and the efficacy of sedative action exceeds the valerian officinalis and the motherwort 8-10 times. The use of cyanosis as an expectorant is indicated for chronic and acute bronchitis, for croupous pneumonia in the stage of lysis and for pulmonary tuberculosis, which is accompanied by a painful cough. As a sedative and anticonvulsant cyanosis is used for insomnia, neuropsychic shocks, epilepsy and tetany. In conjunction with the dryness of
dirty, the use of cyanosis is recommended for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
Agrotechnics of cultivation. Site selection. Under the blue is recommended to remove the areas with fertile, pearls.turbine, with a deep bedding of groundwater, light soil mechanical composition, soils - better lowland, but not flooded. Salty and acidic soils with a high water stand are not suitable. The best predecessors are clean or busy pairs, winter and tilled crops, which are fertilized.
Soil cultivation is carried out depending on the release of the precursor field, basically, as well as for other row crops.
Application of fertilizers. In autumn, for the main fall plowing, it is recommended to add 40-60 t / ha of manure or compost, and when this is not possible, their rate is reduced by half, but mineral fertilizers( 40 t / ha per active substance) are introduced. In addition, during planting, granular superphosphate( 8-10 kg / ha behind the active substance) is introduced into the rows.
Propagation of cyanosis is carried out by seeds. The method of ordinary sowing with rows between rows is 45-60 cm. They sow in early spring and under winter. The rate of seed sowing in the spring is 8-10 kg / ha at a depth of 2-3 cm, and for the winter - 10-12 kg / ha without sealing.
Care of plantations consists in systematic ripening of rows and weeding of weeds in rows 3-4 times during the vegetative period. In the second year of life, plantations are fertilized in the early spring at the rate of 30 kg / ha of the active substance of mineral fertilizer( nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium).At the same time, they are fighting pests and diseases.
Harvesting is carried out at the end of the growing season by a potato harvesting or single-hull plow. The collected roots are cleared from the ground and the remains of the stems, thick rhizomes are cut along along the part and quickly washed with special washing machines.
Drying. Washed roots are dried and dried in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C, then left in piles for 1-2 days in a dry, well ventilated room.
Packing. After drying, the roots are pressed, and then packed in bags or bales of 50 kg.
Storage should be carried out in a dry, well ventilated area.
Quality requirements. Raw materials must meet the requirements of State Pharmacopoeia XI( FS-74, pp. 362-363).
Seed growing. For the production of seed material on production plantations, the best areas for planting are selected, where harvests are harvested by harvesters equipped with stackers. On small plots the seeds are collected by hand, shaking them. Begin cleaning, when the boxes grow brown.