  • Millet Beneficial Properties

    Millet is the name of cereals obtained from millet, one of the oldest cultivated plants. Millet( Panicum miliaceum L.) is an annual plant of the cereal family with a stem that is branchy from the root, leaves with pubescent vaginas, spreading panicles, filmy granules.

    Millet is one of the oldest cultures. In China, it was cultivated for many centuries before our era. Prior to the spread of rice culture, millet was considered the main crop and the main dish on the table. At that time it was used not only in China, but also in India, Asia Minor, the Balkans, as well as in Ancient Greece and Rome. The millet culture was widespread in Europe, as long as it was not replaced by crops of potatoes and grain crops. In Russia, millet was cultivated in the arid regions of the Volga region, the Central Chernozem regions.

    Benefits of

    In the wheat, 81% of starch, 12% of proteins, 3.5% of fat, 1% of fiber, vitamin B, minerals. It is more than in other cereals, potassium salts. Good taste, high nutritional value, as well as the content of potassium in the croup of millet make it necessary for nutrition of people with cardiovascular diseases, patients with atherosclerosis, as well as people suffering from constipation.

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    Millet is an indispensable food for people suffering from digestive tract diseases( pancreatitis), liver diseases, diabetes, atherosclerosis, allergies.
    This groats is a grain product, which is recommended for people who perform mental work and heavy physical activities. The carbohydrates contained in this product are extremely slow to digest, which prevents sharp increases in the level of sugar contained in the blood. Many doctors recommend to include in the diet people trying to reduce weight and those who suffer from diabetes.

    When fighting weight reduction, millet porridge is especially useful, as it provides the body with saturation. It can be combined with vegetables that have a low calorie content, such as pumpkin or carrots, such a dish will help enrich the body with valuable substances and at the same time the feeling of hunger will not return soon. It will contain from 250 to 300 kcal.
    In the pine contains vitamins group B( B5 and B2), which have a beneficial effect on skin and hair. If you regularly include this rump in the diet, you can get rid of various problems with the hair, in particular with the appearance of dandruff.
    In addition, these vitamins play an important role in muscle recovery, so it is recommended that millet be included in the diet of athletes and ordinary sports fans. Such a common problem, like constipation associated with a small use of fiber, is also solved by introducing into the diet of millet porridge. Sometimes it is advised to spend on it unloading days, but usually a person can have enough breakfast or lunch porridge to adjust their digestion. In addition, pyshenka - a real "favorite" of cardiologists. This is one of the few cereals rich in potassium and magnesium, trace elements, the use of which is an indispensable element of a supporting heart health program.

    Dishes from millet are poorly digested by stomach with low acidity. Porridge porridge is useful to those who are prone to obesity, since fat is not postponed because the mousse itself uses fat for digestion. Millet has a good effect on blood pressure, with hypertension it is advised to eat in the morning for breakfast. Millet porridge is able to remove antibiotics from the body, so it is good to eat during treatment with these drugs.

    Despite the many useful components, the use of millet in large quantities is contraindicated in people with a low acidity of the stomach and suffering from inflammation of the colon. To the harmful properties can be attributed to the fact that this croup contains substances that interfere with iodine digestible thyroid, so when hypothyroidism is not desirable to use this kind of porridge. Attention! Large amounts of millet porridge are contraindicated in pregnancy.

    Our great-grandmothers were able to cook a lot of delicious and healthy dishes from millet: a gourd, a krupnik, pancakes. Kashi from millet made with cottage cheese, prune, with pumpkin


    Kasha millet with prunes

    Kasha millet with curd


    Porridge millet with pumpkin

    Porridge "Amber"( from millet with apples)

    Porridge porridge( from millet with raisins)