  • Pineapple for weight loss

    Back in 1981, with pineapple, it was possible to extract a miracle enzyme bromelain. It is his pineapple due to many of his medicinal properties, including - the ability to burn fat. All rushed to eat pineapples in their pure form and add it to various dishes: salads, pastries and especially to fatty meat. But further research has slightly corrected the prevailing opinion about tropical fruit. Pineapple really helps to digest food faster and prevents accumulation of excessive weight. That's all due to the fact that bromelain cleaves proteins and only them. But the fruit affects the fat to a very small extent. However, do not be in a hurry to get upset: protein food( meat, fish, beans) is really faster and easier to digest if you finish the meal with pineapple juice or a piece of fresh fruit.

    Calorie content of pineapple

    100 g of pineapple contain only 85 g of water, 48 kcal, 11 g of carbohydrates, 0.4 g of protein and 0 g of fat. Half a glass of freshly squeezed pineapple juice contains 41 calories. Still in pineapple, as well as any other fruit, there is a useful fiber.

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    There is one recipe
    of rapid weight loss for 3 days, when you can eat only pineapples and you can throw off up to 5 kilograms of excess, but this is for those who have low acidity and are not threatened with annealing, and sitting on pineapple is delicious and usefulthere is no feeling of hunger the truth for three days anyway pineapple becomes boring.

    You can use one of the variants of pineapple diet or try on yourself such a simple and effective recipe for weight loss with pineapple: the fetus needs to cut off the top, pulp with skin to twist through a meat grinder and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Stir the mixture for one or two weeks in the refrigerator. And then take a tablespoon three times a day for 10-15 minutes before or during meals, and also at night. One serving of this tincture is enough for three weeks. But in order not just to maintain weight, but also to lose weight, you should adhere to a healthy diet. Also, for losing weight and preventing colds, you can take a daily vitamin drink. To do this, grind 100 g of pineapple in a mixer and add a little lemon juice.

    Unloading pineapple day

    Unloading day on pineapples is one day a week, for which you eat 1 kg of this bright fruit, dividing into 3-4 servings. It will be normal for this day to lose 0.5-1 kg of excess weight.

    Three-day pineapple diet

    This diet for weight loss is very simple. Prepare 3 pineapples, as well as your favorite berries, fruits and vegetables( except bananas and potatoes), and eat them for 3 days, dividing equally into 3-4 servings per day. You also need to drink a lot of clean water, so you cleanse your body faster.

    Pineapple and protein diet

    In addition to fasting days and short diets, you can apply the pineapple-protein diet, designed for two weeks. At this time, besides pineapples, you can also eat meat, mushrooms, unsweetened vegetables and fruits.

    Approximate ration and menu of pineapple diet for the day:
    1. 600-700 g of pineapple;
    2. 200-300 g of meat or mushrooms;
    3. Vegetables or fruits.

    Meat should be low-fat( rabbit, veal, turkey).Pork is also suitable, but only tenderloin without fat.

    Before cooking the meat, marinate it in pineapple juice, so that the enzymes of this fruit make the meat soft.

    You should completely eliminate any fats, and minimize the consumption of carbohydrates. For 2 weeks of such a diet, you will get rid of 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight.

    For slimming is useful only fresh pineapple or fresh. Under the influence of high temperatures bromelain collapses and loses its properties. Another important clarification: eating pineapple for weight loss is necessary together with a hard core, in which, in fact, this bromelain is contained. Well, you only need to choose ripe high-quality fruits: with a pleasant and sweetish smell, with a yellowish crust without any dark spots. A store of tropical fruit should be at a temperature of at least 7 C.
    Some researchers have made a sensational conclusion: bromelain not only does not help losing weight, but on the contrary, it helps to weight gain! The fact is that less than half of the consumed fats are not broken down, but safely sent to the sewer. If bromelain contributes to their processing, it turns out that fats decompose in the stomach into glycerol and fatty acids, and then are absorbed into the blood. As a result, bromelain adds to our daily diet 140-310 kcal of pure fat. So the choice is yours!