  • Asparagus useful properties

    Asparagus is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family of lily flowers, known all over the world, 50-150 cm in height. The rhizome is thick, horizontal, densely covered with cord-like roots, forms several underground vertical fleshy shoots( asparagus), provided with scaly leaves. With further growth, the shoot develops into a strongly branched above-ground stem, smooth, with branches extending at an acute angle. The leaves are reduced to barely noticeable scales, in the axils of which sit bundles of so-called Kladodia - modified shoots, like leaves. Flowers are small, greenish-yellow, dioecious. Fruit - red, small, spherical, six-seeded berry. Blossoms in June-July.

    In the wild it grows almost everywhere: on steppe and flood meadows, sands, among thickets and shrubs. Cultivated as a vegetable and ornamental plant.

    Medicinal raw materials are rhizomes with roots and young shoots( grass), mainly wild asparagus.

    In food terms, green asparagus shoots are nutritious and more valuable than whites, because they contain 3 times more vitamin C and less coarse fibers.

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    Caloric content and composition of

    Caloric value: 20 kcal.
    Energy value of the product Asparagus( Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):
    Proteins: 1.9 g( ~ 8 kcal)
    Fats: 0.1 g( ~ 1 kcal)
    Carbohydrates: 3.1 g( ~12 kcal)
    Energy ratio( b | x | y): 38% | 5% | 62%

    Vitamin content in 100 g of asparagus( mg%): carotene - 0,03, vitamin B -0,19, vitamin B -0.14, vitamin PP - 1.00, pantothenic acid - 0.62, vitamin B - 0.06, vitamin C - 21.0.The amount of minerals in 100 g of asparagus, mg: sodium 40.0, potassium 207.0, magnesium 20.0, calcium - 21.0, iron - 1.0, phosphorus 46.0, iodine - 10.0.Mature Berries contain a lot of sugars( 35%), malic and citric acids, from which you can prepare wine. Seeds contain fatty oil( up to 15%) and have the smell of vanilla. In the rhizome and roots there is asparagine and sanonin.

    Asparagus in Korean

    Sometimes asparagus is white, green and purple. White asparagus grows in the ground. It is common in May and April. Green - is grown in the form of plants with branchy leaves. White asparagus is more delicate to taste. A green and purple plant has a rich taste.

    Caloric content of green asparagus is 39.6 kilocalories per 180 grams of boiled sliced ​​vegetables. In white - the caloric content varies slightly. But in any case, asparagus refers to low-calorie food. Also distinguished and frozen asparagus, which is sold in almost all supermarkets. It refers to the green kind of plants. And as for the ways of cooking a vegetable, we can distinguish such methods as cooking, frying, pickling and other kinds.

    To a pickled dish is a Korean recipe for its preparation. Caloric content of asparagus in Korean is 55 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. It contains 25 g of proteins, 6 g of fat, 55 grams of carbohydrates. Asparagus is recommended in Korean with a lack of vitamins, microelements and carbohydrates. Fresh garlic, which is part of the dish, lowers the level of blood pressure and cholesterol. Because of low caloric content, asparagus in Korean is included in the diet of those people who have problems with excess weight. Many nutritionists claim that daily use of it allows you not to build muscle mass, but only to enrich the body with useful elements.

    Because the asparagus enters the onion in Korean, it can stimulate peristalsis and reduce swelling. It is also rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamins A, C, B and PP.But in the presence of violations of the gastrointestinal tract and liver diseases, this dish is not recommended to use. Given all the useful qualities of this dish, almost all nutritionists advise him to include in the diet with diets. It can provide the body with many nutritional elements and without extra stress to remove excess weight. In addition, the caloric content of asparagus in Korean is considered low.

    Calorie content of soy asparagus in Korean

    Asparagus "Fudge" is made from soybeans, as follows: soak the beans until softened;rub the beans into bulk and stand until the appearance of juice - soy milk;Milk is washed out of beans and boiled;remove the film formed by boiling in a separate vessel, where it is cooled at room temperature;the frozen foam is cut into layers and wrapped in tubes;Dry soy tubules in a ventilated, shaded place. Apparently, no special effort is required to prepare a product such as asparagus in Korean. The calorific value of "Fudge" is 440 kcal, while 100 g of soy asparagus accounts for 20 g of fats and carbohydrates, and 45 g of proteins.

    Ways of using

    The therapeutic effect of asparagus is due to the presence of asparagine in it. In folk medicine, asparagus has been used for a long time with kidney diseases, bladder inflammations and dropsy. Asparagus extract and pure asparagine act almost the same: lower blood pressure, improve heart function, dilate the peripheral blood vessels. Applied asparagus and gout, and as a blood cleanser in the treatment of various skin diseases( acne, various rashes, etc.).

