  • Colpitis( nonspecific vaginitis) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Colpitis( nonspecific vaginitis) is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the vagina caused by the action of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms( E. coli, streptococci, staphylococcus, etc.).There are acute, subacute and chronic( recurrent) forms of the disease.

    The occurrence of vaginitis is caused by violations of the trophism of the vaginal tissues caused by common or local causes. Most often there are two forms of inflammation of the vagina - serous-purulent vaginitis and diffuse vaginitis.

    Serous-purulent vaginitis is characterized by extremely diverse clinical picture: when examining women, one can observe both the most insignificant changes in the mucous membrane of the vagina and severe purulent inflammation, when the mucous membrane is sharply thickened, edematous, hyperemic throughout, sometimes eroded and covered with abundant purulent discharge.

    Colt Symptoms

    Symptoms of vaginitis depending on the severity of the inflammatory process may be different. Allocations of

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    - the main symptom of the disease - can be liquid, watery, purulent, sometimes foamy. When the epithelium is strongly slouched, they can become thick;often fetid, in severe cases there are spotting.

    In acute nonspecific vaginitis, patients also complain of:

    • itching in the vestibule of the vagina due to the irritating effect of leucorrhoea;
    • burning sensation;
    • sensation of pressure, gravity and heat in the genitals and small pelvis;
    • is sometimes a dysuric disorder.

    Internal examination or the introduction of mirrors is sometimes impossible due to soreness and swelling of the vaginal walls. Also, because of the pain syndrome, sexual intercourse becomes impossible.

    In chronic forms of inflammation, pain is absent. Most patients complain of leucorrhoea, itching, burning and small ulceration in the vulva and the outer third of the vagina. The general condition suffers a little. It is this form of nonspecific vaginitis that most often resembles bacterial vaginosis.

    Diagnosis of Colpitis

    The diagnosis of nonspecific vaginitis can easily be made on the basis of examination in mirrors. As a rule, the vagina is filled to a greater or lesser degree with different contents, often released to the outside. The mucous membrane with serous-purulent vaginitis is sharply thickened, edematous, hyperemic and all over the place is covered with dense gray films. These plaque can be removed by scraping, causing small abrasions and bleeding.

    With diffuse vaginitis, edematous papillae look like bright red small granules that rise above the mucous membrane.

    In the diagnosis of nonspecific vaginitis, bacterioscopy of leucorrhoea is particularly important. In smears it is possible to clearly define not only the gram-belonging of microorganisms, but according to the unique morphology of some bacteria, their indication to the genus is possible. More often there are several kinds of microorganisms. With nonspecific vaginitis, there is always a large number of white blood cells( from 30 to 60 or more).

    There are no key cells, but quite a few cells of the lowered epithelium of the vagina. In general, the microscopic picture is typical for inflammatory exudates.

    Bacteriological diagnosis of nonspecific vaginitis is poorly informative because of the wide variety of microorganisms in the vagina, both in normal and in pathological conditions. More significant results can be obtained by using quantitative methods of studying the vaginal microflora, using necessarily strict anaerobic technique.

    Colpit treatment

    Bacterial vaginosis and nonspecific vaginitis are different in origin and development of diseases that have characteristic diagnostic features. Nonspecific vaginitis is the primary inflammatory process, while bacterial vaginosis is inherently a vaginal dysbiosis. Therefore, the principles of treating these diseases must be different.

    Colpitis complex treatment, it includes:

    1. application of etiotropic, anti-inflammatory agents;
    2. treatment of concomitant diseases, neuroendocrine, metabolic and other functional disorders;
    3. termination of sexual intercourse until complete recovery, examination and treatment partner.

    In complex therapy, the most important is the sanitation of the vagina and vulva, which is often involved in the inflammatory process. It is recommended to wash the external genitals with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, decoction of chamomile( sage) 3 times a day;in the acute stage of colpitis, with purulent discharges, douching of the vagina with a decoction of chamomile or disinfectants( solutions of potassium permanganate 1: 6000-1: 8000, rivanol 0.5-0.1%) is prescribed. Douching is performed no more than 3-4 days, as they contribute to desquamation of the cells of the covering epithelium of the vaginal mucosa containing glycogen. Long-term use of douching can inhibit the restoration of normal flora and acidity of the contents of the vagina.

    Given the resistance of many pathogens to antibiotics, the advisability of their use in bacterial colpitis is questionable. Local application of antibacterial drugs( in solutions, emulsions) is advisable in the persistent colpita flow and the sensitivity of the microbial pathogen( microbial association) to them. The use of these drugs should not be long.

    You can use an ampouled 0.1% oestradiol dipropionate oil solution, 1 ml of which is dissolved in 20 ml of 5% or 10% emulsion of streptomycin, the same amount of rosehip oil, peach or any other vegetable oil pre-pasteurized. The walls of the vagina are treated every other day for 7-10 days. Success is facilitated by daily vaginal baths from the infusion of chamomile or chlorophyllipt, the use of vitamins.

    There are reports of successful sanitation of the vagina by the local use of lactic acid bacteria, which are antagonists of many pathogenic and opportunistic microbes.

    In the future, anti-relapse treatment is recommended after 4-5 months.