    Asparagus is officially used for heart neuroses and kidney diseases. The main effect of asparagus is a diuretic. It has been experimentally established that asparagine and asparagus extract with intravenous administration cause lowering of arterial pressure, intensify contractions and slow down the rhythm of the heart, expand peripheral vessels, increase diuresis and improve liver function. Asparagus extract causes a longer and deeper lowering of blood pressure as compared with asparagine. Asparagine and asparagus extract do not change the filtration capacity of the glomeruli, but significantly reduce the reabsorption function of the sinuous tubules of the kidneys. Decoction of herbs used for pain in the heart, kidney disease, bladder.

    In folk medicine, decoction from the roots of asparagus is used for dropsy, bladder inflammation, difficulty urinating, with palpitations, rheumatism, epilepsy. Outwardly - from various rashes, with eczema( in the form of lotions).Fruits - in the form of infusion with impotence and dysentery.

    It is used in homeopathy. In Chinese medicine decoction from the root of asparagus is used inside as a diuretic, tonic, antipyretic, improving blood circulation and digestion remedy, for gout, rheumatism, diabetes, lung diseases, impotence, whooping cough.

    Decoction from the root: 15 g per 200 ml.

    Preparation of a syrup: a few fresh asparagus shoots, grind, squeeze juice, strain through filter paper, add 1500 g of lump sugar, place in a water bath, where it is kept until a thick syrup is obtained. Pour into bottles with airtight stoppers. Take 5 tbsp.spoons morning and evening.

    Infusion: 2-3 tsp raw materials for a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours and drink 1-2 tablespoons.spoons 3 times a day with diabetes, heart palpitations, epilepsy, kidney disease, liver and gallbladder. Fruits are used as a substitute for coffee.

    Asparagus shoots are prepared with salads, soups, second courses, side dishes. In Western Europe, asparagus is a very popular product. Asparagus is prepared in Polish, Swedish, Italian, French. We offer to cook asparagus asparagus: 500 g of asparagus( peeled) tied in bundles and boiled in a small amount of salted water, adding a little butter. Ready to remove asparagus, remove threads, put on a plate. Pour three tablespoons of melted butter and sprinkle with grated cheese or cheese. Instead of cheese or cheese you can sprinkle chopped eggs( 1-2 pcs.), Finely chopped parsley, pour lemon juice.

    From asparagus, you can prepare a spring salad: 1 large lettuce, 1 bunch of radish, 1 handful of zhiruha, 500 g of asparagus. For refueling: 3 tbsp.spoonful of vinegar, 2 tbsp.spoons of sunflower oil, half a spoon of mustard, a pinch of salt, pepper, 1 clove of garlic, 1 bulb of shallots, 100 ml of cream, 1 tbsp.spoon chopped parsley. Asparagus to wash, peel and boil in salt water. Salad, radish and zhiruha also wash and cut. Ingredients for refueling mix in a bowl, add finely chopped onions and garlic. With the leaves of the salad shake the water. Zheruhu, sliced ​​radishes, lettuce and asparagus in a marinade and mix gently.

    And you can make cream soup from asparagus with watercress. For soup, 500 g of asparagus, 1/2 liter of water, 5 tsp of salt, a pinch of sugar, 2 tbsp.tablespoons of butter, 1.5 tbsp.spoons of flour, 125 ml of milk, 250 ml of vegetable broth, 200 ml of cream, salt, pepper, 1 handful of watercress.

    Clear asparagus, cut off the ends. Wash and boil in a large saucepan, adding salt, sugar and 1 tbsp.spoon, butter. The rest of the oil is dissolved in another pan, add flour, mix and remove from heat. Pour the milk into the broth, stir to prevent lumps. Asparagus is removed from the water and, letting it drain, cut into pieces about 5 cm long.

    Asparagus broth pour into the milk mixture, bring to a boil, add salt and pepper.

    Cream the whisk and put into a hot soup. Soup once again seasoned to taste. Warm asparagus on plates, pour soup and sprinkle with fresh watercress.

    The grass contains asparagine, glycoside, coniferin, saponin, chelidonic acid.


    Asparagus juice is very effective as a diuretic, especially in a mixture with carrot juice, since it can have a strong reaction to the kidneys if you drink it separately.

    Asparagus juice is very effective in kidney diseases and in the recovery of diseased glands. With anemia and diabetes, this juice is useful together with other juices, is intended for the treatment of these diseases.

    Since this juice contributes to the breakdown of oxalic acid crystals in the kidneys and in the entire intestinal system, it is useful for rheumatism, neuritis, etc. The cause of rheumatism is, of course, the digestive products resulting from the consumption of meat and meat products that form a large numberurea. The constant use of animal products overloads the kidneys and other organs of excretion, as a result of which an ever smaller amount of uric acid is released from the body and, accordingly, more of it is absorbed by the muscles.

    The consequence of this is rheumatism.

    This condition is one of the causes of prostate disease. In this case, the asparagus juice together with the carrot and cucumber well helps.